Vampire: The Masquerade CANT release untill HL2 is released!?

Kiva128 said:
Blizzard's games aren't anywhere near as complicated as Valves. I don't see any eye-popping graphics and physics in warcraft. Do you? I'm not saying blizzard's games suck (well some aren't that good) but the reason they get so many out is because they're simple. Look at diablo 1 & 2 for crying out loud. It's all hack and slash with different skills thrown in to create a bit of variety.

Also there's 12 games released from valve in the last 6 years.

With retail it's 10 games.
I dont love...or hate them. They are a company that "wants" my money. what they have to do is impress me. They did with HL. Right now they havent impressed me. I cant "hate or love" them.

I (we?) can only go by their track record. IF DNF or something "comparable" (D3 is NOT comparable) came along and "released" someone would be out some money.

While there is a "fire" lit under them it is of no concern. They know the fan base. An they dont care if you love them or hate them, as long as you buy their game. Which 99.9% will.

Regardless of "who's" money it is it is a COMPANY, and the bottom line is all that matters to a company.
wayne white said:
also maybe not for you fanboys but vampire:the masquerade will be a much better action/rpg experience than that silly sci/fi shooter.

I highly doubt that.
The only reason valve will always remain the number one gaming company to me is because its the first game i ever played *honestly* i used to have a life and go out everyday then one day i came downstairs and saw the train sequince on my dads computer *6 years ago* while he was upstairs on the phone and i was amazed at how the thing looked and it sucked me into the world of playing games, i owe my love of games and lack of money to valve.
Cyanide said:
I'm sick of their complete idiocy when it comes to planning and PR in general. If this game is not 100% bug free upon release, and I mean 100%, there are going to be a lot of pissed off people. I for one am willing to bet the game will be just as buggy as any other game

I hope you know, VALVe takes time to test to squash bugs for a reason. :rolleyes: No game is 100% bug free, so get that out of your brain.
thehunter1320 said:
seriously... Valve is ****ing up so much for PC gamers... if they don't get this out by the end of september (which it won't, trust me ;)) i swear there will be a pure rebel against them: DDoS attacks (more than they "already get"... excuses :hmph:), community degrade, and general not nice-ness
this is probably hurt sales as well! people who firmly believe that Valve doesn't deserve the $50 for all the shit that they pull won't give up their money, no matter how gorgeous or kick ass!
mark my words, gentlemen... mark them well.

This is so false that it makes a lie look honest.
wayne white said:
also maybe not for you fanboys but vampire:the masquerade will be a much better action/rpg experience than that silly sci/fi shooter.

Hello! My name is Wayne White! I like to compare unreleased games that are in completely different genres because I'm a jackass! And if somebody thinks I'm wrong or that my logic is flawed, they must be a fanboy!
Ahnteis said:
Last I heard, Masquerade wasn't due until the middle of next year sometime. I don't know where the original quote came from, but it's not in line at ALL with what I've heard.
The release date is October 12...
now absinthe thinks hl2 is a better RPG than vampire:the masquerade too...whats next?...adventure genre?
Rawrrr Fanboi Alert! Close The Thread Before It Gets Worse! :eek:
Omg, i just thought of something and i think we really have all over looked it...

What kind of bugs is valve haveing? Is we really sit down and think about this it really is more complex than it should be.

According to Vampire Bloodlines they are done and waiting on valve, yet valve keeps claiming that they are fixing "BUGS IN SOURCE!" doesnt it seem odd to anyone else that a company useing "Valves- Source engine" is complete and done where the actuall engine according to valve still has bugs?

Valve has spent almost a year fixing these "bugs" that for some reason dont seem to be part of or in Vampire bloodlines?

Please think before you respond to this becuase I do have a POINT! The point is a company useing secound hand technology has somehow beat the developers of the damn technology to the finish... How can this be if the engine isnt finished? Doesnt it sound more like valve needed to redo something besides engine code like levels or textures or something? I mean hell- Vamps even got a more upgraded engine than hl2 from what ive heard "someone correct me on this".

Can someone explain to me how Valve is needing more bug testing and Vampires isnt? Thxs and goodafternoon all :)
wayne white said:
now absinthe thinks hl2 is a better RPG than vampire:the masquerade too...whats next?...adventure genre?

... I'm convinced that you have no clue as to what the Hell you're talking about. I'm used to talking down to idiots, yet your posts manage to stump me. Congrats for lowering the bar of idiocy.
Ahhh. There we are. Quote is from the Yahoo article (see other thread).
Where is the V:TM release date from?
VTM: B release date is Oct, 12 04. If VALVe is smart, they wont force them to push it back, RPG nerds will get mad DDOS attack the hell out of Steam. and is probly wont end for a few weeks. or until VTM: B is out.

LMAO, whats funny is another developer was able to bet a game finished on the Source Engine, then the people who made the engine, ROTFLMAO VALVe is becoming a joke.
Seeing as Trokia is notorious for releasing buggy and unfinished games (the Temple of Elemental Evil contained many broken quests and spells), perhaps this forced delay will give them the incentive and opportunity to make Bloodlines as polished as possible.
mayro said:
Valve has spent almost a year fixing these "bugs" that for some reason dont seem to be part of or in Vampire bloodlines?
Two points to consider:

1) We know next to nothing about Bloodline's internal development so we can't say anything conclusive one way or the other.

2) Often when a developer licenses a gaming engine, it includes future support and updates, so as Valve fixes and improves the Source engine, they no doubt pass the patches on to Trokia.
Pitbul said:
LMAO, whats funny is another developer was able to bet a game finished on the Source Engine, then the people who made the engine, ROTFLMAO VALVe is becoming a joke.

Umm... you do know the engine and the GAME itself are two different things, right? Didnt think so.
Why are so many people convinced that VTM:B is complete? I never heard a gold announcement... As far as I know, the game isn't done yet (regardless of what the Yahoo article said).

Then again, I could absolutley be wrong and would be more than happy to retract my statement provided a link to a credible source which says otherwise.
(Just to clear something)
Blizzard is a great company, although most key people have left and which is why im more twords Arenanet right now(Alot of Ex-Blizzard Key employs are there right now). Blizzards is more known for there gameplay rather than graphics. Look at Sc, it still gets up to 150k (over half the population) at times. Made in 1998, has insanley bad graphics. Blizzard had a few atari games before they started there pc wave. But Diablo(Not D2), actually had a reason for gold, had a simple but nice story. Overall its just fun, and it had a near creepy feeling. D2 has no creepy feeling and dosnt even try to pull it off. Personally i dont like D2 as much as when i liked D1.
Wc3 has an astonishing Editor thats something.
Sc's engine is so poorly coded that we can pull off alot of stuff that was never possible when it first came out, we still dont know everything about it. We still dotn know what 1200-65k units effects are, we know what 700-1200 are in simple depths. But not deeply down. Thats what keeps its UMS going, a poorly coded engine.
(Can u believe it?)

VTM:B, can do a ultra polish while where waiting for HL2.
You fools....

Vampire uses the Source engine... which is complete. HL2 isnt done... but Source is. Thats how Vampire can be out b4 HL2
What would that put on the box then whitezero - "Using the hl2 engine, which is yet to be released but gabe says its soon"
It maybe good for the vampire game as they can polish to very high quality awaiting release.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines is NOT complete.

GB: First of all, how is development coming along on Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines? Have you recently reached any milestones or ran into any unforseen obstacles?

Leonard: Development is coming along great. We're pushing full steam ahead towards beta and the game is really starting to come together.

as an aside, this is an interesting quote:

GB: Tell us about some of the changes and enhancements you've had to make to Valve's Source engine in order to gear it toward Bloodlines instead of Half-Life 2. Are there any limitations whatsoever with such a powerful engine?

Leonard: We’ve added our own lighting system (because our game takes place all at night we felt this was a necessity), our own version of the existing particle system (we needed a wide range of effects for the disciplines), and a cloth system (what’s a vampire without his long coat?). Not to mention implementing the RPG system, the interactive dialogs, etc…

both quotes taken from this Interview which was posted on 08/20/04, so it is current.

would you whiny bitches stop crying about valve now? jesus ****ing christ alot of you have turned into ****tards.
The Thing said:
Welcome to the forums. :D

Yes, welcome!

I think this is the first time in history that a new guy on the forums has owned the majority. :)

Edit: And yes, f-tard is great. :)
impunity said:
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines is NOT complete.

as an aside, this is an interesting quote:

both quotes taken from this Interview which was posted on 08/20/04, so it is current.

would you whiny bitches stop crying about valve now? jesus ****ing christ alot of you have turned into ****tards.

Evidently they're LIEING!!! They can't excatly say "It's finished but those sons of bitches at VAlve are holding us back!! WE WANT TO RELEASE ALREADY!!"
A contract is a contract. So what? Half-Life 2 will come out, then Vampire. HL2 will rox0r Vamp's sox0rs anyways.
Mr-Fusion said:
Evidently they're LIEING!!! They can't excatly say "It's finished but those sons of bitches at VAlve are holding us back!! WE WANT TO RELEASE ALREADY!!"

there is no source linked to for this quote (where the **** did it come from? "digi"s ass?):

"Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, is reported to be complete. Unfortunately, it's unable to release thanks to a contractual restriction that prevents its publisher launching the game before Half-Life 2. "

why should that quote be believed over an interview with the game developer? get your head out of your ass, learn to spell, and get a ****ing clue.
Illegal Amigo said:
A contract is a contract. So what? Half-Life 2 will come out, then Vampire. HL2 will rox0r Vamp's sox0rs anyways.

NOT everyones opinion.
impunity said:
there is no source linked to for this quote (where the **** did it come from? "digi"s ass?):

why should that quote be believed over an interview with the game developer? get your head out of your ass, learn to spell, and get a ****ing clue.
And why would you believe the link you listed that opened with a flat-out load of bullshit

With Half Life 2 shipping on September 1st, we felt it was a perfect time to track down the team at Troika to find out the latest details about their Source Engine powered RPG

All is not as it seems.
I'm looking forward to Vampires. It's like Morrowind (actually not, but it reminds me of it) with a smaller world (AFAIK) and guns! :D

This reminds me of how much I'm dying for TES 4 if they're making one :farmer:

BTW, on their site (

The nature of the entertainment industry is such that an idea being submitted will often be identical or similar to one already being considered or developed by us or another company. Because of this, Troika Games® has adopted the policy of refusing to accept or look at any unsolicited submissions or ideas.

I love Valve. :E
Mr-Fusion said:
And why would you believe the link you listed that opened with a flat-out load of bullshit


All is not as it seems.

you sir, are a ****ing moron.

of course the game won't actually ship on september 1st, but thats the date that retailers (probably not all of them) have listed on their sites, so thats what the person who wrote the article put in, he doesn't have magical knowledge, he just goes by what the publisher/retailer has told him. keep in mind not everyone in the world is as cynical as you lot here.

now, how about a source for that original quote in this thread? hmmm?
Yahoo never lies!! Yahoo games domain know everything. Do not doubt the power and knowledge of yahoo games domain!!!

If they say the sky is pink, then the sky is pink. I'm not going to argue with the almight yahoo games domain.

As for gamesbanshee! Half-Life 2 shipping September 1st?? SORRYY All credibility toward those guys is gone at the first line, there's no need to read on after such a complete fiasco!!!

hjahaha..hahaha...cough splutter..ahhahaah
yahoo has the source of the original thread.
Tab said:
yahoo has the source of the original thread.

well there is NO ****ING LINK to it, someone needs to ****ing learn how to cite sources properly. i hope the thread starter loses marks on a research paper in college because of not properly citing sources, and i hope the marks lost are enough to cause you to fail.
First of all, it's Valve's source engine. Vampire:bloodlines didn't have to use it, but they chose too, in an agreement or contract or whatever. they knew the deal. And as far as vivendi and valve go for buying half life 2 on steam or in stores. who the **** cares. and if it weren't for valve, you wouldn't even have half life. idiots.

you, yeah you, FLAME and you.. FLAME, oh and you .... FLAME