Video: kid beats his hl2 with baseball bat

Should TDE close this thread because the kid has learning difficulties?

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I would laugh....but it's not funny enough. This is like one of those lame videos which go on America's Funniest Home Videos...
Striker said:
what a freakin! lol can't even talk straight. Lmao! and how much you wanna bet the cd's were not even in the box? lol

eactly, i thought that as well,

the CDs are not in their.

I think he's acting like that so people can laugh at him.

the game is slow... slower than the way he speaks ?
this guy was either very drunk or very high. it was funny anyway :)
That's funny, he meets the criteria for a typical American stereotype: slow, big boned, attacks things he doesn't like.

I'm only joking of course. I love McDonalds.
Big boned? He's just plain fat...Look at his chin.
Somebody upload this to a p2p so that the whole world can make fun of a dumb**** like him. ((Saga of star wars kid.))
OMG I laughed my ass off. Yes I did not like HL2 either but that is a little bit extreme :)
The funniest part was when he said **** you, **** you, **** you !!!!
wow this guys is mentally retarted. just look at him when he speaks on the beginning :eek:
thorvale the red said:
Someone should seriously take that bat to that "thing's" face. :thumbs:


/me runs away...:(
He did exactly what I have felt like doing everytime the game goes into one of its stuttering fits.
Mytris said:
HEHEHEHEH this is funny...Only i had a camera when i attacked my Soundblaster 16 with an pick axe hehehe...He will feel the loss later on i guess.
I'd laugh if he regrets it so much, he wants to play it some more, (assuming the CD's were in the box) finds he can't, then tries a pirate version only to have Valve block him.. do you suppose he'd take the bat to his PC then too, that would be fun just to know the pain he's gonna feel five seconds later lol
I think the whole video was just joke... no one that stupid wouldnt know how to use videocamera or computer to record....
CookieCuttah said:
Big boned? He's just plain fat...Look at his chin.
Somebody upload this to a p2p so that the whole world can make fun of a dumb**** like him. ((Saga of star wars kid.))
Don't forget to rename the file with lots of porn words, just to ensure it does the round quickly onto every kids computer and spreads like the starwars kid ;)

Alieni² said:
I think the whole video was just joke... no one that stupid wouldnt know how to use videocamera or computer to record....

possibly was a joke, but once its out in the wild, who's gonna know that ;)
Hah! I think hes just trying to irritate people and I bet theres not a cd in that box either. It would have been effective if he just smashed the dc instead. oh well, maby he haves some issues. He didnt seems too bright tho lol
The Dark Elf said:
Don't forget to rename the file with lots of porn words, just to ensure it does the round quickly onto every kids computer and spreads like the starwars kid ;)

possibly was a joke, but once its out in the wild, who's gonna know that ;)
Bwahahaha, gotta love the starwars kid :D

omfg waht a fat ass
THe game was probly not eaven in the box :p
sHm0zY said:
how come the link dont work!

This link had better be working when I get back home tonight! I'd hate to miss out on a fat kid making a complete twat of himself.
"Uh, I really didn't like Half Life 2. Its slow..."

Hmm. I think you suffer from the same problem there buddy. What a freak.
uhhh it's play's geeeeeeeeeehhhh
you know I didn't laugh at that, I just shook my head in pity - that guy does indeed need help :(
LMAO! i knw a guy like that except not as slow.
Oh well. Idiots never learn from their stupidity. And he just wasted $50. What a lame duck...just retarded. :LOL:
But the CD clearly wasn't in the case. Which makes it oh so worrying. I think somebody should send this to his parents...
Its slow? LOL! Does running around blowin away zombies and soldiers with machine guns sound slow? "It runs like shit." Then spend over 2 dollars on a computer. Newbish newb. FOOLISH FOOL! GORDON THE ALMIGHTY SHAL CROWBAR YOU!
Man he's got problems! And I love that game he smacks....