Weekly Steam News (23/02/05)



Valve has really stepped it up with the updates, this week brings us CS:S news:
We're still on track for releasing an update to Counter-Strike: Source tomorrow.
While we've been talking for a number of weeks about the new hostage rescue map we've been working on (cs_compound), Turtle Rock Studios has also been working on getting de_train converted over to Counter-Strike: Source. Along with cs_compound, we'll be including the new version of de_train in tomorrow's release.
Along with the two new maps, there are a number of fixes to the bots in Counter-Strike, an enhancement to the radar to display your current location in the map, and a fix for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch where players are disguising themselves as headcrabs, filing cabinets, and other invalid models.
Here's a preview of de_train:

The trains look cool, new models? also it seems more spacious?
Hahaha! I knew they would 'fess up about de_train being in production!
COOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL, cant wait for compound and train.
Cant wait for train and CSS updates. Woot!
Yay! De_train, IMO the best map in counter-strike 1.6, is finally here! :thumbs:
My only moan is that the device looks comically dangerous, ie. Dr. Schultz's Doomsday Device! rather than "city killer".

Oh well, I can live with some comedy.
Well, I don't like the screenshots, the trains are kinda small in my eyes. I hope there will be more HL2DM Updates next time.
Woohoo! Sw33t! Two new maps!

And it's also good that this model thingy has been fixed in HL2DM.
Nice suprise with this de_train map! I can't wait for tomorrow update. Valve and Turtle Rock Studios: what can I say? Great job, guys!
i'm gonna write this before the 493629 idiots ask...no there's no VAC2 announcement....it'll be a suprise, just like Valve said.
awesome news! i loved de_train back in the days.. great that it's finally back.. now waiting for de_inferno :D
about ****in time, 6+ months of CSS and finally they bring new models, hopefully they are MORE not just replaced.
Yay for the HL²:DM fix. =]

And yes i agree with lemon, and who doesn't. Its much better to have hack free servers then some maps that all ready have been converted by fans.
zodiak said:
Yay for the HL²:DM fix. =]

And yes i agree with lemon, and who doesn't. Its much better to have hack free servers then some maps that all ready have been converted by fans.

1) Fan converted maps are not popular amongst servers, these maps will be

2) VAC2 wont help you. I give it 2 weeks before they hack the VAC2 and start cheating again. Shit I bet the simple CS HOOK from ***** will still work with VAC2. No matter what you do the hackers will always make more cheats. Remember when VAC1 came out? It helped for what, 1 month? Cheating began again very soon anyway. So in my opinion I think the player models are the first priority. Because Im sick of staring at the same model on each team, variety would be great.
That has to be a new model. Since when the CT's in Source where googles. His cloths also look more baggy. Well if the models come out today, there might be a good chance VAC2 will come out today. Two suprises in one update, never think I saw this day coming :O .

Good job Valve, keep up the fantastic work.
Train looks awesome and I've been looking forward to compound. Excited about tomorrow's update :)
Finally some new stuff,I was getting tired of the old maps......
I love this. Train was awesome in CS 1.6 and I can't wait for compound! I also am happy about the new player models! :D This is great!
My faith was restored in Turtle Rock Studios when I saw those pics of de_train. They have a wonderful mapping department it looks like, they should just merge with VALVe ;)
Some_God said:
We need new models!
Look at the first few posts, and look at the CT's in the screenshots carefully. You will see new models. :)