Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Play?

Bah. I wish I ignored the "Over 18" sign and signed up anyway :(
Post here when youve finished playing (if you want to play another), I WILL NOT MISS THIS ONE!!! I SWEAR!!!
i will sit here refreshing this page untill i see a new post if it is necessary!
dont suppose you want another game?


Hmmm...I said I wasn't going to play agian....I don't know now.

We just had a good game though, I was almost killed when I was overrun by orks. I actually had two bases at the time, so tis wasn't too bad. I had turrets, two heavy bolter marines squads and a rocket marines squad cramped into the middle of my main base defending too the last. Then dedalus and green bunny sent in a load of reinforcements which led to us smashing them out of my base.

Then we built our armies, dedalus went left, along with some of my terminators, my marines went straight south and dropped a load of dreadnaughts in.

In the end killed off the marines, well, what was left of them with 3 terminator squads, all with autocannons and quite a few Dreadnaughts with las cannons and chainguns. I kept building more.

Its weird, because I yet again managed to spend over 2000 more req than I actually gained.
and your all warmed up for another game???


im bored.
i swear, dreadnaughts + heavy bolters + rockets = unstoppable. i totalled a whole base and a whole army with only a handful of units.

not how big it is, it's how you use it :P
stop, your going to make me cry.

i wish they allowed you to play custom games off the internet, apart from the tutorials :/
keep poking farrow then we'll play :P

my upload is being raped by my sister so i wouldn't be able to host successfully i don't think.
Hmm, I'm back. Sorry I left before I lost my connexion. Damn Cable modem. I may be up for another.

EDIT: what am I talking about? I'm sending a file to someone. Oh well, I guess I won't be up for another.
/me pokes sparrow repeatedly

come oooooonnnn!!!!

i wanna plaaaaaaaayyyy!!!
Heyll im back...I'm gonna have to miss it tonight. Iw as going to play, but im talking with a friend who I havent spoken to in a while.
i have learnt one thing today, and that is that obliterators own.

i had 4 squads of obliterators, each containing 4 men (if you can call them men), thats 16 obliterators. tehy have practically every gun mutated onto their gruesome body.

To aid my 16 obliterators i had my trusty bloodthirster, loyal 4 defilers (owning again) and a predetor tank, that didnt do much. With the bloodthirster ripping through the infantry up ahead, and the obliterators blasting away shortly after, and the defilers providing artillery support, me and sparrow completely decimated them :)
I'll be able to play from about 8pm BST. If anyone's interested. I've recently added a badge and banner, so I'm dying to see them in action.
a game sometime

Im cool for a game sometime :) plz contact me on msn at lennart_bergmann(at)hotmail.com :) pretty plz farrow :P
Feath said:
I'll be able to play from about 8pm BST. If anyone's interested. I've recently added a badge and banner, so I'm dying to see them in action.

Sooo the UK is in summer time, which means GMT+1... and I'm in CET, which is usually GMT+1 but because of summer time GMT+2... which means 21:00 for me. Sounds good (did I mention timezones are annoying?).

In the meantime I think I'll try to get my own banner and stuff in as well. *begins with looking for info on how to do it*
I clearly killed more men than everyone else :D

I stood in the way of that last computer we killed, because it kept trying to attack with the others, but it had to go through me. I guess thats where I got most of my kills from.
We just won a game with 5 of us vs 3 advanced AIs. Fun fun.

If you guys are playing again, I don't think I'll join. It's far too hot here upstairs.
I found that frustating because I felt like I was relying on you lot to protect me. I should've build more units instead of trying to advance quickly.

Oh well I've learnt my lesson.
Not to mention the annoying console thing. Of all the frigging keys to chose they had to chose the ' key. I was trying to say "It's the defiler that's the Artilery" but each time it brought up the console, and I type without thinking so I kept on making the same mistake.

i got wiped out at the begginning... lucky i had a builder and 700 spare so i could build a new CC and full base in teh safety of feaths bosom (or whatever) :D

i still got an amazing army, just it took me 4 times as long, as all the strategic points were gone so i was basically living off the +20 (or is it +40?) i got from my CC. By the time i got a relic in order to get a bloodthirster and some real firepower, the game was almost over, and i actually had JUST transformed my hero into a bloodthirster when the game ended.

yay, tis fun :D
Make a game or I'll be forced to shove my space marine power fist down some throats! :O
Suicide42 said:
i got wiped out at the begginning... lucky i had a builder and 700 spare so i could build a new CC and full base in teh safety of feaths bosom (or whatever) :D

i still got an amazing army, just it took me 4 times as long, as all the strategic points were gone so i was basically living off the +20 (or is it +40?) i got from my CC. By the time i got a relic in order to get a bloodthirster and some real firepower, the game was almost over, and i actually had JUST transformed my hero into a bloodthirster when the game ended.

yay, tis fun :D

I was just in the process of transforming mine. My Chaos lord was in mid air. Mind you, it was my second one.

EDIT: And the only reason I survived was because you were at my base. I was really slow in that game. Thanks.
I didn't really build that much in the way of an army, but what I had, I used quite effectively :D

3 marines squads, 3 sniper(scout) squads, a dreadnaught, a Whirlwind (both died rapidly, but they served thier purpose) and a Landraider. Those landraiders are pretty good :D

Sorry Rico, I would make a game but I need to use the toilet and then I'm going to watch the tele for a bit.

Dedalus seemed to have the most powerful army in that, although I suppose he had plenty of time to build after Suicide moved on.
Bit behind the times here, didn't know we had some DoW Beta peeps on the forums! I'll check this thread when I get chance to play again and if my timings right I'd like to join in :thumbs:
we just finished the game... anyone else want to play another round?
i'd better not. gotta head off to bed in a bit. i'll play again tomorrow though.

i think i've found my niche with the space marines :) they riped through defiler after defiler in that game. i'm well chuffed about it. my tactics worked :E
Shame I was killed at the start...At least I managed to recover pretty well I think :D

A couple of land raiders, about 5 dreadnaughts, 4 marine squads (2 heavy bolter, 2 rocket) and 2 squads of Assault Terminators didn't go far wrong :)