What you think thats funny or something? :dozey: :|
Laughing at a kid acting like a freakin kid, isnt "on topic " with lolling at disabled people. **** off.

Christ, calm down. I could see if it was a video of an epileptic convulsing and discharging his bowels, but this isn't as sinister. I'll admit, it's not so much that it's funny, just amusing. And the girl seems to be enjoying herself, it just looks a little silly. Sometimes I really think that people just scold other people for laughing at others... just for the sake of scolding. It maeks meh cry is wut.


Oh wow man, you really put it to me. Its not like we were all just sitting around mocking some kid, jokingly say he was a mutant...then you post a vid of a disabled person..what response are you expecting?
Oh wow man, you really put it to me. Its not like we were all just sitting around mocking some kid, jokingly say he was a mutant...then you post a vid of a disabled person..what response are you expecting?

Can't we just move on?
Wow impressive how an AK can still fire while actually burning. Those things must be built to last!
Wow impressive how an AK can still fire while actually burning. Those things must be built to last!

It gets cold in wartime in Russia. They built them to provide warmth and destruction!
In Soviet Russia, AK's catch you on fire!
Everyone in my village drives Mer-ce'des.

Oh, **** it. Everyone in my village drives Lada.
I heard about it a while ago from a friend and when I wiki'd it and read how shitty it was I was actually contemplating suicide...
The original scene was silly too, though. All that just because he kissed a guy? Something tells me Ace is a closet homosexual.
The original scene was silly too, though. All that just because he kissed a guy? Something tells me Ace is a closet homosexual.

Different times man. That was 15 years ago. Back then people were likely to suicide before accepting that they did something gay.