What country are u from ?

Originally posted by lhauert
Then you're either 12 years old, or dropped school at that age.

Inform yourself a bit about what USA's done for the last 50 years or so.

I'll be happy to give you some examples...

Some examples would be interesting, I like to get a look from the outside and you can be my eyes :cheers:

One thing that has stuck in my mind is of course: hiroshima and nagasaki (spelling?)

What would be some other things?
im from 'stralia mate. we ride kangaroos to school and wrestle crocs in our free time as welll.

Ah sterotypes, i love em.
Originally posted by anarchy
Some examples would be interesting, I like to get a look from the outside and you can be my eyes :cheers:

One thing that has stuck in my mind is of course: hiroshima and nagasaki (spelling?)

What would be some other things?

I'll just name some country: Chile, Comlumbia, (well in fact most of South America). Irak, 91, Irak 2003, Vietnam, etc. etc.

Look it up (not on CNN though).

You guys do have some good newspaper (NY Times, WA Post) and the Internet !!
I´m from the country in which it is not allowed that enemies in games have red blood.
I was meaning by the true sense of the word "fascism".

You're not informed as you should be (but then again if you're smart you can look it up) aka Soldier Lynch story (hylarious!), and your gov is as willing to help its people as Fragmaster to believe HL2 is coming out September 30th...
england here.... tony blair and bush r both n00bs! :flame:
england here to man. and yea you are SOOO right with the BUSH, BLAIR thing... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS
germany here. At least I know I'm more free than an average American...especially free of grammar!

oh, and sir h, lets hope that valve has the guts to publish a uncut german version (will land on the index, but being an adult, I don't care) and a cut german version...so we can choose!
Originally posted by Lauts
Estonia :P
Heh, your language is kinda like Finnish on LSD. I mean that in a good way, of course :).
Originally posted by lhauert
I was meaning by the true sense of the word "fascism".

You're not informed as you should be (but then again if you're smart you can look it up) aka Soldier Lynch story (hylarious!), and your gov is as willing to help its people as Fragmaster to believe HL2 is coming out September 30th...

Ah that is truely funny. You come across as the typical anti-american, looking for anything and everything to bash. Dont you have anything better to do? I could bash Switzlerland and all its faults over the years, but I will not stoop to your level.
I'm from Germany.

And to all CS kids that start with idiotic "heil hitler" and "you nazi" crap if they read "germany" during a Counterstrike match. World War 2 ended 58 years ago! There is no Hitler here anymore. No Nazis ruling the country.

We grew up with democracy and have nothing to do with the "dark past" of our grandfathers. Most of our dads were born when the war was already over and grown up with major american and french culture influence. We know the "third reich" only from books and movies. Just like you. And Nazi symbols are banned here (not in USA, that's why some of the biggest Neonazi-networks have their bases in USA now).
I was just pointing out that America is not as democratic as people want to believe. I'm not trying to bash anyone. As for Switzerland, I'll probably have more to rent about than you do.

Fascists are everywhere and considering the present situation in EU and US, growing in number: my point is that if people were a bit more open-minded, or/and less ignorant, we would avoid a lot stupid things from happening.
I´m also from Germany. If Halflife 2 will be censored, I will buy it in Switzerland. I´m not feeling free in Germany, I´m 21 years old and most games are censored here. I think that´s not a democracy.
Guess Germany understood that and is trying not to make the same mistake again. I Love Germany, even if my German is lame.
If you only watch the "news" on the TV then you're not getting a full picture of what is really happening. This whole Iraq thing is a perfect example. Watch FOX NEWS and all you see are people supporting our war effort. You even see the Iraqi people saying that they appreciate what the US has done. In reality the majority of them want all americans out, because we've killed so many civilians over there that they fear us. This is an administration of fear run by an idiot puppet of a president. Go read some alternative news sites. I was appalled when my eyes were opened a couple of years back. There is nothing wrong with being pro-american (which I am, I was in the NAVY), but supporting this administration is something that I will never do. AND FU|<C THE PATRIOT ACT. Don't you see? They name it something pro-american and something that that makes you envision freedom but its just a way to control us all in the end. ugh... I could rant forever, but as it's been said this should all be in the off-topic forum, I just couldn't stand for seeing SH!T like "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free" anymore. To answer the original question (if the NAVY part didn't tip you off) I'm from the USA.
The country where we're all potheads according to foreign opinions...
...yep, there's something rotten in the state of Denmark...and that must be me.
Originally posted by Fuzzy
im from 'stralia mate. we ride kangaroos to school and wrestle crocs in our free time as welll.

Ah sterotypes, i love em.
See people!? This man knows how to: stay out of the argument whilst simultaneously laughing AT HIMSELF (an incredibly important trait) - just chill!

I am British and of course related to the Queen.