Weekly Art Contest: Week 19 Discussion

my scaner dont work
I can post a hand drawing pic(IF is allowed)

and you know I hav just paint
but I dont know if someone will vote for my even if my pic in made in paint

I can post made in paint?

I can made it in clay but the pic will look bad quality
so maybe in clay no

and I plan to post characteristic and maybe diferent angles view
I can do it?

You can post anything you want. All you need to do is make it yourself, and not use stolen build info.

So, all those ideas will work fine. :)
Urk! I would love to do this one... except I've strapped myself in one hell of a personal project in photoshop already. Probably the biggest and best drawing I've ever done before. I'll try my best to have it done when HL2 is released. So I suppose I wont be doin any contests for a while.
OMG my ida was chosen :laugh: thats the 2nd one ive had chosen :D
Now all i need to do is actually win a contest :)
this definately will be interesting...
SnowBall said:
Urk! I would love to do this one... except I've strapped myself in one hell of a personal project in photoshop already. Probably the biggest and best drawing I've ever done before. I'll try my best to have it done when HL2 is released. So I suppose I wont be doin any contests for a while.
Another month+ on one pic? That's gonna be awesome when it's done!
Is it that Gordon & Buggy deal from that other thread?
Mechagodzilla said:
Another month+ on one pic? That's gonna be awesome when it's done!
Is it that Gordon & Buggy deal from that other thread?
Thats it. I plan on it being Gigantic. A full out war scene on the seafloor.
SnowBall said:
Thats it. I plan on it being Gigantic. A full out war scene on the seafloor.

is this just doing it when you have the time... or do you not have a job or something :laugh:
Damn, I gotta enter this thing, I'll make something tomorrow. :)
shit.. i may not even be able to do this contest, any free time used is on my (ironically) art coursework for my mock exam. we have 8 weeks to do all this work... and i only started it on the 7th week. so i must do lots and lots of work... and i havent been keeping to my schedule... which means i probally wont be doing anyhting other than art homework untill my final exam which is in a week... thank god its only a mock :laugh:

the good thing is that no-one else has done any work either, and i only know 2 people who have done anything like what i have done. when its finished i could scan in the work ive donn and show it to you guys... its not very good though, as most of it is research on artists and experimenting with different types of art... so im not drawing any masterpeices :|

im bored so ill tell you what im doing.
i chose (out of a list of subjects) the world of the future
im mainly doing work on how we will probally destroy ourselves in the future, most likely by WW3 / nukes, or creating AI that outsmarts us etc...

so far i have done:
weeks one and two
the brainstorms
a collage on TWOTF
weeks three and four
research on Giger, the man who designed the alien
research on Fallout (the game) because it matches with my theme

and i need to do:
weeks five and six
using 6 different mediums, e.g. chalks, oil pastels, paints etc.
(im just gonna draw a bunch of ruined cities and mushroom clouds with different things really really quickly over the weekend)
weeks seven and eight
preperation for my final peice, e.g. sketching ideas.

my final peice is going to be a ruined city, devestated by war and destruction, with objects from the future buried in the sand. dunno how im gonna do it thouh.. probally paints. i have 5 hours on thurs. and 5 hours on fri. next week, so plenty of time... :|
my pic will be made in paint

I am finishing right now
I hope you like it

also I was planing to post two but I dont hav time to made another one
Hey suicide42, why not just draw the boss guy as part of your project? HL2 is the future, after all. :)
My Pic Is Over Now!!

Wacht It And Give Me Opinions!
<RJMC> said:
My Pic Is Over Now!!

Wacht It And Give Me Opinions!

I was like, "that's quite cool" and then I saw the little scale-reference Gordon. That thing is ginormous!

I'd like to see what the front blade can do in source. :O
RJMC, that is by far the best entry I have ever seen in paint. Very, very, good.
Well, I've got part 1 of mine done, but I have to resize it to hell in order to attach it. Does anyone know a good quick image host I could use in order to avoid that problem?
RJMC, you are a paint god.
I'm going to have to agree, that is the ABSOLUTE best mspaint drawing I've ever seen

You have my vote, even if something "better" crops up.. the sheer amount of detail for a paint drawing deserves the vote
Thanks Snowball!

Mine's up now, but I think it's too large. I'll scale it down a bit in a moment.
Damn you Mechagodzilla.. now it's just waste of time making something for the contest. :D
Hey now, I wouldn't be so sure. I'd bet Tony Danza the Sixteen-Limbed Electric Spider Cow is in for a challenge.

I honestly consider <RJMC>'s to be a better boss idea, but his entry came in when I was already 1/2way done, so I couldn't change mine to compensate.

I said I'd post a description of Tony here, but now that I think about it, there's not much to say.
Gordon finds him in his cocoon, blocking the way. He lights the webs on fire until Tony falls down, and the is chased around by the half-ignited Tony who becomes progressively faster has he sheds chunks of his cocoon.

Oh, and Tony also shoots electric webs that work like one of those long-range tasers, and you can crowbar the string off before he administers the shock.
Mechagodzilla said:
Hey now, I wouldn't be so sure. I'd bet Tony Danza the Sixteen-Limbed Electric Spider Cow is in for a challenge.

I honestly consider <RJMC>'s to be a better boss idea, but his entry came in when I was already 1/2way done, so I couldn't change mine to compensate.

I said I'd post a description of Tony here, but now that I think about it, there's not much to say.
Gordon finds him in his cocoon, blocking the way. He lights the webs on fire until Tony falls down, and the is chased around by the half-ignited Tony who becomes progressively faster has he sheds chunks of his cocoon.

Oh, and Tony also shoots electric webs that work like one of those long-range tasers, and you can crowbar the string off before he administers the shock.
Very impressive work on both of those pictures! What programs you use? Got a wacom?
LMAO those are well good... i like RJMC'sone, must have taken ages to make!!! i need to do some computer art in my project, so i guess i coulkd just do a quick one ;)
SnowBall said:
Very impressive work on both of those pictures! What programs you use? Got a wacom?
Thanks! I use GIMP. It's freeware because I'm low on funds. :x
Both pictures were mouse-drawn, again because of cheapness.

Oh, and Suicide42 I got your PM. A reply should be in your inbox.
thanks for the comemnts
but the one of mechagodzilla looks very good

that GIMP is free and downloable?
the pic of suicide 42 is not bad
is funny in some way
Whoa, is GIMP available for windows? I used to use that ALOT when I had Linux installed! :D *downloads*
WTF! Were do you peopel get these paint skillz!? Jeeze I would love to see what would happen if you guys got photoshop.
Suicide42 and I have teamed up to fight crime...
With the Combine APC Mecha-Suicide Co-production Contest Submission!


Suicide asked me to try my take on his nifty design, and there it is ^.
I drew it from memory, so the proportions are slightly off to the point that it's now a smaller three-man variation or the 12-man original.

I've got two pictures up, but Suicide's only got one.
Tim8604, is this picture contest-legal?
mechagodzilla, thats amazing. it captures the feel of the strider brilliantly, and can still hold combine troops. but your 2 entries were both of the same beast, so maybe that counts as one??

anyway if it is allowed in the competition hopefully Suicide42+Mechagodzilla will be treated as one artist, alongside Suicide42 and mechagodzilla.
The contest rules are pretty lax since for now it's only the title of the week's winner at stake. Later on if we start giving away prizes the rules will become a lot more strict. Go ahead and enter it as whatever though, that first one will count as just one entry.
The apc looks awesome. If there's something alike in the game, I think it'll take a long time to get past it (and lots of bullets). :cheers:
aww I see I lost
the pic of burnzie is very funny
hehe, im no good at designing monsters, i'll do a proper entry next week

that was a quikie photochop, the shadows are screwed and he goes transparent in places :laugh:
I would just like to let you know I will be entering next weeks contest :) Prepare for my MSPaint fury.