Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

Were you right or wrong about multiplayer?

  • I was right. Give me a cookie.

    Votes: 78 36.6%
  • I was wrong. Give me a slap.

    Votes: 135 63.4%

  • Total voters
Wow, im really pissed off. All this hype about HL2 multiplayer going to be a huge suprise (and dont flame me about that YES they did feed those flames) and then the huge surpise is!!!! It's a game they already announced back at E3 WOAH!!! So it is exactly what we thought it was? Wow! Im so.. uh... suprised.

Look, counterstrike source might be fun for some of you who have played it for the years and years it has been out. But for those of us who just played it a little bit and got tired of it. We play the game and get completely demolished by all these counterstrike veterans (most of which seem to be 13) saying PWNED N00BZORZ!@!!@!@ Because as far as I can tell from the CS:S beta, it is pretty much counterstrike ... with good graphics and physics. If there is a single player version only of HL2 I will buy it. If not I won't buy it, mods will probably work for the single player version.

all those fantasies of throwing things around with my friends... with the manipulator.... jumping into a garbage can and being launched across the map.... driving that boat over some ones head... all gone... *tears*
theroadtonowhere said:
Wow, im really pissed off. All this hype about HL2 multiplayer going to be a huge suprise (and dont flame me about that YES they did feed those flames)


They've pretty much said or implied all along that CS:S was the multiplayer. Gabe said it at E3, Cliffe said it in a CS nation interview, and I remember someone else said something about it. Think it was Doug maybe.
theroadtonowhere said:
Wow, im really pissed off. All this hype about HL2 multiplayer going to be a huge suprise (and dont flame me about that YES they did feed those flames) and then the huge surpise is!!!! It's a game they already announced back at E3 WOAH!!! So it is exactly what we thought it was? Wow! Im so.. uh... suprised.

Look, counterstrike source might be fun for some of you who have played it for the years and years it has been out. But for those of us who just played it a little bit and got tired of it. We play the game and get completely demolished by all these counterstrike veterans (most of which seem to be 13) saying PWNED N00BZORZ!@!!@!@ Because as far as I can tell from the CS:S beta, it is pretty much counterstrike ... with good graphics and physics. If there is a single player version only of HL2 I will buy it. If not I won't buy it, mods will probably work for the single player version.

all those fantasies of throwing things around with my friends... with the manipulator.... jumping into a garbage can and being launched across the map.... driving that boat over some ones head... all gone... *tears*

Well, to be fair, CS:S's gameplay mechanics seem to be somewhat different from CS's. I used to suck in CS, and I mean SUCK. Now I'm actually pretty good in CS:S. Aside from those who've played the beta, most people will start out fresh with CS:S.
Petabyte said:
Now we know Coutner Strike: Source is the only multiplayer in Half-Life 2. It feels good to get that off our chests, even though some are slightly disappointed. Were you right or wrong about CS:S being Half-Life 2's only multiplayer? I was wrong. Be honest.

Somehow I am not convinced that CS:S is the only multipplayer mode shipping with hl2, despite what that reviewer said.
Llyranor said:
Well, to be fair, CS:S's gameplay mechanics seem to be somewhat different from CS's. I used to suck in CS, and I mean SUCK. Now I'm actually pretty good in CS:S. Aside from those who've played the beta, most people will start out fresh with CS:S.

You are probably good in CS:S cause there is not a lot of people playing it :P.
Well, "good" anyway. But the difference is HUGE. I used to have about 1:10 ratios in CS, but can now break even and even better usually now in CS:S.
big mistake by valve... I may not purchase HL2... if you know what Im saying.. even though iit came with my gfx card, I have freidns, Ill just tell them only SP is good... go ahed and download it.. what's the point of making just a SP game iwth a boring MP mode? I enjoy CS but not to be the only MP mode for HL2... RIP OFF, I wish F.E.A.R. was preloaded on my Pc instead of hl2...
oldfaq said:
big mistake by valve... I may not purchase HL2... if you know what Im saying.. even though iit came with my gfx card, I have freidns, Ill just tell them only SP is good... go ahed and download it.. what's the point of making just a SP game iwth a boring MP mode? I enjoy CS but not to be the only MP mode for HL2... RIP OFF, I wish F.E.A.R. was preloaded on my Pc instead of hl2...

CSS is not going to be the "only" MP component. There will be the mods, and DoD and such
Although CS:S may be HL2's multiplayer, there's always high hopes in the modding community. It would probably take a year until we start seeing mods that think out of the box.

Besides, there's a few more source conversions on the way.
I was right. Give me a cookie.

keep in mind guys they said they will add a lot of stuff to Css its not going to be the reg cs. TRUST me we are in for a surprise.
hopefully there are proper vehicles in cs:s if they do decide to add them. With the hl:s im guessing the multiplay would be updated also.
I was wrong, its plain stupid how HL2's multiplayer is not HL2.. I dont like CSS much. BIG shame.
:( i was optimistic, though i didn't think that it was unfeasable for css to be it
well im definetly modding it or i bet valve will make it and sell it for like 39.99
I was 100% right the whole damn time, and I'd like to kindly tell all the people who flamed me constantly for it to go to hell :)

Blah, very disappointed if this is true. Being probably one of the only people in the world who has only played CS about 3 or 4 hours total in his *life*, I'm *really* hoping that they have something hidden.

There is so much potential with a HL2DM, and it just makes much more sense as a starting base for modding for the SDK than CS:S would.

I still think they've got something hidden. Valve is better than this.

Twilight said:
Blah, very disappointed if this is true. Being probably one of the only people in the world who has only played CS about 3 or 4 hours total in his *life*, I'm *really* hoping that they have something hidden.

There is so much potential with a HL2DM, and it just makes much more sense as a starting base for modding for the SDK than CS:S would.

I still think they've got something hidden. Valve is better than this.


I play CS alot, and I'm sure CS:S full version will get a lot of playtime from me, but I agree that this is pathetic. It wouldn't be nearly as funny though if it weren't for the fact that it was DELAYED AN ENTIRE ****ING YEAR and they STILL didn't add anything.
BloodyMario said:
The thing is creating a simple MP would be a snap. They have all components they need. There is no new content to create besides a few multiplayer oriented maps. My guess is that Valve will eventualy release some form of HL2 MP following a massive outcry from the community. They listened to the people when they demanded a free TF mod after Valve promised one and then had a change of plans. Creating a plain HL2 MP would require a lot less resources.

I thought the exact same thing. All they have to do is slap a few maps together and all they'd have to be are a few slightly modified single player maps. Give me a break. CS was sure as hell fun for a while, but after about 4 years of playing it I simply had to give it up. I doubt I'll play CS Source any longer than a couple of weeks. Bah, Valve has definitely disappointed me and on more than just this. Just remember that with the lawsuit we might not see the game for another 6 months anyway - not that that's Valves fault. Maybe it'd just be better if HL2 did become vaporware. Even thro all the misleading/lack of info from Valve I was interested in the game, but now I don't feel like I care that much anymore.
From this experience I've learned not to be all that optimisic. When it comes to trusting Valve, anyway. I still had faith after September 30 but its all shot down know. Oh well, at least they finished it! And supposedly its one kick ass single player. It won't suck guys, just put multiplayer in the back of your mind and focus on a great single player game and all the great times you'll have with it. Then comes sven.
I was right.

I will tell you this though, I will wait for mainstream reviews (ie - the ones that didn't do an advanced review) before I buy HL2. This was the last "official" blow, now I don't care about HL2 anymore. Hopefully HL2 will be a good diversion when it gets released.
blahblahblah said:
I was right.

I will tell you this though, I will wait for mainstream reviews (ie - the ones that didn't do an advanced review) before I buy HL2. This was the last "official" blow, now I don't care about HL2 anymore. Hopefully HL2 will be a good diversion when it gets released.
What turned you off of it, other than the multiplayer? In other words, what were the other blows?
Narcolepsy said:
What turned you off of it, other than the multiplayer? In other words, what were the other blows?
probably the numerous "unofficial" delays, judging by his wording.
The question is, why was Valve so reluctant to admit that CS:S was it for multiplayer?
I gotta admit there is some part of me that really hopes that PCG had to sign an NDA that forced them not to say anything about the "secret" multiplayer.

Because Valve were going on about how they're customers would be really surprised with it and shit.

SURPRISE a 4 year old mod for multiplayer!
I don't care. plain and simple. HL2 will be good regardless of Multiplayer or not... CS:Source is enough for now...until other multiplayer becomes avaliable.
Narcolepsy said:
What turned you off of it, other than the multiplayer? In other words, what were the other blows?

Part of it had to do with this community. Spending so much time reading about HL2 eventually leads to a burn out. Ask any other long-time forum regular and you will get a jaded response as well. I've simply moved onto other things.

The delay (there was only one delay and that is perfectly acceptable in my opinion) had nothing to do with this. The more and more I've seen of HL2, the less and less I get impressed. It simply lost that "oh wow" factor. I remember when I first saw the E3 2003 videos, my jaw dropped to the floor in amazement. Then E3 2004 came, and my jaw merely opened. Now, it doesn't open at all.

Mr. Redundant said:
probably the numerous "unofficial" delays, judging by his wording.

No. Not because of the delays, but more a function of time. Like I said above, there was only one delay. Everything else was made up garbage.
blahblahblah said:
Part of it had to do with this community. Spending so much time reading about HL2 eventually leads to a burn out. Ask any other long-time forum regular and you will get a jaded response as well. I've simply moved onto other things.

The delay (there was only one delay and that is perfectly acceptable in my opinion) had nothing to do with this. The more and more I've seen of HL2, the less and less I get impressed. It simply lost that "oh wow" factor. I remember when I first saw the E3 2003 videos, my jaw dropped to the floor in amazement. Then E3 2004 came, and my jaw merely opened. Now, it doesn't open at all.
That is a rather large post count, now that I look at it.

I see what you mean, though. Personally, I only come here when something interesting is happening, whether it was the first preload, this sudden onslaught of reviews, or the new binks. Those are the kind of things that make this worthwhile.
What isn't worthwhile is the constant blabbering over nothing - "Do you think Alyx is hot?" Who cares? And the multiplayer thing was just stupid - Valve said, gamespot said, everyone said that CSS is the only multiplayer. And people still argue?

Come to think of it, I see what you mean. I think it's time for another break (or just another bink viewing :E).
I remember reading that when HL2 ships, css will be included as the only multiplayer and then valves secret mp later released on steam... Something like this might happen...
Also we still might get co-op with retail ? :)
so .. now.. Who is going to make the officially unofficial Half-life 2 multiplayer?
any takers?
Narcolepsy said:
"Do you think Alyx is hot?" Who cares?
Aparently a lot of people do. That was the most active poll I've seen here.
Soundwave said:
I play CS alot, and I'm sure CS:S full version will get a lot of playtime from me, but I agree that this is pathetic. It wouldn't be nearly as funny though if it weren't for the fact that it was DELAYED AN ENTIRE ****ING YEAR and they STILL didn't add anything.

Soundwave i give u alot of credit here for the way i did that first post and still understanding the feelings some pple have here about HL2 not having its own MP.
if anyone wants to learn to be full of class, that first post of his is a pretty good example.

and u know.. that one year delay has me baffled too thinking that they drag out a 4 year old mod out as HL2's MP?! wow.. just wow.
Just a theory...
What if...the review copy the magazine received did not have HL2's multiplayer on purpose. As in, Valve didn't want to give away what was so secret about HL2's multiplayer, so they didn't let the magazines get a look at it.

I could easily be wrong, but I think my theory holds water. I mean it wouldn't be that difficult to quickly make a HL2 death match; it seems ridiculous to NOT make one. I admit HL1 death match was crappy, but considering the weapons and vehicles we've seen for HL2, HL2 DM would be so much better.

On the other hand, Valve has been setting themselves up for quite a MOD community. In my communications with them, the may HL2 is coded is extremely clean and intuitive, allowing for easy custom coding, and they put a crap load of work in the SDK. They might not include a HL2DM because they might want fans to make it or various derivations of it.
Petabyte said:
Now we know Coutner Strike: Source is the only multiplayer in Half-Life 2. It feels good to get that off our chests, even though some are slightly disappointed. Were you right or wrong about CS:S being Half-Life 2's only multiplayer? I was wrong. Be honest.

I was wrong, because I was relying on Valve not to **** this up.
Well, there's definately an opening for mods to fill in concerning the MP, but it's not going to be as cut-and-dry as most people think.

I read a post on another forum that brought up a good point (it may have been mentioned here already, I have not been able to read much here lately), and that point is, there is most likely going to be many different teams trying to make a DM mp right off the bat. This makes a problem, as there isn't going to be a way for us to know, "Ok, this is the official DM mod. Everyone download this." Instead there will be 4 or 5 (if not more) different ones, all incompatible with each other and thus the HL2 community will be divided and it will be hard to keep it going strong.

Perhaps if a bunch of mod teams banded together and agreed to make one single DM mod, it could work. But I'm expecting a chaotic race to get the first mod out, with all of us left confused as to which one to go with.
I was right.

You know, I feel sad about the state of the multiplayer. But, on the other hand, I feel so happy knowing that I was correct in my beliefs, and managed to persevere against the overflow of irrational positivity that many other members displayed.

To them I say: "NYAH NYAH! I TOLD YOU SO!"

Sorry, but it just feels good to rub that in.
Absinthe said:
I was right.

You know, I feel sad about the state of the multiplayer. But, on the other hand, I feel so happy knowing that I was correct in my beliefs, and managed to persevere against the overflow of irrational positivity that many other members displayed.

To them I say: "NYAH NYAH! I TOLD YOU SO!"

Sorry, but it just feels good to rub that in.

Haha, yes I know exactly what you mean. It's pretty dumb of me to feel like that I guess, but I can only take so much "No you're wrong because I can't accept that possibility!!!!" before I think to myself "Ok now I sort of want it to be true just to stop that kind of crap."
Well, at least we get CS:S. It may be old, but it doesn't blow like Doom 3 and Far Cry's multiplayer.