WASH POST: New Iraqi torture photos.

ah well, Bush sux, watch Fahrenheit 9-11
Whens it come out? Does it have a scheduled worldwide release? It sounds like another big documentary by Michael Moore. I heard it got a 20 minute standing oviation (Apparently every movie at the Cannes Film Festival is getting those now)
By the way

I found the footage at *****.com, and this was my reaction. As the victim's screams turned to gurgling, I felt nauseated and started shaking. When his severed head was held up, I fled from the room

Nick Berg was alive when he was being decapitated.
Source: http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=18758

And this is what you describe as "Justice" hasan?
Of course thats not justice, thats despicable, but so are those who believe that Iraqi torture pictures were justified. What do you expect when you walk into a country and kill over 10,000 civilians? Do you think people will welcome you? Hell no! American soldiers are scumbags its as simple as that - they have single handedly made the entire population of Iraq unite against them, no mean feat! And I can guarantee you that worse things have happened in that jail, It probably goes as far down as murder.
Sparta said:
Did you even watch that movie? At the time that movie was set in, it was a very good reason to hate the germans, they were trying to take over most of the world, and were doing a pretty good job at it too. Not to mention the Holocaust. What about that part where Pvt Uppem is sticking up the german prisoner they capture? What happens then? Oh, wait, they let him go.
That movie's not racist, it was a brillant story, and one of his best. And if you're gonna say Spielberg's racist, what about Schindlers List? which is about GERMAN jewish prisoners. Sheesh.

Are you ignorant on purpose, or are you just crying out for some attention?

The point I was trying to make is this:

Say I made a film about The Palestine-Israel Conflict, and these are some of the main features:

- Every Jew in it has a big nose.
- Every Jew in it has murdered Palestinians.
- Every Jew is ugly.
- Every Jew is inherently evil.

That would be dismissed as racism, and rightly so. But therefore I think we should wake up and see that some of Spielberg's work is not far, if not hitting the target of racism itself.
Spielberg has, and always will be, one of the great film directors. Yet he believes that we are stupid enough to believe some of the crap he puts out on the big screen. He has to wake up and start living in the real world, and stop using this age old Jewish excuse of the holocaust for every crime commited by Israel at the present time.
Not to give the impression that I agree with your "American soldiers are scumbags" comment, but it does go as far as murder, six seperate murderers as a matter of fact "under investigation" right now. Google it, i'm too tired.
Now back to the scumbags comment, not all American soldiers are scumbags, so please don't allow a few bad apples to spoil the bunch.
I retract that last comment - Not all are like that, but I believe the soldiers could take a less heavy handed approach, as the British are doing is Basra and this would help them gain the support of local people. Its a bit like Vietnam - in the end the US alienated themselves from the Vietnamese people, and so they had no popular support from anywhere - That and Diem was more of tyrant than Ho Chi Minh.
I agree with you totally as far as our heavy handed tactics are concered. I didn't want to go to Iraq, but as soon as I saw the inevitablity, I was screaming to have more support and to take a kinder approach. Had we done that to start, maybe, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now.
Sparta, watch the two videos I posted in this thread (page 5)...convince me that soldiers in the video respected iraqi's...btw those videos are direct evidence of war crimes
It's always the same I guess... tarring everyone with the same brush. Sometimes worse things than tar get stuck on it and no one cleans it.

Football hooligans? They're not actual football fans, they're just vicious, petty-minded little sociopaths who commit mindless violence and vandilism in the name of the UK's favourite sport.

Al-Qaeda? They're not Muslims, they're just vicious, broad-scale murderers who commit continual atrocities in the name of an Allah they've done their best to corrupt beyond all recognition.

The Americans in question? They're not people. They're not representative of the entire army. For every idiotic unilingual thug we see brutalising an innocent, there's a unit of half-decent men and women in the country. What history will remember, however, are the antics of people who should be disqualified from the human race, not just court-martialled.
Sparta said:
By the way
Nick Berg was alive when he was being decapitated.
Source: http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=18758

And this is what you describe as "Justice" hasan?

For those who don't know what the "Muslim Scholars Association" is, it's an assembly of religious scholars who support the resistance, a bit undercover thu, they don't say it, but if you follow what they say, you will figure it out.

Anyway, no, this is not the justice I am looking for .. but how about you think about the thousands who's death wasn't caused by a knife, but a bomb? How about calling those who bombed them "terrorists"?
how about you stop trying to protect a bunch of terrorist, and act like a human being rather then a lawer?
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Take a look at Saving Private Ryan for instance:

- Every German is Ugly
- Every German is stupid
- Every German is evil
- Every German is dishonest and untrustworthy

In my opinion Spielberg is one of the biggest racist pieces of shit ever to grace God's green earth. And we wonder why the ignorant hate the Germans and think they are all the same when Mr. Spielberg plows out crap like that.

Somebody has obviously never seen Schindler's List...
No, I did, it doesnt cancel out the fact that SPR was disgustingly racist though.
I wasn't replying to you, bigun.

And don't forget that most of the Germans in SPR were Nazi Soldiers. Please, please correct me if I am wrong in this assumption, but I don't think the nazis were particularly friendly or honest people. Imbeciles.
No, I did, it doesnt cancel out the fact that SPR was disgustingly racist though. Althoug he is the only good German ever featured in Spielberg's films. Doubtless if he could have been slandered in some way he would have.

Wait WTF?

'Nazi Soldiers?'

Exactly what IS a NAZI soldier?
Do you mean the Wermacht? The regular German army featured in SVP, because I can guarantee you that they were not 'all evil'. It is this kind of ignorance, mainly American, that disrupts the world so much.

Honestly I cant get over some of this ignorance.... Nazi soldiers?

Yet again, American condoning of a Zionist bigot.
Btw Ive just checked up your profile not28. You are a 17 year old American, I dont really expect your intellect to be much better from someone who has to 'pledge allegiance to the flag' every day.
Yes, I'm sure my age is very relevant to your flawed bias, or your inability to keep out of arguments that don't concern you.
What you said wasnt an argument, it was pure ignorance.

Shall I quote it again? Ok.

not28 said:
And don't forget that most of the Germans in SPR were Nazi Soldiers. Please, please correct me if I am wrong in this assumption, but I don't think the nazis were particularly friendly or honest people. Imbeciles.

So according to you anyone who served under the Nazi dictatorship in the early 30's and 40's is inherently evil. Doesn't it occur to you that the vast amounts of poverty pre-Hitler practically forced many to join the Army?

You are being rediculous, you evidently don't know this period of History so why dont you shut up and stop pretending you do with your racist remarks. I dont pretend I am not bias, everyone is, but thinking you are in some way less bias considering your prievous comments is downright stupid, you are a red blooded republican, probably supportive of Zionist crimes.
Christ, you're pathetic. How do you equate "not particularly friendly or honest people" with "inherently evil"? You've embellished my post just a bit. And if you've actually read any of my other posts, you would realize I am certainly not a republican (or a democrat, for that matter). And why bother introducing the concept of "Zionist crimes"? What the **** does that have to do with anything? My original comment was toward Nickzer_Teh_Pwn because he denounced Steven Spielberg over a trivials observation he believes to have perceived in one of his films. You had no reason to along and blow everything out of proportion. Stop looking for arguments, and stop acting like you've deciphered my ideals by reading two posts.
Trivial observation?
When you make random generlisations in the way Spielberg has done it is usually percieved as racism not28, unfortunately you do not seem to understand the point Nickzer was getting at was that he believed a same random generlisation of Jews in a similar film, say a Palestine Israel conflict film would be immediately dismissed as racist, and therefore, in the same respect, why should Spielberg's work not be considered racist?

As for your ideals I dont care about them to be honest, to think that we are going to have people like you in power in the next 20 years scares me - but I still have hope for the left, I thought education was getting better evidently Americans are still being taught the same propoganda based History lessons they were during the Cold War.
Nuke Teh Middle East Praise Alah!11!

or should we just nuke the jews? PRAISE Allallhhhhh11!!!!
PatPwnt said:
Nuke Teh Middle East Praise Alah!11!

or should we just nuke the jews? PRAISE Allallhhhhh11!!!!

nuke the neo-convservatives; they're responsible for all that's wrong in the world.....well them and Walt Disney
CptStern said:
nuke the neo-convservatives; they're responsible for all that's wrong in the world.....well them and Walt Disney
I hate Walt Disney. My dad wants to go there AGAIN for summer vacation.
I told him not to give that nazi Disney anymore of our money but he didn't.

And just yesterday my brother came home from best buy and bought Disney's Miracale. I hate disney.
bigun said:
Trivial observation?
When you make random generlisations in the way Spielberg has done it is usually percieved as racism not28, unfortunately you do not seem to understand the point Nickzer was getting at was that he believed a same random generlisation of Jews in a similar film, say a Palestine Israel conflict film would be immediately dismissed as racist, and therefore, in the same respect, why should Spielberg's work not be considered racist?

As for your ideals I dont care about them to be honest, to think that we are going to have people like you in power in the next 20 years scares me - but I still have hope for the left, I thought education was getting better evidently Americans are still being taught the same propoganda based History lessons they were during the Cold War.

Wait a second, so for Spielberg to be considered racist you're saying that you agree with that guy who called SPR racist because he thinks that Spielberg potrayed every single german in that movie to be evil?
I can agree that some people might see it as racist but he is not.
Is Spielberg was truly racist it would be evident in every single bit of his work. EVERYTHING that has been produced by him. Like Band of Brothers for example. If anyone has read the book they might now that once America defeated Berlin, the troops got to know what the average german soldier was like, and they respected them for that. If he was racist why would he produce a 10 part mini-series with that in it?

He's not racist

Anyway back on-topic. I agree with not28(i think not28 said it) when he said that not all soldiers are evil. Most of them are decent people who just happen to be a soldier. I got a friend whose in the army and he's never taken one wrong step in his life. He's as decent as the next guy. So if he goes over to Iraq and gets kidnapped and executed how the hell is that "justice"?
Hasan you're ridiculous. I can understand you're pissed off about it but if you're encouraging people to go out and seek revenge you're an idiot.
Its like the Palenstine-Israel conflict. The morons keep retaliating for what the other did. It never stops and more and more people keep dying. Violence doesn't solve anything it just makes matters worse.

Also CptStern, i never condoned what the US did to the Iraqi prisoners. And i never said the wasn't any evidence of it. So why the heck did you post those links to those video's? i know whats happening in them, and i know its not right. What was your point?
my point is that it's not "just a few bad apples"........it's "a heck of a lot of really bad apples"

watch the first one again..that guy who's interviewed after he killed the injured iraqi seems pretty convinced what he did was right...he justified his murder
A2597 said:
how about you stop trying to protect a bunch of terrorist, and act like a human being rather then a lawer?
Tell this to yourself!

Why is somebody who is defending his religion and his land and his people considered a terorist? while the other who travels thousands of miles across the sea to invade the first guy's country considered a hero?! You have a lot of twisted conceptions you need to correct.
If you will tell me about dragging the bodies of 4, I will remind you that you've destroyed our whole country, not just bodies of 4 .. hell man it's wrong to mutilate the bodies of the dead no matter who they were, but you have to understand that these are furious people who want to express thier anger. You ar the ones who started it.
The resistance has - according to occupation officials - around 25 - 40 operations a day. How many of them were targeted against innocent poeple? and how many were targetted against military targets? We only hear about "terrorist" operations from time to time .. and usually they are a killing of 1 - 4 people (and I'm talking about Iraq specifically) whom activities are usually questionable .. where as the American Army's operations are targetted against everyone indescrminetly.

Your attempts to isolate abuse and murder cases are baseless and hopeless. Many human rights organizations (including amnesty and the red cross), and many journalist insist and confirm that these abuses are not isolated, they are systematic.