USA Conscription

Ow sucks for my brother, lucky it doesn't affect me.(The one time being young actually pays off.)
I don't mind, but I think if you are drafted you should have a non-military job to chose from.
i'd like to think thats the case. i'd happily work for my country, but i wouldn't die for it :)
No one is going to like this. This will never pass. If it did, then the US government will have lost all sight of it's ideals...

...well, if they haven't already.

</cheap shot>
Onions said:
i'd like to think thats the case. i'd happily work for my country, but i wouldn't die for it :)
I wouldn't mind dieing for my country, but what I would mind is loosing a limb.
Foxtrot said:
I wouldn't mind dieing for my country, but what I would mind is loosing a limb.
But imagine dieing before you get a chance to play HL2.
outpost233 said:
But imagine dieing before you get a chance to play HL2.
Haha, when I am dead I won't know I am dead...hell I don't think I will be caring about much when I am dead :) The only thing I worry about dieing is all my family members and whoever else that my death will cause grief. I turn 18 this October, I was thinking about the military already so it doesn't really matter that much.
Hmm. That's slightly worrying, actually. Hope for all you guys across the pond that it gets hammered back down and forgotten.
Shuzer said:
Too bad I turn 18 at the beginning of 2005 :(

dont worry you'll get your chance:

"Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005"
CptStern said:
dont worry you'll get your chance:

"Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005"

..that's exactly why it's too bad that I turn 18 before the draft starts? lol
*Takes with a grain of salt*

Its just making sure the Selective Service is still capable of a draft after being inactive for all of these years.

I am sure they are blowing this out of porportion to create mass hysteria.
Bush has his eyes on invading the entire middle east, and North Korea too... and poss. Russia and China. He'll make Hitlers mistake of going for them all at the same time, I bet.
Here's your way out of being drafted: *Go to college*

They can't stop you from getting an education to go fight a war especially if you are paying for it. I love my country, but I don't believe in this war anymore. I wouldn't go fight over there. I'm 15, so I don't have to worry about it, but I wouldn't go to war and fight on the ground for something I don't believe in anymore. The only thing I would consider a good position for me would be a fighter pilot. Shooting assault rifles at enemies is great in the comfort of your own room in a chair while playing Counter-Strike, but there's no way I would do it for real.

I don't believe in the war anymore and I do not like President Bush at all. I have lost almost all respect for him.

And if I weren't in school and at age 18 and the draft started, I would move to Canada.
Here's your way out of being drafted: *Go to college*
. . .
And if I weren't in school and at age 18 and the draft started, I would move to Canada.
I wouldn't count on that if I were you:

Dodging the draft will be more difficult than those from the Vietnam era.

College and Canada will not be options. In December 2001, Canada and the U.S. signed a "smart border declaration," which could be used to keep would-be draft dodgers in. Signed by Canada's minister of foreign affairs, John Manley, and U.S. Homeland Security director, Tom Ridge, the declaration involves a 30-point plan which implements, among other things, a "pre-clearance agreement" of people entering and departing each country. Reforms aimed at making the draft more equitable along gender and class lines also eliminates higher education as a shelter. Underclassmen would only be able to postpone service until the end of their current semester. Seniors would have until the end of the academic year.
this is congress.ORG. you should really refer to a gov't page instead of one that has 'ads by google'

if you want to know about this bill and what it really means, go here:

it doesn't mean "draft starts 2005". it just means it would require you to serve your country in some capacity for two years. it's a good idea as long as all the rich kids don't get exemptions and as long as you're not required to join the military. as long as they give everyone the option to serve in some non-military way, it's fine by me. and also note that women are not exempt.

also note that this bill is still in comittee, and will require a lot of debate, discussion, and amending before it ever gets voted on...
OCybrManO said:
I wouldn't count on that if I were you:

Shit. Didn't read that. Oh well, I'm 15 :p

EDIT: Then I'd move to Fiji. :E

Drafting is wrong, it's not the American way. We are free to do what we want with our lives.
oops created my own thread and its already locked. Yeah it's scary I am a CO and a pacifist though.
well i think we have enough soldiers already (1.4 million i think) and i dont think we need more, but i would go without a fight. its a duty to ones country. we live in one of the greatest societies in the world and take it for granted everyday. a lot of americans(or people in other free countries) dont understand this, i know iv talked to many and few feel they owe their country much if anything. my morales and ideas are most likely different than a lot of other people on here, but i think if your country calls on you, you have an obligation to respond. thats just me im patriotic but not stupid and i love my country, friends, and family. we have the kind of lives to fight for. and though it may not seem like we are in danger it is because of the military. i think iv ranted enough.
FUD ALERT!!! A quick check reveals all of the sponsors and co-sponsors of the bill are Democrats.

I rest my case. :E


Sponsor: Rep Rangel, Charles B. [NY-15] (introduced 1/7/2003)

Rep Abercrombie, Neil - 1/7/2003 [HI-1] Rep Brown, Corrine - 1/28/2003 [FL-3]
Rep Christensen, Donna M. - 5/19/2004 [VI] Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy - 1/28/2003 [MO-1]
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 1/7/2003 [MI-14] Rep Cummings, Elijah E. - 1/28/2003 [MD-7]
Rep Hastings, Alcee L. - 1/28/2003 [FL-23] Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila - 1/28/2003 [TX-18]
Rep Lewis, John - 1/7/2003 [GA-5] Rep McDermott, Jim - 1/7/2003 [WA-7]
Rep Moran, James P. - 1/28/2003 [VA-8] Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes - 1/28/2003 [DC]
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 1/7/2003 [CA-13] Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. - 1/28/2003 [NY-12]
[sarcasm]Just think of it as a more realistic Half-Life. Maybe, you'll get to go under the command of Adrian Shepard or get sent to capture Gordon Freeman. Better watch out for the G-Man! He's bad news. :D

EDIT: War is horrible.
I pitty all the kids that think war is fun....its not some kind of joke. Its not what you see in the movies or in games.....

you will not survive if someone shoots you in the head 5 times....
the m1litary is ****ing cool you get to travel for free and see exotic places(not afganastan and iraq those places are shitholes). my friend was in the navy he didnt have to do shit he was on a carrier and they docked in a new country every month all he did was run the ****ing copy machine THATS ALL. plus on top of that you get to kill people without worrying about jail or covering your tracks you basically get a liscense to kill with cool guns and grenades.

if your scared about the draft then ur alittle pussy. grow sum balls people.
I already pay out my ass in taxes and now they want me to put my life on the line.

I say round up all the border jumpers and throw them into Iraq. If they live they can have their citizenship.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
the m1litary is ****ing cool you get to travel for free and see exotic places(not afganastan and iraq those places are shitholes). my friend was in the navy he didnt have to do shit he was on a carrier and they docked in a new country every month all he did was run the ****ing copy machine THATS ALL. plus on top of that you get to kill people without worrying about jail or covering your tracks you basically get a liscense to kill with cool guns and grenades.

if your scared about the draft then ur alittle pussy. grow sum balls people.

for your sake, i hope you're just being facetious. if not, when you turn double digits why don't you have your mom take you to the library and have her check some books out for you there about war. it's certainly not "****ing cool" to take someone's life. i bet if you ask nicely she'll read them to you at your bedtime.

chu said:
I already pay out my ass in taxes and now they want me to put my life on the line.

I say round up all the border jumpers and throw them into Iraq. If they live they can have their citizenship.
all they need to do is watch Texas' border. you'll get plenty of "volunteers"
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
the m1litary is ****ing cool you get to travel for free and see exotic places(not afganastan and iraq those places are shitholes). my friend was in the navy he didnt have to do shit he was on a carrier and they docked in a new country every month all he did was run the ****ing copy machine THATS ALL. plus on top of that you get to kill people without worrying about jail or covering your tracks you basically get a liscense to kill with cool guns and grenades.

if your scared about the draft then ur alittle pussy. grow sum balls people.

oh right wowo cool! so the army is like one big holiday company?!?!?! and the big pretty aircraft carriers are like cruise shipes!1.1.1!?

WOW and you get to KILL people 2? Awsum!!11 Where do i sign?

I would love to see you in a combat situation "Don't worry lads, we'll respawn back here if we get blown to shit"
Moto-x_Pat said:
Here's your way out of being drafted: *Go to college*

They can't stop you from getting an education to go fight a war especially if you are paying for it. I love my country, but I don't believe in this war anymore. I wouldn't go fight over there. I'm 15, so I don't have to worry about it, but I wouldn't go to war and fight on the ground for something I don't believe in anymore. The only thing I would consider a good position for me would be a fighter pilot. Shooting assault rifles at enemies is great in the comfort of your own room in a chair while playing Counter-Strike, but there's no way I would do it for real.

I don't believe in the war anymore and I do not like President Bush at all. I have lost almost all respect for him.

And if I weren't in school and at age 18 and the draft started, I would move to Canada.
So you are ok with killing people aslong as you don't have to see the damage?
i thought that this new draft would take people even in college unless you were a senior, i read it somewhere ill look for it.

EDIT: oh and you cant avoid the draft by moving to canada, they signed an agreement.

EDIT2: oh and moto fighting immaturity with immaturity doesnt work the way i think you want it to, whenever u want to post something mean or offensive walk away from your comp and take a minute breather.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
the m1litary is ****ing cool you get to travel for free and see exotic places(not afganastan and iraq those places are shitholes). my friend was in the navy he didnt have to do shit he was on a carrier and they docked in a new country every month all he did was run the ****ing copy machine THATS ALL. plus on top of that you get to kill people without worrying about jail or covering your tracks you basically get a liscense to kill with cool guns and grenades.

if your scared about the draft then ur alittle pussy. grow sum balls people.


liek, u g3t 2 k1llz0r ppl w/o g3tt1ng 1n teh 7r0ubl3?!?!!1one? th@t si t3h 1337. I w@nt a c0ol gun and gr3nades 2. I would b3 liek leet CS players and pull out meh ak-47 and bl@st th0s3 1raquis @way!!11onefifteen2!!1 I wanna run teh c0peh m@ch1n3 2!!1!!!!!!!!11onetwelve!!!9 I hav3 b1g b@lls, i don't not n3ed 2 gr0w any!!!!11twenty-nine5!!1
I don't mind fighting for my country, just aslong as it makes sense in my mind... which the war in Iraq doesn't...

I would go to afganistan though, but I wouldn't want to be apart of Iraq, we invaded them for hardly no reason at all...
look im not sayin the m1litary is a vacation but it is still damn cool. name ONE other job where you go to cool azz plac3s all 0ver the world and get to shoot at people and blow shit up AND get payed $$ for it plus u get free school. its a no brainer. if you dont like iraq or whatever just wait a few years until we invade some place better.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
look im not sayin the m1litary is a vacation but it is still damn cool. name ONE other job where you go to cool azz plac3s all 0ver the world and get to shoot at people and blow shit up AND get payed $$ for it plus u get free school. its a no brainer. if you dont like iraq or whatever just wait a few years until we invade some place better.

Damn, aren't you gone yet? Please do everyone a favor and leave.
Well, I'll just have my say and be off. I don't want to be forced to serve my country. I'll pay my taxes, I'll take care of my civic duties, but I draw the line at forced service in the armed forces, or anything at all for that matter. I have my own life to live, and an education to complete. I cannot have it interrupted with some sort of forced service. Having said that, I would defend my country if it needed defending. However, I'm not going to put my life on the line for my country unless it's truly an urgent situation. I'm sorry to say that I'm not a person with very heroic or noble ideas. As much as I think people in oppressive lands deserve freedom, I'm far to concerned about my own land, family, and life to go out there, pick up a gun and give it to them. I know that sounds downright awful, but I'm always honest about myself.
I don't know exactly how I came off in this post. I'm sure I sound selfish, and when it comes to my life I will be honest and tell you that I am selfish, very selfish. I wish I could say I'm a man with noble, idealistic aims, that I'm ready to help those suffering under an oppressive government, but I'm not. I don't want to serve in the armed forces unless it's in true defense of this land. I won't be forced to fight and quite possibly die in a foreign land for a foreign cause.
Draft? Conscription? Forced army/civil service?

I suggest you fellows find whoever it was who thought this up and ship them off to an Iraqi hotspot armed only with a rusty pocketknife and/or a rolled up newspaper. Sounds like they need some first-hand experience of the realities of war. Then they might grow some empathy for the common man...
qckbeam said:
Well, I'll just have my say and be off. I don't want to be forced to serve my country. I'll pay my taxes, I'll take care of my civic duties, but I draw the line at forced service in the armed forces, or anything at all for that matter. I have my own life to live, and an education to complete. I cannot have it interrupted with some sort of forced service. Having said that, I would defend my country if it needed defending. However, I'm not going to put my life on the line for my country unless it's truly an urgent situation. I'm sorry to say that I'm not a person with very heroic or noble ideas. As much as I think people in oppressive lands deserve freedom, I'm far to concerned about my own land, family, and life to go out there, pick up a gun and give it to them. I know that sounds downright awful, but I'm always honest about myself.
I don't know exactly how I came off in this post. I'm sure I sound selfish, and when it comes to my life I will be honest and tell you that I am selfish, very selfish. I wish I could say I'm a man with noble, idealistic aims, that I'm ready to help those suffering under an oppressive government, but I'm not. I don't want to serve in the armed forces unless it's in true defense of this land. I won't be forced to fight and quite possibly die in a foreign land for a foreign cause.

i like your post man. smacks of thoreau's and king's ideologies. if you can't support something, it should be your civic right/duty to follow your own path.

on a different topic (but not offtopic), if you think you're gonna be drafted, (they call out a range of numbers from which they'll do the draft lottery), you can easily just enlist in another service. airforce or navy are recommended, if you don't wanna be an army grunt. this way, you can also take the asvab and if you score high enough you get to choose whatever you wanna do. i did this for the navy(came REALLY close to enlisting) and i got a perfect score on their test, so they were almost begging me to join... despite my almost severe asthma.