Videogame Addict Clinic


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score

Tim played games for up to 17 hours a day.
"I have no social life, I have no friends - only cyber-friends"

Tim could not even wrestle himself away from the screen for long enough to go to the toilet.
"I take an empty bottle and I pee into it," he said.

Well I feel much better at how much I spend on video games. :|
I have never played a game that I would play for 17 hours a day.
Hmm.. pretty close to my home then.

I'd love to go to something like an AA meeting once and go:
"Hi, my name is PvtRyan and I'm a gameaholic."

And everyone would go "Hi, PvtRyan!".

That'd be awesome.
If we all went to that clinic then I think this forum would be empty:p .
I am not adict,when I get bored of a game I really get bored of it
Hmm.. pretty close to my home then.

I'd love to go to something like an AA meeting once and go:
"Hi, my name is PvtRyan and I'm a gameaholic."

And everyone would go "Hi, PvtRyan!".

That'd be awesome.
More like
"Hi Gyz my nme iz PvtRyan lolz, ima Gamaholik"

"Lol own't PvtRyan! Nub."
"Wanna Cyber?"
I've played 21 hours straight. Well, with snack and bathroom breaks of course. My eyes bled a bit the next day. Ow.
Back in 2000-2002 I would play EverQuest 16 hours a day for the whole summer (2-3 months) and 8 hours a day after school, I was really addicted
My record is 20 hours straight, with bathroom breaks, and drinks, I didn't eat..
That kind of stuff really scares me.

By the way, obsessive thinking? What does that mean, exactly?
I might be on the computer for 8 hours or so, but never playing a game that long. I usually only play games for a maximum of 4 hours. I think the longest I ever played a game was one of civ 4, which I played for perhaps 6 hours.
some days I played all the day,but at the end of the day I beated the game so didnt played much until I bought a new game
I played games for 12 hourse once. :|

How could you possibly play for longer then that anyway? I can't comprehend playing for more then 12 hours, and 12 hours takes a lot of addiction.
CSS is only so interesting. Then it gets boring.
I can be on a computer all day, since there's really nothing else to do. But a lot of it isn't actually gaming.
WTF? I don't see how anyone could play for longer than 4 hours. Once I get to that point it's more boring that sitting around doing nothing.
CSS is only so interesting. Then it gets boring.
I can be on a computer all day, since there's really nothing else to do. But a lot of it isn't actually gaming.

same, i end up playing for about 6 hours, and the rest just ON the computer with nothing to do
Is it unhealthy to be on the computer for long periods of times? Like alot of use might spend 8-10 hours just "on" the computer.

Longest I've played a game was HL2, about 6 hours straight or EQ2 about 8 hours straight.

Got to say though, I don't play MMORPGs anymore, 1) They are way to addictive, the best player is the biggest addict. 2) They are the most boring things ever, WOO! I just killed a goblin by clicking macros on him. :|
I usually spend 15 hours a day when I'm free and don't have anything better to do, this is of course with breaks. Even If 15 hours a day is much, I can still just forget the PC and hang out with my friends. I may be a geek but I'm not an addict =>
However, I only play games for maybe 4 of those.

CSS is only so interesting. Then it gets boring.
I can be on a computer all day, since there's really nothing else to do. But a lot of it isn't actually gaming.

I think there's plenty of things to do, but we gamers lack of creativity or something. I live in a small town and there seems to be nothing to do, even my friend say so but I'm sure there are lots of good and fun things to do except spending a lifetime infront of a flickering computer screen.
I think there's plenty of things to do, but we gamers lack of creativity or something. I live in a small town and there seems to be nothing to do, even my friend say so but I'm sure there are lots of good and fun things to do except spending a lifetime infront of a flickering computer screen.
You really underestimate this town. It's the smallest town in the UK. About 1 mile both ways.
The only place worth 'hanging out' is down the park next to my house, but chalves (Half chavs - Not bad, most of them are old friends, but they're kind of going that way) hang out there, and there are reasons I don't hang around with them.

Then again, we hang out as friends a lot at school, and have regular movie nights at each others houses (TV's instead of computer screens), but outside activities are pretty much a nono for the non pot smoking/ drinking friend group so we stick inside a lot.

I've played WoW from 8am till about 11pm once or twice (with breaks to eat and such) but when you got nothing to do its either that or watch TV/do some other random thing so i don't see it as a bad thing because the next day i can not play at all if i choose not to. I'm addicted but i've got it under control therefore i don't need professional help..yet !.

I think my /played on WoW is about 30 days total (12 of them was getting from 1 to 60) since january of this year so it isn't that bad and i know and most WoW players know often your just in a city afk which accounts for a couple days i'd say.

I can't see how someone could sit and play a FPS online DM (UT CS etc) game for past a couple hours at a time though.
I've never played a game for more than 3 hours straight with short breaks. I can however spend a whole day at the computer gaming,internetzing,msning, downloading and watching stuff.
I've played WoW from 8am till about 11pm once or twice (with breaks to eat and such) but when you got nothing to do its either that or watch TV/do some other random thing so i don't see it as a bad thing because the next day i can not play at all if i choose not to. I'm addicted but i've got it under control therefore i don't need professional help..yet !.

I think my /played on WoW is about 30 days total (12 of them was getting from 1 to 60) since january of this year so it isn't that bad and i know and most WoW players know often your just in a city afk which accounts for a couple days i'd say.

I can't see how someone could sit and play a FPS online DM (UT CS etc) game for past a couple hours at a time though.

Think I'm on 103 days /played on my main now :|

But I've been playing since february 2005.
Think I'm on 103 days /played on my main now :|

But I've been playing since february 2005.
You've spent like a sixth of your life in the last 1 and a thirdish year on wow?

Think I'm on 103 days /played on my main now :|

But I've been playing since february 2005.

Have you played the same char since feb 05? :O I've got 2 lvl 60's (other is at about 20 days played) and a fair few high lvl alt's so i'm probably about 70days on all my chars since feb 05 (or when it got released in uk..feb 05 yeah?). It's an addictive game that can control your life if your not careful :)
I spend most of my time whilst on the PC mapping. I only play CSS or BF2 for like 3-4 hours a day (in total) but thats in 30 minutes chunks.

The PC is a god-send. Without it we would all be very bored.
I personally don't know how you can play a video game 17 hours a day. I usually take a short break every 30 min. to an hour to get something to drink and just kinda stretch out. And as far as not being able to get away from the computer to go to the bathroom that is insane. This guy needs more than a clinic to help him with his "addiction" to video games. And if he does not have any friends then maybe he should stop playing video games 17 hours a day!
Have you played the same char since feb 05? :O I've got 2 lvl 60's (other is at about 20 days played) and a fair few high lvl alt's so i'm probably about 70days on all my chars since feb 05 (or when it got released in uk..feb 05 yeah?). It's an addictive game that can control your life if your not careful :)

Never gotten a second char to 60. My main's a dwarf pala, got a warrior to 54 but got bored and needed money so I vendored his gear :D

Got a 47 mage that I now play actively. But my first char took me 30 days to get to level 60, mage is only at 5 days played I believe.
I only have 1 60 and that took me long enough! I still play alts but I just don't grind on them anymore. Whenever I get to 60 again I get there.
This the new addiction nowadays. I saw this on the news this week, most of these people originally came in for their drug use but turned out they used drugs to stay awake for playing games. It is a sad sad situation...
I know of someone who quit his job to get Rank 14 in WoW =/
Wow... I can play a game for 12 hours straight MAX. Never pulled an all-nighter or... wow.

You guys are nuts. Wow.
If you play WoW you have no friends. Simple. :D
Lol, I didn't mean that generally.

I just see some people on Xfire who never stop playing it =/
I spend too ****ing long on the ****ing computer.

I'm here, bored out of my arse, sat on the ****ing computer.....

Grrr, I need an alternate activity...

Suppose I'm going out later on... But I hate being lazy, I'm going to do some sit ups and press ups for 20 mins. That'll show the universe.
I have never played a game that I would play for 17 hours a day.

Same here, not even MMOs. He must be a prodigy at whatever he plays.

I really only play video games as a "time-killer" now. I'm in a CS clan, but we're pretty casual. I've been playing Guild Wars off and on, same with DoD: Source. I love video games, but time with friends and family is a bit more important to me.