What are some of your most embarrassing fears?

Skaadi said:
I used to be afraid of Koalas.
They have 4 thumbs!!!
If they ever gain our intellectual equilibrium we're DOOOMED!!!!
Skaadi said:
My mother is too old to be scary
i wish that was my case...she has a really bad temper sometimes when she gets even a little pissed...she threw a glass at me one time, i havent purposely crossed her since
Sparta said:
They have 4 thumbs!!!
If they ever gain our intellectual equilibrium we're DOOOMED!!!!
those 4 thumbs could rule the world...just think, a koala as president, oh wait...
Sparta said:
They have 4 thumbs!!!
If they ever gain our intellectual equilibrium we're DOOOMED!!!!

Holy shit! We're all gonna die!
Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So, I got on my knees and started crawling.

Bad move. The underneath of my bed was packed full of matches, and the air was choked with the smell of burning. My subconcious started making its own mind up about what was happening, and I could have sworn that, mirrored to my own frightened breathing, there was something else breathing heavily under there. Heavy, deep breathing. Looking back on it, I could probably say it sounded a little like Darth Vader.
Still, my sanity snapped at this point, and I bolted down the stairs to scream at my mother at what happened. She didn't believe me, but after a load of coaxing, I convinced her to come upstairs with a torch.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the matches. It took us hours to clear up, and when we shone the torch under my bed to see what was there, all we found was a small mound of empty matchboxes under the head of my bed.

To this day, I can't figure out what actually happened.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So, I got on my knees and started crawling.

Bad move. The underneath of my bed was packed full of matches, and the air was choked with the smell of burning. My subconcious started making its own mind up about what was happening, and I could have sworn that, mirrored to my own frightened breathing, there was something else breathing heavily under there. Heavy, deep breathing. Looking back on it, I could probably say it sounded a little like Darth Vader.
Still, my sanity snapped at this point, and I bolted down the stairs to scream at my mother at what happened. She didn't believe me, but after a load of coaxing, I convinced her to come upstairs with a torch.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the matches. It took us hours to clear up, and when we shone the torch under my bed to see what was there, all we found was a small mound of empty matchboxes under the head of my bed.

To this day, I can't figure out what actually happened.

-Angry Lawyer

That's pretty ****ed up dude. It was probably a demon or something <nods> :devil:
Smelt like what I'd assume daemons to smell like. The sulphur smell stayed for about a day.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So, I got on my knees and started crawling.

Bad move. The underneath of my bed was packed full of matches, and the air was choked with the smell of burning. My subconcious started making its own mind up about what was happening, and I could have sworn that, mirrored to my own frightened breathing, there was something else breathing heavily under there. Heavy, deep breathing. Looking back on it, I could probably say it sounded a little like Darth Vader.
Still, my sanity snapped at this point, and I bolted down the stairs to scream at my mother at what happened. She didn't believe me, but after a load of coaxing, I convinced her to come upstairs with a torch.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the matches. It took us hours to clear up, and when we shone the torch under my bed to see what was there, all we found was a small mound of empty matchboxes under the head of my bed.

To this day, I can't figure out what actually happened.

-Angry Lawyer

I remember that story, ****ing scary.
Angry, dear boy, that story was terrifying. Wow.
Murray_H said:
Butterflies and moths
Yeah moths're freaky. They're kinda pretty in a grim butterfly kind of a way, but the big ones still freak me out.

It's not so much a fear, but walking on the inside of the pavement makes me feel rather uncomfortable.
moths piss me off, they fly at me:p

thats is one sketchy story! very creepy tbh
AL every time i hear that it scares me.
I used to be afraid of foreigners.

When I was 5.
Plant roots, due to a very disturbing dream about holly plants growing on my head, and me pulling em out. You know, how there's usually dirt clinging to roots after you pull a weed? It wasnt dirt. I was like 10.
I used to be afraid of Japanese people for no reason.
Skaadi said:
I used to be afraid of Japanese people for no reason.

You should be. They'll get you in the night.....
Stepping on crazy sharp shit in the dark, and people appearing out of nowhere. My grandma has a gargoyle that used to scared the shit out of me too. I think my uncle made it.
Skaadi said:
Hungry Japanese people under my bed................ninjas?

Drums in the bed........ in the deep........ They are coming.
I have a fear of the dark, but not as bad as Raziaar, I'll watch a scary movie by myself and be scared, but if I'm with someone, its just boring, also I Don't like walking around in the dark but if I have to, I will, I used to be TERRIFIED of the dark, but then we bought chickens, and I have to close their pen when its dark out, and I have to walk like 100 yards to my barn, and doing that every night just kinda made me more used to the dark.

I still hate walking around in the dark though, it seems like a zombie will jump out and bite my leg, then pull me down, then eat my brains, but I won't die, so I'll feel the pain of my brains getting eaten, then something bigger than a zombie will come then stomp on my chest, then I can't breathe, but I won't die, so I feel the pain of having no brains and not being able to breathe, and I'll feel like that for the rest of my life, thats why I don't like walking around in the dark.

It's spooky walking around in the dark around my house, because I live in the country so there are no street lights, so Its pitch black, when you watch the movie Signs and walk around in the pitch black, its really really scary!
My most embarrasing fear? Cockroaches! I see one and I start to panic. Here in Florida with the tropical climate they grow to about an inch/inch and a half and they fly! I hate them.
El Toro said:
My most embarrasing fear? Cockroaches! I see one and I start to panic. Here in Florida with the tropical climate they grow to about an inch/inch and a half and they fly! I hate them.

*goes into a fetal position, sucking thumb*
TheSomeone said:
Stepping on crazy sharp shit in the dark, and people appearing out of nowhere. My grandma has a gargoyle that used to scared the shit out of me too. I think my uncle made it.

Gargoyles are rather EXTREME, and are supposed to ward off evil spirits. I <3 gargoyles.

-Angry Lawyer
Dog-- said:
then eat my brains, but I won't die, so I'll feel the pain of my brains getting eaten

No you wouldn't. The brain does not have any nerves, thus it does not "feel".
The sack that holds it is packed full of nerves, though, which is why migraines hurt so bad.

So it'd bloody well hurt.

-Angry Lawyer