Very, Very Serious Question: Are you a virgin? or not

Are you a virgin?

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You've clearly never had sex :p

No but I seriously doubt I would be happy at the demise of my life just because I have had sex, I mean come on, there are things in my life currently that mean a million times more to me than a pleasure facilitator. Im sure its awsome, and frankly cant wait to persue it causally, but there is just so much more to life.
What else is life supposed to be other than a pleasure facilitator? No matter what you do in the name of art, truth, beauty or love, it all comes down to chemical reactions in your brain, good or bad.

I am not upset over this. I think it is a-okay.
Everyone, have a drink and take off your clothes.

God, no. Please, no.
What else is life supposed to be other than a pleasure facilitator? No matter what you do in the name of art, truth, beauty or love, it all comes down to chemical reactions in your brain, good or bad.

Good point, but not really the point I was trying to get across.
She's right, the object of our very darwinian lives is to either ejaculate into a birth canal or have our birth canals be ejaculated into. That's the sole reason of our existence and the only reason we still populate this fast moving rock which hurls itself around the sun in such a way, now get to it.
Have the number of virgins increased over the last year or did people just become more honest?
I'm just curious.

(Alright, some ass-head mod wasn't too happy with my original thread title..)

I am a Virgin, which is perhaps odd for my age......

.....and I have no religous affiliation which makes it more awkward :|

I'm interested to know what your original title was
Why yes, I am. Wanna fight about it?

/spits on ground.
His original title was "Serious Question: Are you a virgin? or not."

I felt 'Serious Question' was a tad amusing, and took it upon myself to further that amusement.
no i'm not a virgin i'm a ram...why the hell is there a poll on astrology least include them all ffs why only the virgin? stupid thread
I've probably mentioned this before, but I've never even held hands with a girl.

It's quite an accomplishment I must say.
I've probably mentioned this before, but I've never even held hands with a girl.

It's quite an accomplishment I must say.

When I was in 1st grade, this girl asked me to walk her to the bus and held my hand the whole time, and I was like WTF this is awkward and embarrassing.

Not much has changed.
Sadly, Samon would never know the joys of laughter, being born without a sense of humor.
Samon's sense of humor is only rivaled by his sense of justice.
Which is in turn only rivaled by his sense of ban.
What else is life supposed to be other than a pleasure facilitator? No matter what you do in the name of art, truth, beauty or love, it all comes down to chemical reactions in your brain, good or bad.

I am not upset over this. I think it is a-okay.
Everyone, have a drink and take off your clothes.

The fact that you live in society right now and have already grown up in it means that you could not possibly logically ascribe to this. Hedonism in the context of society is debatable in itself, but the mere fact that you exist within a society and culture means that you've been forced to repress your desires and instincts to pursue pleasure and replaced them with delayed gratification / productivity. The Freudian concept of culture as a repressive force, transfer from pleasure principle to reality principle etc.

So basically, I disagree, that's an incredibly oversimplistic way of viewing things and it'll get you into all kinds of trouble!
Ennui: I don't see how what you said contradicts Toaster's post. We live in a society and sacrifice immediate pleasure for greater pleasure in the long run. The fact that we know we're working towards advancing our race is a source of pleasure in itself.
Ennui: I don't see how what you said contradicts Toaster's post. We live in a society and sacrifice immediate pleasure for greater pleasure in the long run. The fact that we know we're working towards advancing our race is a source of pleasure in itself.

Right but it's not so simple, since what we gain pleasure from is largely derived from subjective ideas about pleasures augmented by our actual instincts. Also, we do not sacrifice immediate pleasure for "greater" pleasure in the long run, just for pleasure in the long run. Rather, operating under the pleasure principle would be much greater in terms of how much pleasure you get (because you'd just be running around ****ing willy-nilly and doing whatever the hell you wanted to do with no restrictions). The reality principle is merely realizing that's not realistic and instead subverting your drive for pleasure to a drive for productivity, which can later provide you with pleasure or the means to pleasure.

Free the Eros, man!
But we do all this with the understanding that if we were to "throw off the shackles of society" so to speak, and live a life entirely devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, society as a whole would kick our ass and probably land us in jail/morgue.
The fact that you live in society right now and have already grown up in it means that you could not possibly logically ascribe to this. Hedonism in the context of society is debatable in itself, but the mere fact that you exist within a society and culture means that you've been forced to repress your desires and instincts to pursue pleasure and replaced them with delayed gratification / productivity. The Freudian concept of culture as a repressive force, transfer from pleasure principle to reality principle etc.

So basically, I disagree, that's an incredibly oversimplistic way of viewing things and it'll get you into all kinds of trouble!

Right but it's not so simple, since what we gain pleasure from is largely derived from subjective ideas about pleasures augmented by our actual instincts. Also, we do not sacrifice immediate pleasure for "greater" pleasure in the long run, just for pleasure in the long run. Rather, operating under the pleasure principle would be much greater in terms of how much pleasure you get (because you'd just be running around ****ing willy-nilly and doing whatever the hell you wanted to do with no restrictions). The reality principle is merely realizing that's not realistic and instead subverting your drive for pleasure to a drive for productivity, which can later provide you with pleasure or the means to pleasure.

Free the Eros, man!

Sorry Toaster and Vegets, I agree with Ennui.
I imagine toaster running around in a field on all fours screwing every male in site. I saw a lion show on the discovery channel earlier.
I imagine toaster running around in a field on all fours screwing every male in site. I saw a lion show on the discovery channel earlier.

She already does that on the forums, in a metaphorical sense.
I imagine toaster running around in a field on all fours screwing every male in site. I saw a lion show on the discovery channel earlier.


I love this forum, everyone gets a chance to be hilarious.
That's not quite what I was saying, though. My point was more that there is not much more that your life can amount to than a flow of mood-regulating chemicals in your body. It is not a bad thing.

Simply because I view things this way does not mean that I will recklessly gorge myself on all the pleasures the world has to afford, though I can see how the last line of that post would have led you to believe as much. It wasn't entirely relevant. I'd just like a hl2net orgy. I am going to make a man out of every last one of you eighty virgins.
;) I was mostly calling you out just because it's a chance to spout Marcuse who I've been reading for class lately. Point taken. But I'm interested in "there is not much more that your life can amount to than a flow of mood-regulating chemicals in your body" so if you have any desire to elaborate on that in more detail please do. What do you mean by life "amounting to" something? Why the emphasis on mood-regulating chemicals in particular? What you said seems like a pretty arbitrary interpretation of existence. I have absolutely no problem with partially derailing a virgin thread in the interests of philosophy :smoking: