Vivendi trouble

Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
All this happening aint very good, first vivendi's cheif get's fired, then employees get fired, sales are low.VU really getting the heat.
I don't think so, the guy is an EX Vivendi employee.
i think valve should find other publisher :angel:
Oh Noez Haelfleiftwo Iesnt Goening Toe Beie Realeased1111!!
Don't worry about Vivendi, it's one of the biggest multinational companies. Besides they don't care about financial scandals in Europe, look at what happened in Germany with the Bankgesellschaft. Newsweek called it Europe's Enron and no one cared...
CB | Para said:
Don't worry about Vivendi, it's one of the biggest multinational companies. Besides they don't care about financial scandals in Europe, look at what happened in Germany with the Bankgesellschaft. Newsweek called it Europe's Enron and no one cared...

lol, so true

Gotta hand it to the EU thought...they just granted AMD permission to look at Intel's no no documents
Is it just me that wouldn;t mind vivendi not being involved with valve and HalfLife2 at all?

If VU went belly up then valve could sell immediately after game completion via steam during which time every other publisher out there would fall over itself to try to get a piece of the hl2 pie.
its is said the VU has a new chairman! (owner) and yes it lost 350 employees.. but don't think it could effect hl2... (I HOPE)
if HL2 is delayed becuase of this then im deleteing this page from my favorites and saying adios to halflife2 lol
if thats the case, this delaying business is getting out of hand
i don't think this will at all affect hl2 delays or timeframe, the 350 lay-offs were, according to vu, made to increase efficiency in their working environment, so according to vu it should make production faster in a sense
Valve have complete control over the release date. They will always have the option of releasing it on steam, which requires no publisher.
Then every game publisher in the world will try to get HL2 if Vivendi has any problems with Valve.
hahaha. Buying your own stock! Sounds like something out of a comedy show.
Good Thing Im getting my copy through Good ol' reliable Steam.
x84D80Yx said:
*cough* enron *cough*

Last time i passed by the Enron Building they had sold the sky scraper for a million bucks. VERY CHEAP!
They also took down the Enron Filed sing, whitc i liked...
Excuse my ignorance about the games industry, but if Valve makes the game, and VU publishes it, what does Sierra do?
1. Valve will not release HL2 without a publishers releasing the game at the same time:

not every1 has a credit card
not every1 who does will trust buying online
some will want a hard copy rather than something that could be easily damaged and lost on their hard drive
not all people know how to buy over steam

in a recent poll on these very forums for every person who would buy HL2 over steam there was 6 people who cant/wont

2. VU own the rights to the HL series, so to be published Vivendi have to

A. publish it
B. sell the rights to some1

3. Valve need vivendi just as much as vivendi need valve, Do NOT kid yourself, valve is not some great big indestructable transformer that can cope with anything... hell they cant even give a accurate release date without all hell breaking loose (sept 30th)
accurate release date--->company that couldn't survive it's publisher leaving it.... not true. Tough for company due to legal ties and such but with a game this big probably not impossible.

To be honest i don't think this matters all too much, it is bad sure but the news tend sto be delayed and any damage is probably long gone, add to that the fact that Sierra is a subsidiardy of Vivendi and so proably has a level of independence i think all shall be well.
I was at Vivendi's LA offices today, people were mentioning Enron-like scenarios.
Dougy said:
1. Valve will not release HL2 without a publishers releasing the game at the same time:

not every1 has a credit card
not every1 who does will trust buying online
some will want a hard copy rather than something that could be easily damaged and lost on their hard drive
not all people know how to buy over steam

in a recent poll on these very forums for every person who would buy HL2 over steam there was 6 people who cant/wont

2. VU own the rights to the HL series, so to be published Vivendi have to

A. publish it
B. sell the rights to some1

3. Valve need vivendi just as much as vivendi need valve, Do NOT kid yourself, valve is not some great big indestructable transformer that can cope with anything... hell they cant even give a accurate release date without all hell breaking loose (sept 30th)

You're obviously mistaken, Valve holds the right to the HL series, they just have a contract with VU to publish it.
BigE said:
You're obviously mistaken, Valve holds the right to the HL series, they just have a contract with VU to publish it.

Nope. You're mistaken I'm afraid. VU hold the rights to the HL series. No one else can publish them apart from VUG
Duracell said:
Nope. You're mistaken I'm afraid. VU hold the rights to the HL series. No one else can publish them apart from VUG

I somehow overlooked the publishing in publishing rights.
ZeeM said:
i think valve should find other publisher :angel:

Sorry guys if this has been posted already, but I am so tired after playing Splinter Cell: PT MP :)

VALVe already has a deal with Activision that after Half-Life saga that Activision will get all future games.

So if Vivendi goes under, I'm sure VALVe could just ask them to cancel early, and for Activision to help them out early. More sales for Activision then I guess :)
Hm... Oh well. I don't think this will affect HL2 in the least.
Guys, Vivendi isn't going under any time soon. They are doing quite well, and have a lot of games in various stages of completion.
vivendi is not french,they got more money than france,lol,its multinational and its called vivendi universal,they own nbc.
Brazooka said:
Excuse my ignorance about the games industry, but if Valve makes the game, and VU publishes it, what does Sierra do?

Sierra is to Half-Life 1 as VU is to Half-Life 2