Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

  • I was right. Give me a cookie.

    Votes: 78 36.6%
  • I was wrong. Give me a slap.

    Votes: 135 63.4%

  • Total voters


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Now we know Coutner Strike: Source is the only multiplayer in Half-Life 2. It feels good to get that off our chests, even though some are slightly disappointed. Were you right or wrong about CS:S being Half-Life 2's only multiplayer? I was wrong. Be honest.
I was never really sure tbh, but I leaned mostly to the 'CS:S is MP' side with a slight hope for a HL2 themed MP.
I was right :( Obvious move I guess with CS being so popular.
Did anyone email Gabe asking why Valve didn't decide to make HL2DM?
I stated that there was certainly a good chance that Valve was simply hiding the multiplayer and I was hopeful that was the case. I gave evidence pointing to it existing but I don't think I ever came out and stated that I believed for certain that it did have another form of multiplayer other than CS:S
Demonmerc said:
Did anyone email Gabe asking why Valve didn't decide to make HL2DM?
Isn't it obvious? The response will be that they felt the modding community could do just as good a job as they could. Why waste time and resources on something when the players will end up getting it anyway from other sources?
The Mullinator said:
I stated that there was certainly a good chance that Valve was simply hiding the multiplayer and I was hopeful that was the case. I gave evidence pointing to it existing but I don't think I ever came out and stated that I believed for certain that it did have another form of multiplayer other than CS:S

Possibly. I hope.

I was wrong. I voted that I was right and I want a cookie.

Give me my cookie.
I was righ....wrong, there I admitted it!! You happy now?
I was right! I think you stole my cookie line from the other thread..!
i was bigtime correct.

it was logical scientific reasoning, plain and simple.
The Mullinator said:
Isn't it obvious? The response will be that they felt the modding community could do just as good a job as they could. Why waste time and resources on something when the players will end up getting it anyway from other sources?

to me its obvious......BECAUSE HLDM SUCKS. and nobody wants to play it.
I was wrong, but all I really wanted MP-wise was CSS anyway, so I am not disappointed.
Dr0ndeh said:
i was bigtime correct.

it was logical scientific reasoning, plain and simple.
No it was never that simple, the only evidence was that they had kept quiet as well as gave out a couple little tid-bits of information from interviews that could easily have been interpreted to mean something very different.
I did? Ok. Sorry. And here are your cookies.
(all cookie lines are (c) 2004 Shuzer)
The Mullinator said:
No it was never that simple, the only evidence was that they had kept quiet as well as gave out a couple little tid-bits of information from interviews that could easily have been interpreted to mean something very different.

'interpreting tid-bits' is opinion, and therefore unscientific.

there was absolutely no evidence of any hl2dm.
I think Gabe pretty much said it when they first revealed CS:S..and I never got that out of my head.

He made that comment which went something like "And now the question everyone has been asking...what about multiplayer?" And behind him...CS:S came on.

I think from then I was leaning to it being only CS. But never did I believe, I just couldn't believe, that would be the sole MP aspect that would ship.

So I guess I'd be in the middle...from what I took away from his comment it sure did sound like CS:S was it...but I just couldn't believe it.

(And for the record I don't rember if that was at E3 or when exaclty he said that...but it was when they first showed CS:S...early this year I believe? I'm sure others remember that comment though)
I was just plain wrong. Even now...I still have a small steaming pile of hope that CS:S isn't the only MP for HL2 even in the face of hard fact that CS:S IS in fact the only MP.
i was neutral, but cs:s seems fine to me, anyway, multiplayer mods will come out (as some have allready said) fixing this 'problem' for some people

I was in the "immediate pessimistic presumption that CS:S was the only MP, gradually leaning more and more towards the opposing camp only to be proven that I should remain a cynic at all times" group. *choke*

Never mind HL2DM, I think a lot of people just pictured HL2 themed MP. From what I can remember, Valve kept muttering that they were keeping the MP strictly confidential, and I have a vague inkling that one or two Valve individuals continually propped up this statement even after the CS:S showing; it was only near the end that it became completely apparent that CS:S was the only MP.
Here. Take it, User Name.

Oh, and just to not make this post spam, I think people are getting too let down over this. It's a game. Sad, but true. Your not Gordon Freeman. ;(
it is indeed strange that valve is that dumb though. they made a great universe that includes c17, with cool weapons and models. to not even have a base just seems so unintelligent on their part
I was right.

People had nothing to back up the HL2 MP assertion other than "There has to be one!"
Some valve guy has already said the SDK is based on CS:S

me on the gabe "i play it everyday" comment.

that quote from gabe is misleading. He could have just meant he played cs everyday knowing full well they would be porting it for HL2.

someone asked what we think hl2 mp would be like.

ive pld the multiplayer ( cs:s) it sucks. no contest single player first

In response to neptuneuk calling peeps idiots for saying cs:s was HL2 MP.

neptuneuk if Hl2 doesnt have its own MP u can never show ur face again lol

thread titled: would you be mad if CS:S was the only HL2 MP.

Valve have always said CS:S is HL2s miltiplayer. They have NEVER said there would be diffirent HL2 multiplayer.

trying to talk sense into 80% of people here

gabe stated that the official multiplayer for hl2 was CS:source. This was at the 1st cs:s demo. I dont why some people seem to be certain this is not the case and it will have its own hl2 mp.

do i get a cookie?
Waaaait a second. Who gave PCGamer the final authority on the issue? No HL2 multiplayer just makes no sense. What is Valve going to include with HL2 SDK?

They can't include CSS source since it would spell a disaster for CS community. Imagine 100's of mods, each is being a slight modification of the original CSS. Besides that would mean that mod makers would have to yank out the CS stuff before they can start adding their own code.

If they include vanilla style DM then the issue is mute. A simple compile and, voila, we have multiplayer! But then what stops them from doing this in the first place?

I'm not considering not including any MP at all since that would be the dumbest decision in the history of computer gaming (well, right behind the Daikatana advertising campaign).

So I don't think the interview answered the big question. It just created new ones.
Sure. Fresh cookies for all. Just take them out of this here box on your way out, don't ask. :)
JPack said:
I was right.

People had nothing to back up the HL2 MP assertion other than "There has to be one!"

actually there was more than that to back it up.

that its unparalleled that a game has ever been released and have a MP counterpart that was not in the same universe as the SP. cutting corners.

that valve wouldn't be stupid enough to not make something based on the excellent world they created.

im just dumbfounded by valve right now. but i suppose when you got a cash-cow like CS, might as well put it in your product. very dissapointing though. thought valve was better than that
I was wrong. So we just get Counter-Strike SHIT, huh? Great! :|
i was wrong :(
its not the end of the world...but in the same breath it was a letdown i don't think pple should have been treated to.. especially after all the drama thats gone on.. :|
I was, unfortunately, correct.

However, there is still a tiny possibility that this PC gamer guy is lying, or not informed by Valve (ie, maybe the version he played had been specially edited by Valve to exclude all but CS:S for multiplayer, and he didn't know?).

The PC Gamer guy is obvioulsy not allowed to tell us anything about HL:S, and it seems like what is in the review is going to be fairly meagre and most likely needs to be approved by Valve first. So if they're doing that with HL:S, there's nothing to stop them doing it with the HL2 multiplayer.

Yes, I admit it's quite a long shot and unlikely and not something to get your hopes up with, but it is a possibility.
im still not sure, lol, Chuck could be getting paid to lie or withhold info, or maybe he doesnt have the full retail version, TBH i never was too sure, but from Gabes gamespot interview , its made me wonder if Chuck is talkin BS or not. :O
i remember reading the feature of the cs stress test at gamespot at which it specifially said cs:s was going to be hl2's mp, so that pretty much presuaded me to think the same

I WAS RIGHT.....:(
Paintballer said:
slightly disappointed?...

I'm ****ing crushed. God Damn.

I feel that exact same. CRUSHED.