valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Valve LOST an obscene amount of money the other night.

Just to check the amount of seeders for CSS the night of the release, I went to sprnva, and yes Valve also LOST an obscene amount of money that day.

(not from night-of, from today) but the warez community went to town then night the files came around.
Just to check the amount of seeders for CSS the night of the release, I went to sprnva, and yes Valve also LOST an obscene amount of money that day.
yes they did.. and they still do.
VALVe didn't technically lose any money from that. They lost potential money. Besides, chances are, the ones who warezed it were never going to buy it in the first place.
*sniff* *sniff* poor valve *starts crying*

Wow, what an unpredictable move, I had NO idea that CSS would be put on the internet for download, completely blind-sided.
Infact, they didn't loose anything. These people can't play online.
dont they still need a steam accoutn to play? couldnt they just be downloading from a torrent instead of steam?
Wait, so people pirated CS:S for FREE and then loaded it some how on to their OWN steam account and play it for free?
But surely they know who's ordered the thing through Steam, and so can shut off pirate users at any time. Something similar happened with UT2004, as I remember - they let it go for a few weeks then clamped down.
That warezed version works on legit servers with no need for steam at all.
duke2 said:
Infact, they didn't loose anything. These people can't play online.

:laugh: yes... yes actually you can.. they worked it out as they did with the BETA.

Mr-Fusion said:
That warezed version works on legit servers with no need for steam at all.

tokin said:
Wait, so people pirated CS:S for FREE and then loaded it some how on to their OWN steam account and play it for free?

No they run dummy steam accounts without having the software at all. The software is actually pretty well-made it's sad these people have nothing better to code. It's a dummy steam client that runs in the background so the game.exe excepts you as a legit steam user.
duke2 said:
Infact, they didn't loose anything. These people can't play online.

I don't know where you got that from, it happened with CZ, it's happening with CS:S.
Sh4mp00 said:
no they run dummy steam accounts without having the software at all

From what I understand, they still use some of steam's dll's to do this, so it works, VALVe is probably going to solve this problem before they release hl2, or try too.
Damn, wtf is this...i thought valve really incorperated a new awesome system to not let crap like this happen, I'm also extremelly curious about this VAC or VAC2....
Steam does little to nothing to prevent piracy really :| , it's a hurdle like cd-keys and burning-protection before it. The pirates will always win, it's a non-stop battle no matter what anybody boasts about some software.
Just watch like 10,000 steam accounts get banned within the coming months.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Just watch like 10,000 steam accounts get banned within the coming months.

That and/or IP's banned from steam. They are going to be having fun with IP's soon enough for multiple offenders.
Well then Valve better get on top of their security. Telling these people not to crack and do whatever the hell else they do is like telling a crook not to steal cash out of the back of an armorguard van - which is why the whole security thing is provided. Yes - it's totally up to Valve to rectify this issue.
Valve could always send they're lawyers after each and every offender, cybercafe style :p. I however have bought every single Valve product legitly, and am glad I've done so.
That and/or IP's banned from steam. They are going to be having fun with IP's soon enough for multiple offenders.

IP's are no problem now a days..
And yes I agree they can't be stopped, but it would be good to get it to a situation where you can't play on legitimate servers without a real cd-key. Or even look at Flashpoint - original games do not fade ;)
She said:
IP's are no problem now a days..

and the funny thing is, that's ancient tech. :) the pirates are always ahead, nothing can be done about that. Sad as it is.
I would love just one cracker/hacker to get caught and end up in prison for 20 years. Would send a nice clear message to these parasites.
Chadda said:
I would love just one cracker/hacker to get caught and end up in prison for 20 years. Would send a nice clear message to these parasites.

Valve is the type of company to arrange these things, I however would not be interested considering nothing can end this kind-of behavior, reminds me of the drug-war actually. No matter how many people have to loose they're lives, the war wages on.
Chadda said:
I would love just one cracker/hacker to get caught and end up in prison for 20 years. Would send a nice clear message to these parasites.

No it wouldn't - theres always a million and one people to replace him, and the "scare" only lasts a few weeks. The root of the problem on the illegitimate end is distribution, but if you implement something that makes it far harder to play on real servers then you render any crack fairly useless.
She said:
IP's are no problem now a days..

you must not know much about internet technology .... lemme lay out how RIAA/FBI/any internet law enforcement finds you VERY EASILY :

(1) gets your IP, easy enough as "netstat" in dos or any number of other ways
(2) does a whois command which tells them your ISP.
(3) they call your ISP and ask who is or WAS on that IP. As far as I know all american ISPs (and probably foreign ones too) keep extensive records of who was on what IP at what time.

Simply put, if they want to track you down. Your done. They WILL find you.

How do get around this? 2 ways : (1) use proxys which are slow but will keep you safe or (2) don't do the crime in the first place :rolleyes:
Now if these guys were smart wouldn't it be in their best intrests to contact valve and sort out a some sort of job or contract where they could stop these sort of things??? or does this already happen? Cause obviously these people are quite smart.

Then again they could have some messed up agenda and never change -_-.
Pirates will always be one step ahead of game companies. We all know that, not even Valve or Steam can do anything about piracy besides provide a short set-back. My glass is not half-empty, im just a realist.
Chadda said:
I would love just one cracker/hacker to get caught and end up in prison for 20 years. Would send a nice clear message to these parasites.

Gee, I seem to recall this happening to a fair amount of warez distro groups and the people that stole HL2 from VALVe. It's still going on, it didn't change much
CS: S BETA was cracked weeks ago, So I knew CS: S Final was going to get cracked too.. Im testing the cracked CS: S right now, just to make sure you can play online :thumbs:
you must not know much about internet technology .... lemme lay out how RIAA/FBI/any internet law enforcement finds you VERY EASILY :

EDIT.. no comment. ;)

You failed to read the "any other law enforcement" bit of his post

yes i did.. but still...
no comment.