weirdest dreams ever about valve games


Oct 2, 2009
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hehe this is probably a sign that u play too much valve games
feel free to share yours
mine goes like this
the onli thing i remember is running away from zombies in zombie mod cscz XD
and guess wat!the music was a ....zombies song with wat tune????
the tune from mary had a little lamb?????!!
sheez i play way too much cs .....:eek::eek:
PROTIP: Don't play games for long hours, right before you go to bed.
PRO-ERTIP: Don't make threads about your resulting dreams
If I marathon a game all day it gets ingrained in my subconscious and I see flashing animations from the game behind my eyelids going to sleep that night... its sort of weird to close your eyes and see a big grid of the mutalisk idle animation flapping in weird closed-eye-colors.
Oh yeah: a game consists of a system which you participate in and when you invest yourself deeply in the rules and procedures of that system then its operations will begin to occupy your mind. When I used to play chess a lot (a lot) I would lie awake at night and feel rather than see the tactile slide of the pieces from one sqare to another in elaborate strategies that I have now forgotten. And when I first played Advance Wars 2 on the GBA, well, after two days I was living a firmly turn-based life. I would pause before opening a door, in case there was something on the other side that I would not have points enough to deal with. I became a very good conversationalist, because I would always wait my turn without simply letting the other person babble on. And when I ate a meal I would agonise - what now? Should I eat a bit of this sausage, or should I bite off half a potato? If I do one, I can't do the other until... and then of course I would realise with a rising exultation that yes, god damnit, my life wasn't turn-based, and yes, YES! I can eat it all! There are no limits!

Anyway. Once I did indeed have a dream about Half-Life.

[in the midst of another dream entirely, a zombie apocalypse dream...] I went deeper into the house. I found it extended quite far, out to a back section, and here I eventually found that I was playing the new Half-Life game.

It placed you with a squad of personable companions, not just normal resistance members but Alyx-like personalities, three of them, who accompany you through your adventure. I cannot remember what they were like (one of them may have been Alyx) but one was a black woman with a great machinegun, who, when angered, stressed or exceptionally scared, transformed into a gigantic bear with a metal shield/machinegun on its right arm. This was a source of some discomfort to her and she was kind of insecure about it.

But this house turned out to be the sanctum of a scientist, who we met and who was rather happy to see us, considering what was going on in the outside world. He showed us a variety of machines, said he had four satellites in orbit (with strange names), and showed us that right out the back of his house a great heavy door opened onto a small platform, which itself overlooked a vast drop which was somehow inside a mountain or cliff-face – a great cylindrical rocky chamber which dropped to the ground and then there were ways out into the countryside down there. But out there were a whole bunch of the infected or the mad or whatever, and he closed the big door.

Like the Black Mesa East level, this was a nice 'base' section, a nice break from the fear gone by and the action soon to come, but not entirely safe. The scientist had several machines in a bay and one of them was supposed to be able to change the bear-woman's state permanently. He said if she pulled the big lever to transform into a bear, and then pulled it again, she wouldn't have the problem; she did so, jumping up and clinging to the gigantic switch to pull it down, and lightning struck her; next minute, she was in bear-form. But when the great bear pulled the switch again, nothing happened. She wigged out, while the scientist looked strangely satisfied.

Eventually we left the great silo and went out the back way, at which point the game suddenly went “We don't want to intrude on your experience but we're just going to explain a few things” - which was RETARDED but there you go. Cue video of how to fight a new enemy. The new enemy was rather like a Hunter, but more bulky, bulbous, and cream-coloured like a gunship; one of its attacks was a great barrelling leap towards you that was pretty much deadly. But if you could position yourself in front of something solid enough, tempt the beast into a leap, and then move out of the way, it would knock a lot of health off itself when it missed you.

A new gun was also demonstrated. It fired 'markers', which appeared as very bulky cylinders which adhered onto the surface of an enemy. The substance of the enemy, near the marker, would begin to swell up and balloon, or rather to collect near the marker. If there were several markers stuck to the enemy, more and more of its substance would glob towards them, and they would be drawn closer together. It was like if the enemy was a rubber sheet, and they were several lead weights; they rolled towards each other and distorted the surface. When five markers were fired onto a hunter, they distorted it so much that it was sort of sucked inside them, that is, the markers expanded and became one marker which then contained the hunter; it had been imprisoned inside a big grey metal cylinder.

By holding 'E' you could cling on to certain things, like the sides of big enemies (or the back of the bear). So in this great green expanse of field and forest that the video was taking place in (it looked like a terrestrial Nagrand), the player fired three markers at a helicopter which was buzzing past, and watched as the swelling bulk began to drag the helicopter down towards the earth; it dipped and shuddered, clipping trees, trying to stay aloft. It came so low that from the top of a small hillock the player jumped onto it and held E, hanging onto the side of the helicopter, and approached the cockpit with his crowbar in hand. Then I woke up.

I also once had a dream where Pi Mu Rho died and me and a bunch of people went down into his underground laboratory to try and salvage what we could (mementos and suchlike). But we met a load of mercenaries who were only there for profit, and they ended up accidentally letting loose the horrible things tha Pi had kept down there. It was really quite unpleasant!
1 time i was runnin in da dream an i saw guess wat!
........gordan freemen?
an the music was and that he had a crowbar too XD
I've had nightmares about a specific person from another community.

I feel terrible after waking up too.
If I marathon a game all day it gets ingrained in my subconscious and I see flashing animations from the game behind my eyelids going to sleep that night... its sort of weird to close your eyes and see a big grid of the mutalisk idle animation flapping in weird closed-eye-colors.

I knew I loved you.
I used to daydream in class about working in a super-cool underground facility like Gordon. It makes me feel safe.
I used to daydream in class about working in a super-cool underground facility like Gordon. It makes me feel safe.

Until they ask you to enter the test chamber?!
Sulk said:
one was a black woman with a great machinegun, who, when angered, stressed or exceptionally scared, transformed into a gigantic bear with a metal shield/machinegun on its right arm.

I'm having a hard time trying to remember dreams I've had about video games. Actually I think I might've had one last night, but my memory of it has already faded away.

Although searching back through the forum, I apparently did have a dream about flying headcrabs in 2004.
If you want to know about my HL2net/Valve dreams you're going to have to ask me within 2 seconds of waking up.
Are you saying Black people can't be bears? THAT'S RACIST.
i mean like since this is the hl2forums rite
means u all play lotsa source games rite
so that means u guys gotta have at least 1 hl2/css/tf2/l4d/hl1/tfc/bs/op4/decay dream rite?
Also the machine gun part.

The guy carrying the heavy machine gun in video games is always black.

^that post made me lol

Sigging now...
I recall after playing a lot of HL/HL2 and other first person shooters, when I'd come across a physical path blockage somewhere in real life my subconscious would immediately tell me that it is impossible to step over it and that I had to find another route.
My dream involved a similar resemblance to the Lighthouse gunship fight. Where I would fire a few rockets but at the same time get pummeled by a barrage of bullets. After a few attempts and a few deaths I suddenly raged/quit and closed the game. I sat from there on until I woke up clicking and dragging boxes on my desktop.
Seeing wood boxes in real life and thinking "must break boxes, goodies inside!".
I've memorized the damage values and reload times for about 90% of the weapons in MechWarrior 4, and I've also memorized the slots/stock configurations for about half the 'Mechs.

Totally related to HL2.
Danimal's christmas hat is so awesome.

To keep this thread on topic: I don't play nearly enough valve games to dream about them. If I did, i'd probably have a Portal nightmare. People always seem to have nightmares about things they'd never imagine. And Portal has that weird creep factor.
I had a dream where Gabe Newell broke into my home and impaled me in the eye with a valve. But everything was alright, because in came a camera crew and they quickly took a photograph for usage in Half-Life 3!

I'm lying of course.
I stopped playing games right up until the moment i go to sleep. I did tend to find that they remained ingrained in my mind and tended to lead to restless nights of sleep !
I stopped playing games right up until the moment i go to sleep. I did tend to find that they remained ingrained in my mind and tended to lead to restless nights of sleep !

Restless nights of sleep, entirely true. This applies to anything you do right up to the moment of sleeping that requires a lot of mental activity.

That's why I find that it's good to relax for like 30 minutes before going to bed, to clear your mind and help it slow down more readily.
Yup. I tend to lie on my bed and watch an episode of something light hearted, or read a magazine etc.
On weeks I spend a lot of time playing TF2 I often dream about how the next match will be and how I pwn everyone.
Please elaborate.

A temporary thread high jack should be fine.

The forum itself is mostly populated by 4chonners(you can see where that will inevitably go, even if most us are cool with each other), but this guy.. eh, he'd go out of his way to troll and start shitstorms for no real reason. He also managed to somehow keep his moderator position, despite doing numerous terrible, very irresponsible things, mostly because he was a manipulative ******. He's gone now though and that's all that matters.

p.s. he was a meanie head
The forum itself is mostly populated by 4chonners(you can see where that will inevitably go, even if most us are cool with each other), but this guy.. eh, he'd go out of his way to troll and start shitstorms for no real reason. He also managed to somehow keep his moderator position, despite doing numerous terrible, very irresponsible things, mostly because he was a manipulative ******. He's gone now though and that's all that matters.

p.s. he was a meanie head
When was he a mod wat.