Video: kid beats his hl2 with baseball bat

Should TDE close this thread because the kid has learning difficulties?

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If this isn't a pathetic attempt at a joke, this guy needs some serious therapy.
That's the kind of laugh I needed to wake me up this morning.
not really funny. just some drunk/stoned attention whore. The only learning difficulty he has is stupidity.
Ummmmm am i supposed to be getting a vid of some guy pulling down his boxers and dancing around naked listening to cheesy dance music?.......cause thats what i downloaded when i clicked the link.
Going to check out the vid once i get home. Im at school now :/
i also got some guy with his boxers around his ankles dancing around............fool
about the dead link... check the swf mirror posted right above you.

the kid does this as a joke. he obviously still has steam with all of valve's games on his pc.
He looked sad before beating it...He was like...This is a good box too! Why am i doing this? And as far as it goes...hes a fatass with nothing to do than entertain people on net...What a idiot.
link is deader than a blind chicken in a foxhole smothered in country gravy with a bum leg and a crippled wing.
"F'ING GAME, F*CK. THIS PIECE OF SH*T. F*CK IT!" *3 seconds later* "I don't really like it that much."
He's playing drunk, or rainman...... I'm sure he's a very good driver!

"Gotta go Wapner's on."
I'm willing to bet that guy gets less pussy in his life than a two legged dog.
Homer said:
I'm willing to bet that guy gets less pussy in his life than a two legged dog.

I think that's an understatement ^^
Wow, look at those poll results, I'm starting to feel bad for the kid :p


Watched the vid again, still hate him
I tell you what, my two-legged dog leroy, get's more bitches in one night, than you have pimples on your face!
Hey the link for the video doesnt work nemore. I wanna see it, can someone send it to me or post a new working link or something? Thanks
That guy has some anger problems. Maybe someone should consider smacking his face with a bat :p
Dude the link says page not found. I wanna see the video!!! How can i get it?
I think it's a joke except it's not funny so I'm not sure.

Who would smash up a game like that? 50 bucks under a bat? No freakin' way. I hated Unreal 2 so I just sold it to a friend.
Hercules331 said:
Dude the link says page not found. I wanna see the video!!! How can i get it?
LeXo5 said:
same here

Lesson 1 on forums: Read whole thread before posting reply. Just like using the search button before u post a new topic.
First person to edit the video and change the bat into a crowbar gets a prize!

Heres another link

[Edit] when the page has opened you need to click on "more", then on "The Original" and you'll start downloading