**** USA 23rd Nov, Europe 26 Nov. UnOfficial ****

This is very dissapointing...If i have to wait another two months, i'm going to...wait the two months (i'll be very upset though)
You know, I thought those asterisks in the topic title to be filtered out swears :LOL:
Great. so VUG IS going to **** with us over this.

I dont know why everyone is so enthusiastic, this is not good news. it means VUG is holding it up for a holiday release. they could have it out in 3 weeks easy.
Homer said:
Great. so VUG IS going to **** with us over this.

agreed. i can't understand how they feel like they're doing anything good for the loyal fan community. 2 months worth of cockteasing....for a game that could well be released in a couple of weeks?! :angry:
2 months is nothing. If you don't spend the time just waiting for Half-Life 2 to be released then it will go like that *snaps fingers*.
I don't know if this has been posted, if it has, feel free to flame, but the reason it's being released 3 days later in Europe is because all game's in Europe are released on a Friday (in the U.K. they are anyhow).

Anyway, worldwide release should be over STEAM I hope.
mortiz said:
I don't know if this has been posted, if it has, feel free to flame, but the reason it's being released 3 days later in Europe is because all game's in Europe are released on a Friday (in the U.K. they are anyhow).

Anyway, worldwide release should be over STEAM I hope.

It has been posted. I know that I've posted it about 7 times because people don't read my posts and just say "OMG, NOT WORLDWIDE RELEASE?!?!?!?!1"
Waiting till november isn't going to increase sales. But then again Vivendi is one of the few publishers losing money, so I wouldn't say they were exactly smart when it comes to marketing and releasing games.
Feath said:
It has been posted. I know that I've posted it about 7 times because people don't read my posts and just say "OMG, NOT WORLDWIDE RELEASE?!?!?!?!1"
A simoultaneous worldwide release, means exactly what it says.

So no there is no simoultaneous worldwide release, and no it doesn't matter that most your games are released on a friday.

Again there have been no sign of anything pointing that a prohibition is in place and a quick check at game.net showed that there are games not released on fridays, which i've also said earlier.
FISKER_Q said:
A simoultaneous worldwide release, means exactly what it says.

So no there is no simoultaneous worldwide release, and no it doesn't matter that most your games are released on a friday.

Again there have been no sign of anything pointing that a prohibition is in place and a quick check at game.net showed that there are games not released on fridays, which i've also said earlier.

VALVe has ALWAYS stated that it will be a simultaneous via Steam. Not retail. And there will be.
Shuzer said:
VALVe has ALWAYS stated that it will be a simultaneous via Steam. Not retail. And there will be.
Actually it has been plans for retail as well.

But this is EXACTLY the point. (Thumbs up for that btw :thumbs: )

What do you think will happen IF Vivendi decides to release the game in the US the 23rd november, then in Europe the 26th november?

Tell me one person from europe in here that wouldn't just scrap their preorders and the likings and just get it over steam 3 days early?

Now does it make sense for Vivendi to further damage their chance of getting money out of this?
I hope VU lose so much money over this ****ing b*stards, 2 month wait. Go valve!!!
release it Worldwide n **** VU over like they deserve.
Just to add a little bit to this whole thing, Nov. 23rd is a Tuesday. Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. is Thursday the 25th.

Games, CDs and DVDs in the U.S. are typically released on Tuesdays whereas those same items are commonly released on Fridays in the UK.

If this were a fake release date, it is somewhat logical based on those simple facts above.

However, it should be noted, I have for the last 3 years found myself at CompUSA (a local computer retailer) at their door the day AFTER Thanksgiving for a hot new game release because in the U.S. the first few days after that holiday are the biggest Christmas shopping days we have.

So three times in a row, software companies broke the normal Tuesday U.S. release tradition and pushed their games out on a Friday. The last Thursday of November is always the Thanksgiving holiday.

Which means, I'm not sure if I am ready to buy into the Nov. 23rd release date just yet. If they said Worldwide release Nov 26th, I'd believe it more.

One of those three games I waited for was RTCW. I can't recall what the other two were atm...If I remember I'll edit them in :cheers:
FISKER_Q said:
Actually it has been plans for retail as well.

But this is EXACTLY the point. (Thumbs up for that btw :thumbs: )

What do you think will happen IF Vivendi decides to release the game in the US the 23rd november, then in Europe the 26th november?

Tell me one person from europe in here that wouldn't just scrap their preorders and the likings and just get it over steam 3 days early?

Now does it make sense for Vivendi to further damage their chance of getting money out of this?

No, they never had plans for a retail worldwide simultaneous release. Check the VALVe info thread, it's on one of the first few pages IIRC.

Anyhow, I agree though. Vivendi will get screwed in European sales due to Steam.
FISKER_Q said:
A simoultaneous worldwide release, means exactly what it says.

So no there is no simoultaneous worldwide release, and no it doesn't matter that most your games are released on a friday.

Again there have been no sign of anything pointing that a prohibition is in place and a quick check at game.net showed that there are games not released on fridays, which i've also said earlier.

For god's sake. It's as close to to a simultanous worldwide release as is possible. You may as well argue that it isn't a simultanous worldwide release because some game shops open earlier than others. They can't release it any other time, and in the grand scheme of things (where some games are realeased weeks or months apart in different countries) it is simultanous.

Show me a link to the games that weren't released on a Friday.
game.net frontpage, halo 2. It isn't as close as a simoultaneous worldwide release as possible.

If the release in the UK really was a problem they could just make the US release date friday.

Although common they are _NOT_ locked to be released on tuesdays/fridays.
FISKER_Q said:
game.net frontpage, halo 2. It isn't as close as a simoultaneous worldwide release as possible.

If the release in the UK really was a problem they could just make the US release date friday.

Although common they are _NOT_ locked to be released on tuesdays/fridays.

I think it is, otherwise it wouldn't be widespread.

And it's common for games not released to have none Friday release dates. And when they get a real release date, it's updated to a Friday.

I'm not going to argue with you. You'll just argue back and believe you're right. It doesn't even frigging matter anyway.
Feath said:
I think it is, otherwise it wouldn't be widespread.

And it's common for games not released to have none Friday release dates. And when they get a real release date, it's updated to a Friday.

I'm not going to argue with you. You'll just argue back and believe you're right. It doesn't even frigging matter anyway.
The Halo 2 date is official. Now why would a company plan to release it on a thursday when they (according to you) very well should know they cannot release it on anything else than fridays?
FISKER_Q said:
The Halo 2 date is official. Now why would a company plan to release it on a thursday when they (according to you) very well should know they cannot release it on anything else than fridays?

I'm not arguing. I know you're wrong, so I'm just going to be happy with that knowledge.

You can go complaining about 3 days all you want, I'm off to bed.
That entire article is an assumption, based upon assumption, based upon rumor... Bleh. Can't people just stick to writing confirmed things? Is it really that hard?
Feath said:
I'm not arguing. I know you're wrong, so I'm just going to be happy with that knowledge.

You can go complaining about 3 days all you want, I'm off to bed.
You don't read very well.

The date is official, it's not an estimate or a guesstimate from neither gamesites or gamestores.

And again i'm not discussing how common a friday release is.
Well, now we just have to hope valve decides to spite VUG and releases it early on steam.
When the upper brass of VU want VUGames out of the picture, because of problems, you might wonder why they would want to make more money, and release everything at the same time, because of STEAM. Sure, we would all like to get the game at the same time, and earlier release dates in the US seem like favortism, but only about 10% of people have a broadband connection. Not all of the people with pre-orders have broadband, so although there may be some cancellations, it should not really amount to a whole lot of the bottom line.
From what i've read, if STEAM was truly part of the delay in HL2's release, then Vivendi has a legitimate claim in the sales from STEAM. A legitimate claim of only 10% of the market for HL2! Although this will be millions in revenue, when it actually comes to net procedes, it the figure will not be as large as most think. The servers, maintenance, and the people do the work at STEAM all have to be paid still, never mind basic things like utility bills. Sure, 2.5x the profit sounds great, but it's still only 10%. that may add, at most, 15% more in profit overall. Vivendi is probably looking at 30% of that 15%..or 5%. They want another 5%. Doesn't seem like all that much to me. But that few million may mean paying staff for a few months, so i can understand Valve's point of view.
What does this have to do with the release date? Well, what would you do? Wait a few weeks and get some more money, or in the worst case, the same your already gonna get, or cut off that chance at extra revenue?
Personally, the end of November is not financially feasable. you'll notice that most Christmas season stores that open in malls open around the 15th of November, as it's usually in the middle of the month that people have the most money for extra expense, and Christmas is pretty damn close, close enough to inspire shopping.
However, they may just do it.. i mean, they probably only lose sales of about 150,000 units, which will probably sell anyway. No matter when the first week of release is, the figures should only get higher, as hype builds for release.

Just curious but where did you get the stats on how many Americans have broadband connections?

Because from my research 10% is way, way off the mark. 50-55% of US users that are online have broadband. See link below:


Edit: added another question...

By 10%, were you refering to the total population rather than "online users"?

Here are some highlights from the Pew Internet Project’s February 2004 survey:

55% of all adult Internet users - or 34% of all adult Americans - have access to high-speed Internet connections either at home or on the job.

39% of adult Internet users - or 24% of all adult Americans - have high-speed access at home, an increase of 60% since March 2003.

A surge in subscription to DSL high-speed Internet connections, which has more than doubled since March 2003, is largely behind the growth in broadband at home.

DSL now has a 42% share of the home broadband market, up from 28% in March 2003.

For the first time, more than half (52%) of a key demographic group - college educated people age 35 and younger - has broadband connections at home.

Only 10% of rural Americans go online from home with high-speed connections, about one-third the rate for non-rural Americans.
VoodooMinigeek said:

Just curious but where did you get the stats on how many Americans have broadband connections?

Because from my research 10% is way, way off the mark. 50-55% of US users that are online have broadband. See link below:


Edit: added another question...

By 10%, were you refering to the total population rather than "online users"?

Here are some highlights from the Pew Internet Project’s February 2004 survey:

55% of all adult Internet users - or 34% of all adult Americans - have access to high-speed Internet connections either at home or on the job.

39% of adult Internet users - or 24% of all adult Americans - have high-speed access at home, an increase of 60% since March 2003.

A surge in subscription to DSL high-speed Internet connections, which has more than doubled since March 2003, is largely behind the growth in broadband at home.

DSL now has a 42% share of the home broadband market, up from 28% in March 2003.

For the first time, more than half (52%) of a key demographic group - college educated people age 35 and younger - has broadband connections at home.

Only 10% of rural Americans go online from home with high-speed connections, about one-third the rate for non-rural Americans.

great stats, but is HL2 only being released in the US? i was refering to worldwide, and those stats came from valve, when stating expectationd for steam usage. the monetary figures are not. those are my own.
i was an insider @ COMCAST cable.. i know about the US figures...COMCAST IS KING!
The percentage of people online with broadband is higher in most of Europe and Japan than in the USA.
cadaveca said:
What does this have to do with the release date? Well, what would you do? Wait a few weeks and get some more money, or in the worst case, the same your already gonna get, or cut off that chance at extra revenue?
Personally, the end of November is not financially feasable. you'll notice that most Christmas season stores that open in malls open around the 15th of November, as it's usually in the middle of the month that people have the most money for extra expense, and Christmas is pretty damn close, close enough to inspire shopping.
However, they may just do it.. i mean, they probably only lose sales of about 150,000 units, which will probably sell anyway. No matter when the first week of release is, the figures should only get higher, as hype builds for release.

besides, vivendi has said today, that that date is not set in stone, and that they are still testing, apparantly. I think they are waiting on the CS:S release, and to see how many people end up leaking it or something.

edit: this date , then end of november seems to be the latest they'll release it. IMHO
How many people here believe that we're being shafted by Vivendi?

Well they're certainly making it hard on the hardcore fans and anyone who picks up one of the PC mags with a review and then has to wait 2 months. They may also be screwing themselves over as there are going to be many big name games released earlier in November that HL2 will have to compete with. Not to mention the longer your hold a complete game, the higher the chance it gets leaked and cracked.

I really can't imagine they really need 2 whole months to test the RC. They've already had it for 2 weeks, I doubt another month and a half will reveal any huge bugs.