Very, Very Serious Question: Are you a virgin? or not

Are you a virgin?

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Judging by ZT's standards, I am a virgin yes. I hope to end that this year :p
I'm 16, I'm a virgin, and I don't care.

Sex is of little importance to me and I hear it's overrated anyway. I'm not saying I haven't done some stuff, but I have never ****ed anybody.

I have more important things to do than run about sticking my penis into some random girl's vag.

EDIT: Like forum browsing.
I'm 16, I'm a virgin, and I don't care.

Sex is of little importance to me and I hear it's overrated anyway. I'm not saying I haven't done some stuff, but I have never ****ed anybody.

I have more important things to do than run about sticking my penis into some random girl's vag.

EDIT: Like forum browsing.

Who told you sex is overrated?

Well anyways, sounds to me like someone had bad sex.

Sex isn't overrated, it's just that to many people have it as top priority on there list, as if having sex means you become some sort of higher being than everyone else, way to many put importance into losing your virginity, but I wouldn't say it's "overrated", it all depends on how you do it, who you do it with, and what the person means to you. (sorry, blah blah emotion)
But it's true, a good portion of my friends who banged some girlfriend they didn't care about, or had a one night stand are like "Well, sex is overrated"

It's like if you wanted to try lobster for the first time so you bought artificial canned lobster chunks and ate it, and so then assumed lobster is overrated.

sex is one of the greatest things life has to offer, and if you think it's overrated, you're not doing it right.

And Tibbs... how can you say it's overrated if you've never ****ing done it, dufus.


also, I don't believe you when you say it's not important to you. LIES
I have to say after the first time... That's all i wanted from the hoe. She turned out to have the same feelings so I was quite happy. In both senses.
I refuse to believe that Willeh hasn't done it. No bloody way.

SamuraiKenji, you're 25 over years old right? That's pretty sad dude..

Samon, ha, why am I not surprised..

And for ZT, I wonder who's that lucky girl...

And that's my summary of this the thread so far.
I love when people say "I hear sex is overrated". WHO told you that? Because they're very wrong. If you're saying it as some kind of make-yourself-feel-better statement then why? Once you're nawt a virgunz you'll realise how ridiculous that statement is.

Sex isn't overrated, it can be shit I guess but that isn't to say that it always will be. Or something.
16 and I'm a virgin. I don't really give a shit though.
Sex is of little importance to me and I hear it's overrated anyway.

You "hear?" Who told ye that? I'd be willing to bet that person hasn't had sex, because all of the sex I have had has been good shit.
What the hell is with you people thinking there's a problem with being a virgin at 16. I'm 19 and I still don't feel old enough for sex.

It's a personal thing. Some people feel comfortable enough to have sex young, some don't. Some regret it later, others won't. Who gives a shit how old you are and whether you're a virgin? That is so silly.
Yes. I'm a nerd, suck at small talk and most people annoy me. The only girl I've found interesting to any degree thinks I'm a "real friend!" :x
What the hell is with you people thinking there's a problem with being a virgin at 16. I'm 19 and I still don't feel old enough for sex.

I'm not saying there is a problem with it, I'm saying sex isn't a huge deal for me. Therefore: I don't give a shit.
Yes. I'm a nerd, suck at small talk and most people annoy me. The only girl I've found interesting to any degree thinks I'm a "real friend!" :x

Oh, the common pain.
Who gives a shit how old you are and whether you're a virgin?

Girls. I've heard a couple stories where the girl, once she heard the guy is a relatively late virgin, said something like "I don't want to give you a bad first time".

And BTW, I'm not.
I am not.

No shit? You are continually rising in my estimation, because, as a reasonable forum user who is A) very young and B) an adherent to a monotheist religion, you seem like a smart and cool guy in defiance of relevant external influences.
Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a srs bznss relationship with someone unless I had been friends with them first.

Same. I really have trouble seeing how people get into relationships with people they have never met. All of the people I've been in relationships with had been friends with for at least a year or more.
It's a personal thing. Some people feel comfortable enough to have sex young, some don't. Some regret it later, others won't. Who gives a shit how old you are and whether you're a virgin? That is so silly.

What the hell are you talking about, that guy is rad.
I was 19 when i got laid. I wanted it SOOO bad then when it happend the awesome factor was like x10.
It changed my perspective on life, once i lost my virginity i coulndt care less if this planet got hit by a giant meteor or something... yeey i can peacefully die now : D : D

I was 19 when i got laid. I wanted it SOOO bad then when it happend the awesome factor was like x10.
It changed my perspective on life, once i lost my virginity i coulndt care less if this planet got hit by a giant meteor or something... yeey i can peacefully die now : D : D


Wow, I had the EXACT feelings.
I was 19 when i got laid. I wanted it SOOO bad then when it happend the awesome factor was like x10.
It changed my perspective on life, once i lost my virginity i coulndt care less if this planet got hit by a giant meteor or something... yeey i can peacefully die now : D : D


I feel sorry for you.