Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

  • I was right. Give me a cookie.

    Votes: 78 36.6%
  • I was wrong. Give me a slap.

    Votes: 135 63.4%

  • Total voters
BloodyMario said:
Waaaait a second. Who gave PCGamer the final authority on the issue?

valve did, when they gave the complete finished package to them for review.
Dr0ndeh said:
i was bigtime correct.

it was logical scientific reasoning, plain and simple.
And i said that the idea was illogical to you

Please slap me :(
poseyjmac said:
actually there was more than that to back it up.

that its unparalleled that a game has ever been released and have a MP counterpart that was not in the same universe as the SP. cutting corners.

that valve wouldn't be stupid enough to not make something based on the excellent world they created.

im just dumbfounded by valve right now. but i suppose when you got a cash-cow like CS, might as well put it in your product. very dissapointing though. thought valve was better than that

The thing is creating a simple MP would be a snap. They have all components they need. There is no new content to create besides a few multiplayer oriented maps. My guess is that Valve will eventualy release some form of HL2 MP following a massive outcry from the community. They listened to the people when they demanded a free TF mod after Valve promised one and then had a change of plans. Creating a plain HL2 MP would require a lot less resources.
I was wrong.

It really doesn't seem like Valve to do this sort of thing. They abandon all creativity and simply think "**** it, we'll do Counter-Strike with better graphics. That'll do. Everyone likes Counter-Strike, right?" Compared to the level of work that has obviously been put into the single-player portion, it just seems like something tacked on at the last minute with little thought. It's like Rainbow Six having Painkiller as it's MP, it just doesn't fit. They're two seperate games. I realise that it will generate more sales, but I know that Valve have creative people, and it's sad to see that creativity wasted on a five year old mod.

But I can live with that. What really annoys me is that Valve didn't even bother to clarify any of this. They just kept quiet, as if they were hiding something. I wonder if Valve realise they've annoyed quite a substantial amount of the Half-Life community, a community they claim that they feel a part of. I know they've supported the community a lot more than other developers are willing to, it just feels a bit like a slap in the face to keep us in the dark, when it could have taken 30 seconds to clear it up.
Don't know if we knew this already, but:

I was just wondering whether the production of CS: Source was hindering
that of HL2 or influencing its release date at all?
I understand you're very busy so good luck.
Chris George

It's work we have to do regardless (e.g. for multiplayer sample code for
the SDK).

(Taken from the Valve info thread, from El-Chi I believe). To me, that implies... well, god knows what. That they knew from here that CS:S was definitely the lone release, and they were adding independant (i.e., non-related) MP code to the SDK? Or that at the time they did have something planned...?

EDIT: Oh, and the idea of later MP isn't far fetched, to quote Rick Ellis:

The Source engine contains support for multiplayer gaming, and Valve
plans to release several multiplayer games at the time HL2 is made
available. We've announced Counter-Strike: Source. We will be more
releasing information on the other games and how they will be made
available to gamers in the coming weeks.

I was wrong.

It just doesnt make sense,.

HL2DM would be so easy to do! All they really would need to do is make the maps. The code is in place,. hell, there were even people playing very crude games of online multiplayer with the stolen alpha.
Icarus: Has it (CS:S) changed any from Beta?
Chuck Osborn: It’s what they say it’s going to be, but with a few surprises


Maybe a new game mode?
In reply to:
I was just wondering whether the production of CS: Source was hindering
that of HL2 or influencing its release date at all?
I understand you're very busy so good luck.
Chris George

It's work we have to do regardless (e.g. for multiplayer sample code for
the SDK).

That statement can be read two ways, it's ambiguous.

1. It is the only multiplayer being included, so of course they need to make it so the SDK is complete with sample code.
2. It is a mod of HL2DM. The SDK will contain sample code of both (like it did with Ricochet), which will allow people to compare the differences between them and see how they went about changing specific things. Also it helps to show how to convert HL1 mods to HL2 format.
Wrong once again :(

I'm sure SOMEONE will come out with a dm mod though! :rolleyes:

EDIT: I didn't read through the thread before posting. Interesting
f|uke said:
I was wrong.

It just doesnt make sense,.

HL2DM would be so easy to do! All they really would need to do is make the maps. The code is in place,. hell, there were even people playing very crude games of online multiplayer with the stolen alpha.

Exactly my thoughts. I guess there is nothing we can do now besides waiting for the official explanation from Valve, or better yet, the SDK.
Petabyte said:
Nah, maybe vehicles. Or cool new levels, who knows.

If it had vehicles it wouldn't be CS anymore.
Looks like HL2 is just going to keep me busy until Bloodlines is released. :hmph:
Rick Ellis never directly said that CS:S was the only Valve MP (as in the long run, I'd presume)- he just repeatedly told those who continually pestered him that they were planning on releasing other Source conversions on HL2's release.

Short answer? Actual HL2 MP= Source conversions and probably nought else for a while.
SixThree said:
If it had vehicles it wouldn't be CS anymore.
You've never played cs_seige? Its out of rotation, but that was an official map with an assault vehicle.

Besides... Its not like all maps would include vehicles.
:cheers: I laugh at you crumbs that were so SURE that there would be a multiplayer other than Source. HAHAH!
Lanthanide said:
It's not CS, it's CS:S.

CS:S and CS are based on the same fundamentals and basics.

f|uke said:
You've never played cs_seige? Its out of rotation, but that was an official map with an assault vehicle.

Besides... Its not like all maps would include vehicles.

A very outdated vehicle :P
SixThree said:
A very outdated vehicle :P
To be sure, but CS:S has all new code for vehicles, so that they drive far more realisticly. My point is, however, that vehicles are not outside the accepted scope of CS.
Petabyte: heheh.

Eh, just to say I'd take the exact opposite stance; I'd hurl abuse at Valve for keeping CS:S identical to CS. I'd welcome actual moving drivable vehicles. I want them to aim for some originality.
KagePrototype said:
I was wrong.

It really doesn't seem like Valve to do this sort of thing. They abandon all creativity and simply think "**** it, we'll do Counter-Strike with better graphics. That'll do. Everyone likes Counter-Strike, right?" Compared to the level of work that has obviously been put into the single-player portion, it just seems like something tacked on at the last minute with little thought. It's like Rainbow Six having Painkiller as it's MP, it just doesn't fit. They're two seperate games. I realise that it will generate more sales, but I know that Valve have creative people, and it's sad to see that creativity wasted on a five year old mod.

But I can live with that. What really annoys me is that Valve didn't even bother to clarify any of this. They just kept quiet, as if they were hiding something. I wonder if Valve realise they've annoyed quite a substantial amount of the Half-Life community, a community they claim that they feel a part of. I know they've supported the community a lot more than other developers are willing to, it just feels a bit like a slap in the face to keep us in the dark, when it could have taken 30 seconds to clear it up.

wow Kage...the number of time i have agreed with u over the past 3 weeks is.. downright scary.. :O
ur right on with the "creativity wasted on a five year old mod" especially after seeing how successful HL was and how good HL2 looks so far..
Edcrab - yes, my point exactly. Just because it is called Counter Strike, doesn't mean it has to be exactly the same as what we already have, but with better graphics.

Isn't the whole point of releasing new/updated versions of mods (and CS:S can be seen as nothing but a 2 or 3 whole version numbers ahead of current CS) to try new and different things to try and make the gameplay experience more fun, tactical and different?
I was wrong, but i like to keep an open mind. Im not one of the 'I told you so', pessimistic, negative outlook, "ooh im a realist" crowd.

(no offense) :D
if the game is done and able to be reweiwed why isent it gold?
UndercoverBob said:
if the game is done and able to be reweiwed why isent it gold?

Minor engine bugs and/or VU marketing strategy, I reckon.
Valve assures PCgamer the bugs will be sorted out. The game content is done. Bug squashing.
SixThree said:
CS:S and CS are based on the same fundamentals and basics.

A very outdated vehicle :P

Man, its been a while since I saw you posting in here, where you ve been. Nice to see you again. ;)

Hmmm, I was wrong about it, and I thought after all these years valve will provide us with something extra.

5 working years on SP mod ?
I was right, and I was flamed for it. eat it.
I was right.. it was obvious.

"...people are asking about multiplayer..." CS:S comes on screen.

It was simple to understand then, and it's a fact now.

I really don't care until DOD:S comes about.

--Mr. Bildo
Im not too disapointed.

Deathmatch is old hat these days, and would only have been fun for a short time to suppliment the period between finishing the single player and waiting for good mods to be released.
I was wrong, and am very very very very very very very very very very very very very ****ing dissapointed.

cs:S may be nice to look at and play for a bit (as I said I enjoyed the beta) but its not my type of game...

so Gabe lied then.
when he stated he had been playing the mp for months, then at e3 2k4 he said they had just started porting the cs stuff over to source, initially to test how easy the process would be.

wow.. if CS:S is indeed the only mp I might just ****ing... bah
that cant be true.. maybe Valve just didnt give them the mp part because they still wanted it to be a surprise.....

and I wasnt expecting normal DM, I was expecting something new that incorporated Hl2's cool features, physics and vehicles....
guess I obviously was expecting way too much.
well hey, good news is my anticipation for hl2 just went down to 0, so I dont really care when it is released yah :D