Warez users everywhere.

ascii said:
You know what? It is a club. It's the "we paid for it and you didn't you whining little bitches" club, and i'm seeking office.
Where do I sign up?
rofl i just did it in a game and they started calling me a loser for getting rid of the warez kiddies lol
ascii said:
The tables are finally turned, and everyone that's sick of seeing warez players on their favorite servers is taking action. You don't like it? Too bad. Buy the damn game.

Exactly :thumbs:
I've just come off a server after doing this, i was talking to one guy who said he has the download and the people who are stealing have to update anyway because they cant play otherwise, is this true? (The execution didn't affect him tho so he had upgraded)
Stealth_Wolf said:
rofl i just did it in a game and they started calling me a loser for getting rid of the warez kiddies lol
lol, not that there would be a connection, but I did the same thing in a game with your exact nick "Stealth_Wolf" yesterday.
Im not implying you are the same person who uses a cracked copy mind you, merely coincidence I guess.

it seriously is weird how everyone with a legit copy is genuinly happy that we get rid of the warez kids, I haven't done it once yet and someone was unhappy about it.

welcome to the forums btw.
Some just told me that doing this is illegal, then I told them that the %n bug was fixed, and I can use this name. They said that it still is illegal. This can't be true. Correct? Icarus?
MaxiKana said:
Some just told me that doing this is illegal, then I told them that the %n bug was fixed, and I can use this name. They said that it still is illegal. This can't be true. Correct? Icarus?
it does nothing to anyone, I don't see why it would be any more harmful than to have *p, in your name.

unless of course you are a warez user, but they don't count.
Exactly what I thought. But afaik it was illegal to do this before the update.
MaxiKana said:
Exactly what I thought. But afaik it was illegal to do this before the update.
it was not "illegal" however it was a nuisance, it was the same as someone flooding the server to crash now.
they won't take your game away for being a prick (unless you are hacking)
the person who told you that probably just was using the cracked version with the patch.
(that is an assumption, however it could have been someone who was misinformed on the lethality of %n now as well)
I was playing around with this having fun booting kids. A few servers people were happy and laughed along, even an admin of one server who thought it was great. Sadly, there were a couple servers where the number of players would drop from 16 to 5. I say sadly because that's way too many people using cracked versions. But other servers it'd just knock off 2-4 people, and still leave 16 playing. Good to know you're in a full server of legit players.
I did this on a server & one guy who happened to join with me said that Valve are sueing the people who download the warez. 10 grand per head(shot). I think he was just trying to scare them :D But it was funny nonetheless. I also bumped into Para & someone named "%n [VALVE] Steam_Police %n". He was a blast :E

Edit: Also, you know what's funny? Before you flamed anyone with a nick "%n". Now everyone is extremely polite to them (especially %n to %n). Interesting how relationships can turn so fast. I greet anyone named %n now :thumbs: We're in the same business now.
I spent most of the evening kicking warez players (what a life eh?) and it was fun - indeed the %n-ers are very friendly toward eachother. I possibly met some of you around the servers. But I also had one admin ban me "cause I tried to hack his server". OK, fine.

I also had this major 52/64 server or so on de_dust where of the 41 players about 32 were warezed. Then suddenly you get the timeout spam and the server was almost empty :) I love it.
raoulduke said:
I also had this major 52/64 server or so on de_dust where of the 41 players about 32 were warezed. Then suddenly you get the timeout spam and the server was almost empty :) I love it.

Yeah I got banned from that server (twice :O) hehe. I think it's in Israel or something, there's a url in the server name and I followed it, it was a hosting service of some sort.
Yup I got banned twice today too :D Also, what's even stranger is that on a couple of servers I couldn't join because the SteamID was already in use (popped up as an error message in Steam) & then it gave me a random number that differs a lot from my own. I had to pick another target ;(
Rossell said:
Lets think of it another way. Hands up everyone who has a debit card.

Now lets look at the ratio of debit to credit.

Realise the massive mistake Valve have made by not making debit cards available....

I have a debit card and used it to buy HL2, it worked just fine. I own the gold package.
i just did %n thingy non of the pwople crashed so thats good:)
Rossell said:
Lets think of it another way. Hands up everyone who has a debit card.

Now lets look at the ratio of debit to credit.

Realise the massive mistake Valve have made by not making debit cards available. Then shock horror realise that the people who missed out on the game due to debit cards are now warez'ing the bugger.

Most of the warez peeps out there are interested in harm. Most do rudimentary wallhax, porn sprays, you name it. But some are there simply because of an oversight and didn't wanna feel left out.

Me? Im not that much of a menace. I hang out on about 4 servers, 2 created by my respective forums, the Beef server and one public. Im not going to do anything major, just play what was given to me and enjoy it. When my retail copy arrives, I'll start playing it safe in the knowledge im not causing a detriment to Valve. That itself is a promise. I'm not gonna have waited 6 years for a game (and yes I have been waiting the entire time) and then warez it. HL2 deserves money and money it shall receive, but until I'll be playing my version of CSS and counting down the days.

And thats my 2 cents on the subject. Feel free to insult/flame/ban whatever. And hey, why don't you go after the people who put CSS up for the masses to download in the first place Hmmm?

I find that very strange considering i purchased CZ and HL2 from steam with a debit card.
Pi Mu Rho said:
If you don't have a credit card, or any way to access one, then wait for retail. You have no automatic right to play CS:S.

quoted for truth. i am waiting for retail, but i do have a credit card so i could buy it on steam. why am i waiting? i don't want to buy it on steam, i want a retail box. i thought about downloading the warez CS:s, i'll be honest, but i didn't and i haven't. i am waiting patiently for the game. for all those that go "valve screwed us with no credit cards" all i have to say is learn patience, its a good value that wil benefit you the rest of your life..........
hey the warez user if they dont update they still can use built in cheats for example etc.
I'm willing to bet one of you who are doing the %n to help valve battle warez users has illegal mp3's on your machine right now. :E

For some reason the %n would still kick me before yesterday's patch, even after the other %n fix. Not very fair, and no better than myg0at by exploiting it.

edit - I forgot to mention the exploit doesn't kick me anymore. I thought the first one would certainly fix it for me, and not the warez users, since everyone was telling me that I should do %n to kick the warez users. I'm glad valve went ahead and fixed it for me now. Now we just need some new maps, models, and we'll be set!

Hey, is it possible I was kicked from my game being buggy? It would just kick to windows sometimes, and I have heard of friends having the same problems, so I told them it might have been from the %n exploit. (these guys all bought hl2, myself including)
Windom said:
I'm willing to bet one of you who are doing the %n to help valve battle warez users has illegal mp3's on your machine right now. :E

For some reason the %n would still kick me before yesterday's patch, even after the other %n fix. Not very fair, and no better than myg0at by exploiting it.

edit - I forgot to mention the exploit doesn't kick me anymore. I thought the first one would certainly fix it for me, and not the warez users, since everyone was telling me that I should do %n to kick the warez users. I'm glad valve went ahead and fixed it for me now. Now we just need some new maps, models, and we'll be set!

Hey, is it possible I was kicked from my game being buggy? It would just kick to windows sometimes, and I have heard of friends having the same problems, so I told them it might have been from the %n exploit. (these guys all bought hl2, myself including)
Yes most likely but the music industry is EVIL!! :cheers: Just as warezers (not that's one big contradiction ain't it?)

Also, since we all download CS:S from the same place, it is doubtful that YOUR copy of it is buggy while others aren't. It might be that STEAM is buggy or you just have an unstable computer. Talked to someone on a server today and he said that his computer crashed randomly as well when he was playing but he figured out it was because of bad overclocking...
We should actually form a clan, named %n. :thumbs: My nick in CSS is [%n] Retro_X :LOL:
i want CS:S, but i want a case (i dont want to buy off steam). but even so i wouldnt be reduced to strealing a game and bragging about it around people who have given valve their money... wares make baby jesus cry.
Just a thoght emporio fixed the %N bug....did he also fix the %s bug?
Yeah EMPORiO has fixed the %n bug, and I think any other name bugs. Thing is it's a seperate release update, which means noobish hackers will still timeout. The annoying ones, however, won't. Could try it though.

I have a site where they discuss this openly, so I can just read up on it, then flame the idiotic people :).

I also love %n kicking people. You should have been on our very own Halflife2.net server yesterday at about 3am - I was doing it sooo many times :) and I call it "cleansing the server". A good idea too is to take a screenie/write down their Steam ID's, and hand them over to VALVe. They can ban them by I.P. Then I think.
I dont know if anyone has mentioned this in the 8 pages, but doing %n doesnt work on normal clients anymore, but it still does kick illegal users.
seinfeldrules said:
I dont know if anyone has mentioned this in the 8 pages, but doing %n doesnt work on normal clients anymore, but it still does kick illegal users.

I thought that's what they've been discussing? the fact that %n will boot off illegal users and leave the legal copies on?

I got booted from a server for doing that once... only about 5 people got kicked off when I did it...
Rossell said:
Lets think of it another way. Hands up everyone who has a debit card.

Now lets look at the ratio of debit to credit.

Realise the massive mistake Valve have made by not making debit cards available. Then shock horror realise that the people who missed out on the game due to debit cards are now warez'ing the bugger.

Hmmm, I bought HL2 Silver using a debit card, what you talking about?
Yeah the warez version of CS can be downloaded very easy from many places.
dekstar said:
I also love %n kicking people. You should have been on our very own Halflife2.net server yesterday at about 3am - I was doing it sooo many times :) and I call it "cleansing the server". A good idea too is to take a screenie/write down their Steam ID's, and hand them over to VALVe. They can ban them by I.P. Then I think.

I know it's fun, but I still can't bring myself to support. I have only actually submitted specific people to the devs (not Valve, another game) when they were using exploits to cheat and ruin the fun. This looks just a tad wrong to me... time for people to start getting along.
Solver said:
This looks just a tad wrong to me... time for people to start getting along.

How about time for people to start paying for what they use? THAT looks a tad wrong to me....

It's funny how you find it unacceptable for people to be booted off servers for running illegal copies of games, but find it acceptable to actually copy those games in the first place.

And if you're thinking "it's Valve's fault for only having credit card purchases on their website!", that's not a real great excuse, I'm sure there's SOMEONE you know that has a credit card and if you give them the money up front to buy the game for you, then it shouldn't be a problem. If they don't trust you with their credit card then there's some other problem there..
Yeah, you're right. The real thing is, I don't care at all if the people I play with have the game because they bought it, because they downloaded it or because they are Gabe's best friends. Here, I am absolutely egoistic, and if someone is using a pirated version, that is not my problem. But when a 22 slot server drops to 5 players, it concerns me.

That's one thing. Another thing is that booting is unfriendly. Yes I know those are pirates and may well deserve it, but sometimes I just so want to see everyone get along nicely...
Golly, I'm sure all you good hearted people don't have none of them MP3s!! I know this here message board ain't populated by no hypocrites or nothin.