Was HL2.net ever better ?

What do you think ?

  • HL2.net has and always will rock. HL2.NET FOREVAR!!

    Votes: 43 36.1%
  • The TDE is not a mod anymore. That means party time!!! *me donces*

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • don't remind me of the old days...

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Hetairia roxxors!!! \O/

    Votes: 17 14.3%
  • Definitly.... the mood was so much better in the beggining

    Votes: 48 40.3%

  • Total voters


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
I was thinking of getting it "does HL2.net sucks now?!?!" but this is a better wording.
but the forums, the FORUMS!!

why didn't you vote ?
Hetairia roxxors!!! \O/
I think the forums used to be better, but I like them how they are now.

Them ;)
Hetairia rocks my socks! Am I the only one who voted for that?!
I remember things being really good in the beggining, I remember alot of characters that don't post anymore :(

It's still cool now though, there's been alot of nice additions to the boards recently :)
It was better in the beginning, yes. Then it got worse.. But it's gotten slightly better now after the hysteria around HL2, personally I think it's quite alright at the moment.
Too bad about all the people who've bailed out on us though, like Shuzie. :(

*cough* Hetairia roxxors!!! \O/ *cough*
HL2.net now offers hentai!?
Definately better in the beggining, however this is still the best the forums have been in a long long time.
You shoulda put "oldies only" in the title or somethin.
Yeapo, it was fantastic with less headcrabs, less mods and less restrictions :D. But its still cool now
what's Hetairia?

and yes, this site rocks. Now that HL2 is actually out it's a little boring though... and all the interesting people are away playing WOW... like me now the EU beta has arrived :D
It was better before hl2 came out
Off-topic still kicks ass though.
It used to be better before HL2 came out, but it's still awesome :)
what was that line from that song again? ... "the future's not as good as it used to be..."

i'm not voting, cos this poll's not as good as the old ones

entropy, me dears
HL2.net peaked in September, 2004, when I was most active here.

Unfortunatly I just havent had as much time to devote to the forums, and so things here started to fall apart.

The days of yore were more light hearted in my opinion. Still this place is great to spend spare time.
HL2.net's culture was founded upon the near-perpetual waiting for HL2, the rumour-mongering, dissection of tiny info-scraps, and thriving off-topic sections, which have essentially been replaced by "Help me", "HL2 doesn't work" and "How do i fix/do/get this" threads, which is to be expected after the game's release.
Don't panic, however, as once this "newbie-tide" goes out, and the mod-community grows a little stronger, the off topic will prosper once again, and speculation will return.
Perhaps with the announcements of further expansions, and eventually HL3, halflife2.net will be able to reach peaks of community that have yet to be seen.
bliink said:
Don't panic, however, as once this "newbie-tide" goes out, and the mod-community grows a little stronger, the off topic will prosper once again, and speculation will return.
Perhaps with the announcements of further expansions, and eventually HL3, halflife2.net will be able to reach peaks of community that have yet to be seen.
I completely agree. However it could all go down the drain again if another code theft occurs. ;) :(
bliink said:
HL2.net's culture was founded upon the near-perpetual waiting for HL2, the rumour-mongering, dissection of tiny info-scraps, and thriving off-topic sections, which have essentially been replaced by "Help me", "HL2 doesn't work" and "How do i fix/do/get this" threads, which is to be expected after the game's release.
Don't panic, however, as once this "newbie-tide" goes out, and the mod-community grows a little stronger, the off topic will prosper once again, and speculation will return.
Perhaps with the announcements of further expansions, and eventually HL3, halflife2.net will be able to reach peaks of community that have yet to be seen.

And many more lows still......
What is Heitara anyway?

The forums are okay, I liked it when there wasn't so many headcrabs and when Comradebadger would make more funny lines before closing a thread. Congrats on Lincon university too btw :thumbs:
We all knew what was going to happen to the forums after release.
Danimal said:
What is Heitara anyway?

The forums are okay, I liked it when there wasn't so many headcrabs and when Comradebadger would make more funny lines before closing a thread. Congrats on Lincon university too btw :thumbs:
Thanks! :E

Yeah, I kinda stopped making comments after people started complaining that mods were posting smartass comments just to increase postcount..
Half life 2 . net turned into a daycare filled with 11years old posting their theories about how the half life 1 soldiers were in fact combines...

Edit: In fact, half life2.net now reminds me of the planethalflife forums, and this is not really good. ;(
The amount of idiots grows as the main population grows... can't do anything about it :(
The lounge is slowly getting over-run by them.....I fear the worse.
I think the attitude has change around this site. In the beginning it was much more humble as the moderators much more friendly (and I suppose unexpected of this sites incredible success). As the site grew and matured, it became less and less friendly. Its not the moderators fault, it just happens as a site becomes popular, it attracts the garbage around the internet. It just so happened that moderators had to toughen up to take out the garbage.

As the release of HL2 has past, I see the attitude of HL2.net slowly starting to change back to normal.

Not to mention a fair number of people have left this site.
Originally posted by Comradebadger
Yeah, I kinda stopped making comments after people started complaining that mods were posting smartass comments just to increase postcount..

Aww dont let the headcrabs deter you :D
It is about the same quality as it was in the summer 2004 when I joined. It was a hell in November, but now it has improved a lot.
While it definitely was great when it first started, theres been plenty of new faces which have settled right in and are almost like one of the oldies :p

But then for every one decent guy, you get 20 pillocks