Very, Very Serious Question: Are you a virgin? or not

Are you a virgin?

  • Total voters
I'm not entirely sure, so I haven't voted yet. Depends on definition and all. I, personally, would still consider myself a virgin. Others do not. It's this whole crazy thing...
Read the poll wrong (don't ask how) and voted no. I actually am.
Well, yeah, done pretty much everything except that one.

*votes yes*
If you have sex, you're no longer a virgin, no matter how bad a lover either person is.
I believe most people consider a sticky explosion necessary

That's also not true, what about the dudes without baby making juices? So they are not having sex?


1. a person who has never had sexual intercourse.

sexual intercourse-

the insertion of the penis into the vagina followed by orgasm; coitus; copulation.
Saying that sex is only sex if it is in the vagina is a very silly thing to say. That would mean that gay people never have sex.
If we are speaking on technicality, then no, gay people do not have sex because they cannot technically have sex.

Do they do sexual acts such as Anal Sex? Yes, but it's not sexual intercourse.

I think that's pretty ridiculous. At my school we were taught that oral, anal and vaginal sex are all types of sexual intercourse, and virtually everyone I know considers them sexual acts.
i am not a virgin, haven't been since first year in college. Kind of late imho but thats ok, i made up for that in college :)
I think that's pretty ridiculous. At my school we were taught that oral, anal and vaginal sex are all types of sexual intercourse, and virtually everyone I know considers them sexual acts.
Yeah and ZT said they were sexual acts. They're not sexual intercourse though.
I think that's pretty ridiculous. At my school we were taught that oral, anal and vaginal sex are all types of sexual intercourse, and virtually everyone I know considers them sexual acts.

You're mixing "Sexual Intercourse" and "Sexual Acts" together, they are different things.

i am not a virgin, haven't been since first year in college. Kind of late imho but thats ok, i made up for that in college :)

How is that "late"?
How is that "late"?

Just comparing to some of my friends. I realize in the grand scheme of things that its probably near the average age, but come on, who doesn't want to stick it to their high school teacher? :)
I was to young when I did IMO, sure you gain experience, but people make it out to be an obligation to get laid before they turn 19, and I always think that is stupid.
if you voted yes, you probably lied.

if you voted no, you probably lied too.

that's the beauty of these sex-polls on the internet: it makes you lie. because we're all losers, aren't we.
I've done some stuff, but I'm saying voting yes.

[edit] but apparently I've had sex with Emma Watson. Whaddayaknow.
Thread is for barbarian cretans trying to assert a position as the alpha male of their pathetic species by telling tales of their "superior genetics" and the longer running blood line they shall have.

...Yes I'm a virgin. :'(
Half the virgins will vote non-virgin, and half the non-virgins will vote virgin, so it all balances out.
At the end of the day, its not really a big deal. Some people prefer to be the right person first, rather than sleep around for the hell of it.
My mate stuck his willy in a girl's front bum but she told him to take it out again because it hurt. Then she dumped him.

Is he a virgin still? What a conundrum.
My mate stuck his willy in a girl's front bum but she told him to take it out again because it hurt. Then she dumped him.

Is he a virgin still? What a conundrum.

Front Bum? Is this what English people call vaginas or something? Or did she have two butts?