what are you listening to right now?

Im not listing to mp3's. I live in America, but found this radio station called 5fm one day by accident. It's live streaming audio and it's pretty cool. Plays great songs to. You can find out more at there site at Http://5fm.co.za i think it is.
Bad^Hat said:
Favourite album ever :)

Although Perfect Circle's Thirteenth Step is really growing on me.

white pony really is my alltime-favourite. its near to perfection.

13th step is great too, i was lucky - saw deftones and apc live together :)

ah yeah: amon tobin - deo
Eric Sermon,

...among others.
Distillers - Beat Your Heart Out

Has anyone heard of the Transplants? They've got Tim from Rancid, and some other guys too, and they are quite good imo
himself said:
white pony really is my alltime-favourite. its near to perfection.

13th step is great too, i was lucky - saw deftones and apc live together :)

ah yeah: amon tobin - deo

Now updating list of bands I MISSED live -

A Perfect Circle

Was THIS CLOSE to seeing Incubus, but I heard they were shite anyway so meh.

ComradeBadger said:
Has anyone heard of the Transplants? They've got Tim from Rancid...

And Travis from Blink 182. So much talent... down the drain.
Bad^Hat said:
Now updating list of bands I MISSED live -
A Perfect Circle

Was THIS CLOSE to seeing Incubus, but I heard they were shite anyway so meh.

heh, i saw deftones, apc and incubus. and believe me, incubus were the pwn.. after the gig i was just blown away - awesome! deftones were shite :( but i was great though - you know. shitty performance (sound sucked, i think they were stoned as usual). was fun ;o

clouddead - 3 twenty
Zero Cipher - Gay Bar

It's a death metal version of the classic track. :E

The only bands I've seen live are Reel Big Fish and the Levellers
Rocket From The Crypt - Lipstick

Awesome band, seriously great, they are a ska band with a rock/punk/metal attitude, works really well.

Yeah, mondays suck, I have a Maths mock ;(
Gouryella - Ligaya (Airbase Remix)

Full volume since the parents are out and we're currently having a feud with the neighbours.

/me pats his Logitech Z680 subwoofer... niiiiice :D
ahh just changed

iced earth - iced earth :thumbs:

any other metal fans out thar?
The Mars Volta - Cizatric ESP


The Mars Volta - Deloused In The Comatorium

One of the best albums in my collection :) Vocals are awesome, guitar is mindbending and funky, bass is fast and powerful (Flea from Chilis does bass, he's different for the most part but still does the some of the signature Flea stuff - solos, high notes etc.), Keyboards add a nice touch, if a little too ambient, and the drummer is fawking insane!! Luv em.
I'm listening to these guys on ventrilo talk about ffxi and fail to entertain me entirely
I'm listening to myself go insane as I think about the utter boring pointlessness of threads like these.
Bad^Hat said:
One of the best albums in my collection :) Vocals are awesome, guitar is mindbending and funky, bass is fast and powerful (Flea from Chilis does bass, he's different for the most part but still does the some of the signature Flea stuff - solos, high notes etc.), Keyboards add a nice touch, if a little too ambient, and the drummer is fawking insane!! Luv em.

the album is just awesome! i love them.. :)

clouddead - pop song

darkstar, how about stop whining and 'fo-ing'? youre just annoying. dont post in here if you dont like the thread.. kthx..
sabre89 said:
ahh just changed

iced earth - iced earth :thumbs:

any other metal fans out thar?

Yep, huge metal fan. Iced Earth are great, I'm listening to Angels Holocaust by them now!
himself said:
darkstar, how about stop whining and 'fo-ing'? youre just annoying. dont post in here if you dont like the thread.. kthx..

I just don't understand how a thread like this is different from spam. If there was any kind of discussion of the music listed then it would be totally different. I would love that. But people just listing song after song ad nausem just seems like a total waste of time.

I counted your posts in this one thread Himself, and you've posted 80 times. That is nearly half of all your posts total on HL2.net for all time. The overwhelming majority of them are just listing some random song, no discussion at all. How is that constructive?

Anyway, its totally up to you what you do with your time, and sorry if you find this offensive. It was never meant to be, I'll leave you alone now.

PS: What is "fo-ing" by the way?
Pearl Jam - Untitled

The bonus track from the Promo version of Lost Dogs. It's Vedder reciting a poem about a break-up set to a really relaxing tune. Listening to his voice on this track makes me want to...sleep. It's so warm, and smooth, yet heavy. Like molten lead.
They Might Be Giants - The Statue got me High

the monumental granite sent a beam into my eye
Audioslave - Set it Off

No where near as good as the mighty Rage, but a damn good band none the less :)

Any opinions on that?
DarkStar said:
I counted your posts in this one thread Himself, and you've posted 80 times. That is nearly half of all your posts total on HL2.net for all time. The overwhelming majority of them are just listing some random song, no discussion at all. How is that constructive?

uhm. you just have too much time mh? you counted all my posts? well. err.. yes.

and who cares about my post-counter? i dont. seriously, whats the point in counting all my posts and figuring out that its the half of my posts in this forum? who cares about that? except of you?

and as i said, if you dont like the thread, leave it alone. i just dont get it.

~ the postal service - brand new colony
anyone who likes dntel and similar abstract electronica artists should check this combo out.. its some dntel member and the death cab for cuties-singer. great album.

²badger: ojes. audioslave are really nice, but not as good as ratm.. so i'd agree with you obviously :p