Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Play?

Another great game of Warhammer :D

Man I love this game...The day it comes out I'm getting it. I just want to skirmish as well though.
that was very fun sparrow... my chaos bloodthirster made short work of those pathetic bots :)

im definately gonna get the game too, very fun and very true to the board game :)
I think thats what makes it so fun...I mean I used to have an interest and I played that the Games Workshop in Manchester (It used to be one of the biggest ones until it moved) a couple of times. But I always wanted to see them really battle...Now I can :D
I wouldn't have thought that if you hadn't said ahem....

Anyway, Il go make it now. Server will be my name and password will be Purplemonkey

Just because Suicide seems to think hello is over used :P
we just played again, and i was chaos :)

each unit of my marines had 6 normal men, 1 champion, 1 heavy bolter, 1 heavy flamer, 1 plasma rifle and 1 rocket launcher (11 men in total). I had 7 squads.. thats 77 men :)

i also had 5 defiliers, which are my best tank unit (and look ****ing cool), plus i had 1 chaos hero and one BLOODTHIRSTER which is one of the best units int eh game!!!

i smashed two of the enemies :D I also had the largest defence, with about 10 turrets, and 3 rocket turrets, shame i never got attacked...

but my 77 men, 5 tanks and 2 heroes put the framerate down to 10fps or something, as i had the graphics to full :D
too easy! play harder AIs next time.

suicide your army was ridiculously huge. but i had a nicely balanced one. dreadnaughts that can take punishment and dish it out, marines in between them, two tanks backing them up, and two artillery units for long range stuff. that combination normally cuts through anything in other RTS games :) and it seems to work here.

but that bloodthirster...wow :O
Advanced Ai normally poses quite a challenge, without the completely impossibility of Insane.

I had 4 terminator squads(With auto cannons) supported by medics. 1 marine squad with 4 heavy bolters. 1 Dreadnaught, the Librarian, the Force Commander, 4 predator tanks (Although I had 4 more building), and a couple of Dreadnaugts being built (but they would have gone over the limit) I didn't however have a field of turrest like you guys :D

I went for raw power really, you went balanced and Suicide went maniac with loads of men and one guy that would equal the rest of his army put together.
Dedalus said:
too easy! play harder AIs next time.

suicide your army was ridiculously huge. but i had a nicely balanced one. dreadnaughts that can take punishment and dish it out, marines in between them, two tanks backing them up, and two artillery units for long range stuff. that combination normally cuts through anything in other RTS games :) and it seems to work here.

but that bloodthirster...wow :O

mine was well balanced as well :)

1 bloodthirster
1 chaos lord
5 defilers (artillery AND close cobat)
7 rocket marines
7 plasma marines
7 heavy bolter marines
7 flamer marines
49 normal marines

call that non balanced? the bloodthirster ripping through the front lines, with the distant Defiliers blasting random parts of the opposition to dust from afar, with the flamers and heavy bolters ripping the units to shreads, and the rocket lanchers decimating the buildings? then theres the 50 or so marines running around spraying fire! EAT THAT!!!

*edit* good description sparrow.. "manic" was about right :P

does anyone actually read this except us three and possibly feath?
Suicide42 said:
mine was well balanced as well :)

1 bloodthirster
1 chaos lord
5 defilers (artillery AND close cobat)
7 rocket marines
7 plasma marines
7 heavy bolter marines
7 flamer marines
49 normal marines

call that non balanced? the bloodthirster ripping through the front lines, with the distant Defiliers blasting random parts of the opposition to dust from afar, with the flamers and heavy bolters ripping the units to shreads, and the rocket lanchers decimating the buildings? then theres the 50 or so marines running around spraying fire! EAT THAT!!!

all i saw was mr bloodthirster introducing the enemy to his fist, and a mass of marines behind him :P

seems fairly well balanced if you say so though.

any of you played against human opponents before?
Well how about 2 command units charging in backed up by 16 Terminators and 4 tanks pulling round both flanks and then a mop up team of 9 marines, 4 of which carry heavy bolters :D

I played against a human, but we both had bots on our side, so it was a bit weird. Quite fun though because if you want you can let the bots fight, while you stand back and build up your army.
I got the beta yesterday evening, messed around a bit in the tutorial with the orks. I love the animations, like when an ork building is placed. I'm going to mess around some more this morning, maybe I'll join if you guys are putting up another game.
theGreenBunny said:
I got the beta yesterday evening, messed around a bit in the tutorial with the orks. I love the animations, like when an ork building is placed. I'm going to mess around some more this morning, maybe I'll join if you guys are putting up another game.

Class. I reckon 4 vs 2 insane (or slightly lower level) comps will be fun.

The only annoying thing is. the Computer always picks one person to attack and sticks with it. It's the same in many RTS games.
I must warn you though, I usually never play RTS'es in multiplayer (only skirmish vs. AI) so I can't guarantee I'll be any good :)
I would be I have to drive my mam to Morrisons. Maybe later.
I went to bed at 11:30pm, and got up at about 4am. So it's not that bad.
Oh ok....Well Il be ready for a game whenever I suppose. I don't think I have anytihng planned for today really.
same here. i still have some unpainted models, and ill probally paint them sometime, but i dont really like playing the actual game anymore- takes too much time.

and feath... 4am? how....?
I just woke up, I've been having sleep problems lately.

I'm ready to play now if anyone's interested.
I used to play as well, Dark Angels hehe, but with the oldschool rules, not the dumbed down version it is now. I'm prolly gonna buy this game if the MP is good :)
Oh it is...although searching for games can be annoying. I tihnk they use gamespy as well.

Anyway, I just had the longest game ever...took about 2 hours:x. I need food now.

I played against some people, 3 on each side. My team won, but only because we had the strategic points. I happened to be attacked by the most power opponent. I think my allies were newer than me, one of them didn't really do anything apart from one point where he attacked with a bloodthirster and some marines (Although I think I promted the attack because I sent in some terminators). Anyway, th eonly enemy who really attacked was the one who attacked me. One of the people on their team didn't do anything either and one sent squads or marines every so often. It was almost like we were opposite our perfect match or something. I would have lost if it werent for the critical points, but I put up a great last stand :D I was actually turning the tide because I dropped a couple of dreadnaughts behind what was left of his attacking army, and I had just dropped in 3 groups or marines which I was building heavy bolters on (I have lost my stronghold and chapel but I still had the dropship thing).

Anyway, it was a fun game :D Playing against people can be quite enjoyable.
wow sounds interesting.

anyway, i'll play when anyone's free!
I suppose I might be up for another game..I think I've recovered from the last one now :)
if you're not up for a game no worries. just lemme know if/when you're hosting etc :)
Go on then, lest have a game :)

Il go make it.

Server will be my name and password will be mouse
I got booted for cd key again. Someone probably jacked it or it's a bug that will haunt me, I'll probably be able to play around 4PM Pacific, if anyones up for it.
aww it's not there :(

i'll wait for another game i guess.

that was a brilliant last stand by farrow and tgb :) i got totally raped at the beginning :/
Hehe...Yeah it was fun :D I didn't watch much of thegreenbunny though.

Anyway, i dont think Il play again till tonight. I need to come off the computer :x