Westboro to picket VA Tech funerals

...The Phelps family
They are the most stupid, ignorant, inconsiderate, hateful, unintelligent sub-humans who have ever been the the parasite to the host we call planet Earth. There is nothing good about Fred and his c*** of a wife and neither are products of her dirty, fitlthy, vile, contaminated half-wit factory between her cellulite-covered legs. When I saw the word "Westboro", I immediately knew what was going on, because this isn't the only time those dumba... *sigh*... Stubborn animal sphincters, have ever done this. When that dusty, old fart, Fred dies, I'm going down there to laugh at him and his entire family and piss on his grave with a smile.:flame: :flame:
That was fun! Don't get mad at me for this, please. If you want me to change my post, just tell me and I'll do it.
...The Phelps family
They are the most stupid, ignorant, inconsiderate, hateful, unintelligent sub-humans who have ever been the the parasite to the host we call planet Earth. There is nothing good about Fred and his c*** of a wife and neither are products of her dirty, fitlthy, vile, contaminated half-wit factory between her cellulite-covered legs. When I saw the word "Westboro", I immediately knew what was going on, because this isn't the only time those dumba... *sigh*... Stubborn animal sphincters, have ever done this. When that dusty, old fart, Fred dies, I'm going down there to laugh at him and his entire family and piss on his grave with a smile.:flame: :flame:
That was fun! Don't get mad at me for this, please. If you want me to change my post, just tell me and I'll do it.

Don't worry, they deserve it.
Ehh, there are a couple people I can think of that, while not as evil as the Phelps', have a much greater negative impact on the world.

Aside from that, I agree with everything you said :P
I completely agree with Stigmata in saying that the families of the VT victims deserve to be picketed for supporting the fag agenda.
Ehh, there are a couple people I can think of that, while not as evil as the Phelps', have a much greater negative impact on the world.

Aside from that, I agree with everything you said :P

Thank you...:o
I completely agree with Stigmata in saying that the families of the VT victims deserve to be picketed for supporting the fag agenda.
Wait... what?

[edit] Oh, I see. I was referring to Xana... I'm gonna go edit that post now D:

[edit2] There. Now nobody things I'm a retarded and insensitive asshole.
An admin told me who he "really is" and based off that... yeah, I don't think I'll take ANYTHING he says too seriously.

Wow, nobody has a problem with my post. SWEET!!!
Again, if you do, just tell me, and if I don't change it, I probably haven't seen your complaint. If more than five or so people ( five people = 2 admins) whine about it, then depending on if I've read the posts, I'll most likely change it. But I highly doubt people will have a problem with hearing the truth about the Phelps family, so... yeah.



Oh **** yes. I wish I could see that.
I was thinking more along the lines of bashing them to death with the signs.

I was thinking the exact same thing.....I hate you because you beat me to it. Guess I could go with plan "B" and drink a lot of water, or beer, then relieve myself on them.
Or, maybe you could just run them over in a car one-by-one. All I want is just for them to see it coming and yet not be able to do anything about it...
OOH!!!!!! ANGRY HORNETS! WE CAN ATTACK THEM WITH ANGRY HORNETS!!! I'd just sit back and watch the carnage right in front of me...
My friend was at a funeral for one of the VT victims. Luckily those Westboro assholes weren't there.

Also, those Vietnam vet bikers said they wouldn't protect any of the VT victims unless they were enrolled in the ROTC.
Personally, I'd like to line them up across a freeway, tied to chairs, facing traffic, and let loose the hounds...err. Houndais...
Personally, I'd like to line them up across a freeway, tied to chairs, facing traffic, and let loose the hounds...err. Houndais...

Houndais, what th- Ohhhhhhhhh... I get it!!! Car puns LOL.