**** USA 23rd Nov, Europe 26 Nov. UnOfficial ****

It says "appears to be closing....".

This could be correct but I wouldn't say official.
But what of Steam? Does that not allow a simultaneous worldwide release?
Figured I'd just copy and paste to save others the bother of having to click on it. Always annoys me when someone posts a thread like this.

Here it is:

The long, drawn-out Half-Life 2 release date saga appears to be drawing to a close at long last, with Vivendi-Universal Games' expected to formally announce a November 26th release date for Europe, with US gamers getting the game three days earlier on November 23rd.

Valve delivered a release candidate to VU on September 15th, and although an official 'Gold' announcement has still yet to emerge, Eurogamer understands that VU informed its UK retail partners this week of the expected release dates, having previously been fearful of not being able to release the game until early next year.

Indeed, recent news of legal wranglings between VU and developer Valve made talk of further delays look increasingly likely, although the company could ill afford to miss out on the lucrative Christmas opportunity for such an important game.

With marketing plans taking months of preparation and Christmas space at a premium, it was essential VU made retail aware of its plans - even though official confirmation may be still pending.

When contacted for confirmation, Valve's Doug Lombardi was still unable to shed further light on the matter, uttering the immortal words: "Unfortunately, I do not have a release date from VUG right now," no doubt under orders to wait until it's 'officially' announced.

On a related matter, despite the appearance of print reviews of the game next week, online readers are being forced to wait until the day of release before they can read review coverage of the game. Last night, Lombardi confirmed: "The online reviews will be held until the day the game is made available," with review code understandably being kept within Valve towers until then.
Wow, that's even closer to the Christmas period!

****ing Vivendi marketing **** tards :(

OH well.
When contacted for confirmation, Valve's Doug Lombardi was still unable to shed further light on the matter, uttering the immortal words: "Unfortunately, I do not have a release date from VUG right now," no doubt under orders to wait until it's 'officially' announced.

So I guess there's no point in contacting Valve asking for confirmation. :|
Lanthanide said:
Figured I'd just copy and paste to save others the bother of having to click on it. Always annoys me when someone posts a thread like this.

It annoys me having to read, someone read it for me.
Just give it a few hours Chris. Eurogamer are a reliable source. :)
With marketing plans taking months of preparation and Christmas space at a premium, it was essential VU made retail aware of its plans - even though official confirmation may be still pending.
GFG Vivendi. Surely you've had enough time to write up some marketing plans in the year delay? SLACK JAWED YOKELS!!
They'll be an official annoucement by Vivendi soon I'd imagine. Eurogamer must have got a leaked or early look at the press release.
Well, seems reliable, albeit a hair short of "official"

Guess we may finally know.
Murray_H said:
But what of Steam? Does that not allow a simultaneous worldwide release?

A 23rd release will be on Steam I'd imagine. Since I'm the UK, I'm glad there's an online content delivery system in place now.
Well there is some truth to it, since CD-Wow and others began dispatching emails saying their order would be processed soon.

However VU should go for worldwide release has they've always tried to do. They would be killed by fans in europe wanting to try it 3 days early over steam.

So i doubt it's real.
Chris_D said:
It's not official!
Im getting pretty bored with all these anticlimaxes. I wish there actually was some official info for a change.
i think eurogamer.net know something...lets just wait for confirmtion.
Feath said:
It annoys me having to read, someone read it for me.
What's easier:

1. Reading something, clicking a link (or right-clicking, but if you do that you need to then change tab/window and back again, even more work), reading something else and clicking back.

2. Reading something.

IMO it's just common sense and courtesy to copy the information to the thread and then link back to the source. This also protects against the possibility of the linked page being deleted/taken down/whatever, as frequently happens with these sorts of things.

Oh, and to everyone wondering about whether this is official or not: didn't some other game site, VoodooExtreme or something, recently say that it was scheduled for a 23rd release? But then it got taken down and everyone said it was a hoax?

So perhaps this is more confirmation. Or perhaps this is just EuroGamer picking up the ball and running with it (for some bizarre reason).
As with every bit of speculation i hear about this game

It doesnt mean shit until i hear something official
yeah, although not official, it seems the most likely option. And again, not really the news I hoped for dammit
IF this is true, thats about perfect timing for me. More time to pay off some bills before buying the new comp.
FISKER_Q said:
Well there is some truth to it, since CD-Wow and others began dispatching emails saying their order would be processed soon.

However VU should go for worldwide release has they've always tried to do. They would be killed by fans in europe wanting to try it 3 days early over steam.

So i doubt it's real.

All games are released on a Tuesday in the US, all games are released on a Friday in the UK. I don't think Vivendi have much choice about it.
Sounds about right does it not ? That brings it up to the American Thanksgiving period.

It's only 7 and a bit weeks to go if true, really not too long to wait now. :p
hey digiq8 wassup. I said it loads! and i was flamed for it :(
That's correct. No game ever launches before Friday in the UK.
Quoting myself from the last page, because as usual it seems most people have completely ignored my edit.

Lanthanide said:
Oh, and to everyone wondering about whether this is official or not: didn't some other game site, VoodooExtreme or something, recently say that it was scheduled for a 23rd release? But then it got taken down and everyone said it was a hoax?

So perhaps this is more confirmation. Or perhaps this is just EuroGamer picking up the ball and running with it (for some bizarre reason).
chin up.....we get CS:S NEXT weeK!!

/crosses fingers
RoyaleWithCheese said:
all the more reason to use steam if you don't want to wait 3 extra days

Yup. Gold Edition here I come.

Three days doesn't seem a long time, but when it comes to Half-Life 2, it'd be like waiting a whole week again knowing other gamers are playing it on the other side of the world.
Lanthanide said:
Quoting myself from the last page, because as usual it seems most people have completely ignored my edit.

pssst... It's Lanthanide... let's all hide under the table before he posts :|
Feath said:
All games are released on a Tuesday in the US, all games are released on a Friday in the UK. I don't think Vivendi have much choice about it.
That is not a rule or a law, However you are right that it is common.

EA Games does not do this in scandinavia, they release their games on thursdays contrary to others releasing on fridays.

So sure they have a choice, it's just about contracts with the store to hold it off for x days. Or just ship it so it fits into their release schedule.