Using the Manipulator for elevation.

Lukes Wall

Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
I was wondering: If you stand on the exact balance point on a box, point down the manipulator and press the "attract" button, will the box work as an elevator?
That could be really useful on some situations, right?
I bet it would be possible with the source but i doubt valve implemented it.
I doubt it, as it could be used to exploit parts of the game - level design, etc.
I heard that was possible in the beta
Well, you can get to higher places via rocket launcher, can't you? (jumping higher than normal by using a rocket launcher's impact concussion).
Well, you can get to higher places via rocket launcher, can't you? (jumping higher than normal by using a rocket launcher's impact concussion).

thats the best part of tfc(excpet when u kill yourself, but the pyshics would be great when u do this), never tried it in sp.
It's phyically impossible, given that the manip just lifts objects for you with yor body as the hinge.
Impulse147 said:
nothings impossible.

This is like trying to pick yourself up by your own shoe lases.

Its impossable.
Varsity said:
It's phyically impossible, given that the manip just lifts objects for you with yor body as the hinge.
It's still a game, and i just askes the guy who told me about it, he says that if you went standing on a table a,d lifted up that table, you went up with it. He even told me that bhop like in TFC was still possible :o
Came like quite a big surprise to me
but im happy :D
ferd said:
I heard that was possible in the beta

On the pool demo level it was certainly possible to stand on one part of the matress and use teh manipulator on the front of the matress to pull yourself forward .... kinda like riding a magic carpet.

I know Valve will always find it very very hard to look at positives from the release of the stolen beta but just about everyone I spoke to about it who had obtained (which was quite a few people) just ended up more excited and more eager for the game as a result of seeing it.

Yep it was a bad thing but in the long run I actually think they will end up selling more games a result of it.
This is like trying to pick yourself up by your own shoe lases.

actually if ur strong enough u could pull yourself up by your shoe laces and therefore have lifted yourself up by your shoe laces(temporaily of course). though the way down would not be too much fun.
The "beta" has this bug. If you stand on something and lift it with the manipulator,
you will end up in heaven in less than a second.

I guess this will be corrected in the retail build...
Varsity said:
It's phyically impossible, given that the manip just lifts objects for you with yor body as the hinge.

The manipulator uses vacuum energy (zero-point energy), so maybe it would be possible in real life too (but I guess you would get a Nobel prize if could make a machine like this)
I'd imagine it would lift you and the box aslong as the combined weight wasn't too much.
all I know is that when I play the game I'm going to grab the nearest steel door w/ the manipulator, use it as a shield, and bash the hell out of anything that get's in my way
all I know is that when I play the game I'm going to grab the nearest steel door w/ the manipulator, use it as a shield, and bash the hell out of anything that get's in my way

Well said, m8 :)
Impulse147 said:
actually if ur strong enough u could pull yourself up by your shoe laces and therefore have lifted yourself up by your shoe laces(temporaily of course). though the way down would not be too much fun.

lol. um no. Think about how pulling works, and which forces are present when pulling. (Hint, you are pulling yourself down as much as you are pulling yourself up--and that's without adding in gravity.)

You COULD managed to lose your balance though--but that wouldn't be lifting yourself, that would be losing your balance.
Ahnteis said:
Impulse147 said:
actually if ur strong enough u could pull yourself up by your shoe laces and therefore have lifted yourself up by your shoe laces(temporaily of course). though the way down would not be too much fun.

lol. um no. Think about how pulling works, and which forces are present when pulling. (Hint, you are pulling yourself down as much as you are pulling yourself up--and that's without adding in gravity.)

You COULD managed to lose your balance though--but that wouldn't be lifting yourself, that would be losing your balance.

Impulse147, no. What you could do, is swing your arms in such force that you temporairly get such mass moving upwards that it takes your whole body off of the ground. However, this has nothing to do with pulling yourself. You can do this when you want to jump "Extrahard" too, as in swing your arms while taking a massive jump.

Pulling your shoelaces would simply be pulling your shoes, not LIFTING you off of the ground. There's a *big* difference there.

Good points Ahnteis
Someones being playing the beta? It wasn't part of the gameplay itself, it was a bug.
What if someone has a pair of 4 meter long shoelaces, and threw one of them up and over a pipe in the cealing. And then pulling the shoelace thats haning over the pipe and therefore lifting his foot and himself up. Aint that lifting?
That is called a chain-block *so the dictionary said*
Impulse147 said:
actually if ur strong enough u could pull yourself up by your shoe laces and therefore have lifted yourself up by your shoe laces(temporaily of course). though the way down would not be too much fun.

I dont know who told you that, but its impossable, the only way is to cheat and jump. you cant lift yourself up, theres the whole gravity thing stopping you. :hmph:
Ankster said:
What if someone has a pair of 4 meter long shoelaces, and threw one of them up and over a pipe in the cealing. And then pulling the shoelace thats haning over the pipe and therefore lifting his foot and himself up. Aint that lifting?

That is similar to doing a pull-up. You are pulling yourself toward the pipe which is entirely different from pulling yourself up using only yourself. :D
Lukes Wall said:
I was wondering: If you stand on the exact balance point on a box, point down the manipulator and press the "attract" button, will the box work as an elevator?
That could be really useful on some situations, right?

It is possible in beta, but you would need god to survive because any sudden movements in aiming while levitating will crush you instantly as if you had fallen at the speed that you moved the mouse in the direction. It's also very hard to control.

One major thing I did notice about the manipulator in the new videos compared to the one in the leak is that the object you are holding stays parallel, the same distance and same angle infont of you no matter where you look. This is not the same in the leak. In the leak when you look around with the object in front you, its vertical angle does not change for example if I picked up an up right barrel with the 'leak" manipulator, it will stay up right for the time I am carrying it, looking in all directions. With the manipulator in the new videos, the barrel would stay parallel to my screen no matter what direction I look. So... I have come to the conclusion that it may be impossible to levitate in the final game.
what happens is the manip gun doesnt lift the object up at all. instead, if you jump and at the peak of your jump activate the lifting and shooting mechanisms on the manip gun, you sky rocket.
more realsitic would be to get somthing really heavy in the manipulator's grasp, aim at the floor and then fire. If gordon has a definable mass like we suppose then he should go up = Conservation of momentum
Andy said:
more realsitic would be to get somthing really heavy in the manipulator's grasp, aim at the floor and then fire. If gordon has a definable mass like we suppose then he should go up = Conservation of momentum

no... all the force is applied to the object. That's what the manipulator does.
You would need realy long laces, thread them through a pulley atatched to the roof and then pull.

yep that would work.
Andy said:
more realsitic would be to get somthing really heavy in the manipulator's grasp, aim at the floor and then fire. If gordon has a definable mass like we suppose then he should go up = Conservation of momentum

He has, and yes he will (Saying VALVe can deliver what they say).
It would only work if that object touched the ground in that very moment when the manipulator is fired.

EDIT: Everybody keep in mind that f*cking vacuum energy!
... As if you took hold of a wall and then kicked yourself off of it. Exact same thing. Very useless post Dile.
no because the zero point gun has infinite mass compated to the object you are holding... sorry you guys are newbs apparently