**** USA 23rd Nov, Europe 26 Nov. UnOfficial ****

I'll be bumping this when it's confirmed; just to make the unbelievers looks like idiots.
Ritz said:
Only downside is that its 2 months away, 2 months is a long time -.-.
its not for me :p
we've waited 1 year of delays !!
i just want this damn thing to get a REAL release date !!
Dagobert said:
I'll be bumping this when it's confirmed; just to make the unbelievers looks like idiots.

It looks like Fragmaster is reborn.
CB | Para said:
In the end, he was right you know :rolleyes:

Yeah but he did turn PHL into "Planet I'm Right and You're All Wrong" for a bit, didn't he?

Feath said:
Yeah but he did turn PHL into "Planet I'm Right and You're All Wrong" for a bit, didn't he?

Yep he did act like an idiot in the process :LOL:
Feath said:
Yeah but he did turn PHL into "Planet I'm Right and You're All Wrong" for a bit, didn't he?

Well that's not the entire problem.

The problem was that he was a journalist.
Yeah but he did turn PHL into "Planet I'm Right and You're All Wrong" for a bit, didn't he?
Probably because he knew he was right and was frustrated with all the 15 year old kids just assuming he was 'lying' or a 'faker' because THEY WONT BELEVE ANYTING UNLESS GABE SES SO.
FISKER_Q said:
Well that's not the entire problem.

The problem was that he was a journalist.
No he wasn't a journalist at all.

A journalist is supposed to seek the truth, and report it. He bitched about lotta things and always mentioned his opinion, thus, if he was ever a journalist, he would've been a very bad and disreputable journalist.
FISKER_Q said:
Well that's not the entire problem.

The problem was that he was a journalist.

The problem is that he had two reasonable choices, either break the NDA by telling us exactly what he knew or just keep quiet and wait for the delay to be announced. Instead he tried to take a third route where he just said it was delayed and just kept on hinting that he had evidence.

There's no way he could've won that situation that he put himself in so he got angier. Every day he expected Valve to announce a delay (that may or not not have been as certain as he made out). People disagreed with him and he had nothing to back him up. Eventually he started creating little MP3 files that insulted everyone who disagreed with him instead of giving reasonable evidence.

His anger splilt into other issues. He was very anti Steam, even linking to an anti Steam petition at one point. He didn't do anything to serve the community or Valve. All of the issues in the Steam petition had been addressed by Valve, and are no longer issues anymore.

It's because of him that a lot of people hate Valve for delaying the game (and acting like Valve are the only company ever to miss a release date).

Just because he turned out to be "right" doesn't excuse all of this.

EDIT: Not that Dagobert is anything like this.
Too bad... all those turkeys won't have a chance to play.
I suppose this is possible, but something about those dates just feels very wrong to me.

1) Why would VUG not go with a worldwide release when it's in their best interests? They're driving the European market to Steam if they split it up as is typically done.

2) Why hold it for so long? Obviously if they're really handing out dates to retailers then they know the game is in shippable condition. What on earth would possess them to hold it so long? Don't give me the stupid "holiday season" answer either. A lot of people start shopping for the holidays prior to Thanksgiving, and I don't see putting HL2 in stores a few weeks earlier severely damaging sales. (Although I don't see how it's possible to damage sales by giving your product more time to be bought and word of mouth to spread.

This all just feels very off.
kaellinn18 said:
I suppose this is possible, but something about those dates just feels very wrong to me.

1) Why would VUG not go with a worldwide release when it's in their best interests? They're driving the European market to Steam if they split it up as is typically done.

2) Why hold it for so long? Obviously if they're really handing out dates to retailers then they know the game is in shippable condition. What on earth would possess them to hold it so long? Don't give me the stupid "holiday season" answer either. A lot of people start shopping for the holidays prior to Thanksgiving, and I don't see putting HL2 in stores a few weeks earlier severely damaging sales. (Although I don't see how it's possible to damage sales by giving your product more time to be bought and word of mouth to spread.

This all just feels very off.

1) It is a worldwide release. Games in the UK are always released on a Friday. And games in the US usually come out on a Tuesday. There's only 3 days difference.

2) I don't know, they could have their reasons.
Feath said:
1) It is a worldwide release. Games in the UK are always released on a Friday. And games in the US usually come out on a Tuesday. There's only 3 days difference.

1) It's been stated many times that they were going for a simultaneous worldwide release (same day). Three days is a long time and that will damage sales by pushing people to Steam who may have been on the fence about it.
1) It's been stated many times that they were going for a simultaneous worldwide release (same day). Three days is a long time and that will damage sales by pushing people to Steam who may have been on the fence about it.
So the whole UK industry (retail, distributors, publishers) are going to change this policy for one game?
kaellinn18 said:
1) It's been stated many times that they were going for a simultaneous worldwide release (same day). Three days is a long time and that will damage sales by pushing people to Steam who may have been on the fence about it.

3 days won't make much of a difference at all, and certainly won't affect Vivendi's profits in any realistic way. Steam isn't exactly the most user-friendly and easiest way obtaining the game, and it would be quicker for a lot of people to just buy the box and install it, then configure Steam later. Besides, I don't think that many people who aren't into video games will even know about Steam or that you can download the game through it (which again, will take a **** load longer than just intalling it if they haven't preloaded, which only people really interested in the game have done). The only way I can see Steam getting enough sales to make a dent in retail is if everyone pre-orders it over Steam next week for CS:Source, which again I'm sure is only of interest to CS players and people interested in Half-Life 2 right now.

Besides, not everyone will buy it straight away. Most of the sales will be from people who won't buy it on the release date, and might see an advert during the Christmas period, and then just buy it out of curiosity or impulse. Half-Life didn't sell 5 million copies in the first week, it's a gradual process..
I cant stand all these difference dates. This is getting frustrating again.
They're not all that different.

Three sources (Eurogamer, Game Industry Biz, Computer & VideoGames) up to now have stated 23rd for US, 26th for Europe. At least today.
Concept said:
They're not all that different.

Three sources (Eurogamer, Game Industry Biz, Computer & VideoGames) up to now have stated 23rd for US, 26th for Europe. At least today.

What's the third? I know of CVG and Eurogamer.
Concept said:

I find it incredibly odd that all three of these say almost exactly the same thing. I'm not talking about just the release dates, but the whole article, which makes me think it's all been leached from Eurogamer. Not good for credibility. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
If official: it sucks :(

A long wait again, while i anticipated summer or september..
another 2 months :/ noooooo that's too looong.... :sniper:
I dunno. This sounds suspiciously like the euro equivalent of some fanboy going to ebgames, asking about HL2, and the minimum wage clerk behind the counter saying "the computer says 11/23".

Until we hear official word (which, IMHO, only holds slightly more water), thats basically what we have here.

I dunno. This sounds suspiciously like the euro equivalent of some fanboy going to ebgames, asking about HL2, and the minimum wage clerk behind the counter saying "the computer says 11/23".
Apart form the fact that Eurogamer is more respected than IGN in Europe. This is the biggest and most professional site in the continent.
We've waited a year and half...what's 55 more days? Although I'm disappointed it's Nov and not Oct, have to say if this turns out to be right...at least we now have a date.

And ONE date will have to be correct eventally.

Although I'll wait until VUG or Valve make an official announcement before I will 100% believe it.
um, games industrybiz is part of the eurogamer network. look in the top right corner.
it's the same story

We spoke to Vivendi this morning who gave us this official statement: "Last week we received a Half-Life 2 release candidate from Valve and in its current state HL2 is brilliant and astonishing. Vivendi Universal Games is in the midst of determining whether HL2 meets the gameplay standards of the company and, more importantly, the devoted fanbase. This is standard for every game and it's particularly important for HL2 given its technical depth. We are hopeful that we can communicate a ship date very soon."
This is the "let's sell it near the holidays to increase sales" crap. Every other game Vivendi has done recently has made it out in 2-3 weeks, as I recall. I'll probably be out of town for Thanksgiving, so I'll buy the game and then LEAVE.

Vivendi has the right to try to sell as many copies as possible. But 2 MONTHS later? Throw the fans a bone.... (No, CS:S is no consolation for me)
CB | Para said:
When contacted for confirmation, Valve's Doug Lombardi was still unable to shed further light on the matter, uttering the immortal words: "Unfortunately, I do not have a release date from VUG right now," no doubt under orders to wait until it's 'officially' announced.

So I guess there's no point in contacting Valve asking for confirmation. :|

so the waiting game begins.
so if it hits retail on nov 23 what stops valve from allowing people who buy from steam to play as soon as it goes gold? It's not like they would need to wait for duplication or printing ...it would really sell people on the idea of steam if HL2 was released on steam first ...ah maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part
well here it comes. its speeding its way faster to us all with every moment.

DONT DO A DOOM3 AND RELEASE THE GAME IN THE US FIRST SO IT COMES OUT ON WAREZ!!! 3 days difference is ages in terms of warez!

been said before but meh, stated for emphasis.
CptStern said:
so if it hits retail on nov 23 what stops valve from allowing people who buy from steam to play as soon as it goes gold? It's not like they would need to wait for duplication or printing ...it would really sell people on the idea of steam if HL2 was released on steam first ...ah maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part

what stops Valve? a contract they have with VU...its been discussed quite alot before :)
Lanthanide said:
Figured I'd just copy and paste to save others the bother of having to click on it. Always annoys me when someone posts a thread like this.

Here it is:

The long, drawn-out Half-Life 2 release date saga appears to be drawing to a close at long last, with Vivendi-Universal Games' expected to formally announce a November 26th release date for Europe, with US gamers getting the game three days earlier on November 23rd.
this is complete BS. i think the game is done and ready to ship, but VU games wants to sit on it for a closer date to xmas. well guess what VU games, screw you, i buying from Steam.