What country are u from ?

Originally posted by lhauert
as much as USA

I was going to say something about Country bashing but thats all this forum does.

Plz give me a call when your country does something k thnx.
Originally posted by h00dlum
Im from Sweden..

yeah and about that anti america thing...Americans answer me this...what the hell are you so proud of? you have like no national identity, just people from all over the world gathered in a stolen country.

Im proud that I dont have to be a racist like you. Im proud that my country made something of itself. Im proud that Im free , Im proud that we are diverse. Im proud of my country. Sweden is not that exciting. Socialism and assholes haha.
Originally posted by lhauert
Then you're either 12 years old, or dropped school at that age.

Inform yourself a bit about what USA's done for the last 50 years or so.

I'll be happy to give you some examples...

Originally posted by Kschreck
Everyone here is criticzing the Americans saying were mean, cruel, greedy, or whatever, when it's you guys who are the mean ones. I naver once insulted another country's way of life. I look at humanity as equals. I have friends in other countries. I don't remember one American ripping on another country. It seems you guys are the ones doing the ripping.

Thank you , I have yet to see a thread where an American says "CANADA R SUX" First. Hell no , its always someone saying "American Facist" or some such nonsense , grow up people thnx.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Im proud that I dont have to be a racist like you. Im proud that my country made something of itself. Im proud that Im free , Im proud that we are diverse. Im proud of my country. Sweden is not that exciting. Socialism and assholes haha.

somehow I missed the racism in h00dlums post...and by the way, learn to distinct between Socialism and social-democracy. Calling Sweden a socialistic country is a slap in the face for everyone who had to endure a socialistic dictatorship.

PS: And no...4 Posts in a row will not get you a bonus.
Originally posted by Archangel
somehow I missed the racism in h00dlums post...and by the way, learn to distinct between Socialism and social-democracy. Calling Sweden a socialistic country is a slap in the face for everyone who had to endure a socialistic dictatorship.

PS: And no...4 Posts in a row will not get you a bonus.

Its a bad thing to have a country of people gathered from all over the world and apprently no national Identity. We have plenty of national identity and its a great thing that we have people gathered from all over the world. It may be discuised racism , but racism none-the-less.

BTW- Socialist sound so much better in an argument.
Originally posted by Archangel
Calling Sweden a socialistic country is a slap in the face for everyone who had to endure a socialistic dictatorship.
I think that was the point.....
I would love to see the day when VALVE decides to only ship their games in NORTH AMERICA only.

Start bashing Americans then. The only reason why we're in this forum is the sincere love for games. I know this off-the-topic forum is out of relevance to HL2 itself--hence the thread, but continually remarking (if not insinuating at 'BASHING AT THE POWER DOGS' or jealous-incentive innuendoes) blatant nonsencical name calling primarily to sound cool and legitimate because your Hippy friend does it--makes this dismissive insult not only to Americans, but to those who strive and knows liberty.

Sure our present and future generation may never know the true meaning of fighting for our freedom, to stray away from oppression, that underlying fear that you're going to get killed any time at any hour. But many Immigrant who have endured and wade through such predicaments knows and cherish what America stands for. This may sound alot of hogwash to you Europeans, but then again most of the US-haters who post around here never had their government starved them to death.
Originally posted by nw909
I dunno how this thread got offtopic but anyway,

You know what....I'm going to move to canada and live at your house.Is that ok?
All that inter-country bashing is getting boring. From both sides. Anyone stating that US is a perfect country and always right is wrong, and anyone stating that US is evil are also wrong. People, everything isn't black or white. And arguing (if you can call that arguing) about it on this forum is just pointless. Nobody's gonna say "You're right we Americans are fat lazy violent baby killers" or "Yeah USA is the greatest country in the world and everyone here is rich and happy, any other country is crap". So I for one will stop posting about it since it's useless and unpleasant.

And Dimitri, there is assholes everywhere in the world, in USA too. During the war in Iraq, some truck drivers in Canada had to put an american flag on their truck or they would get their trucks vandalized. And I saw the most incredible country-bashing towards France in USA. Bashing other countries in an universal thing ;).

Well, just my opinion, let's try to keep this forum pleasant :D.
Originally posted by [pioneer]


Never been in Norway. It's cold right? I would love it.

-36°C is a cold temperature in winter. Above that it's just normal.
Carolina de Norte, Estados Unidos, =O! Actually I was born in cherry point in North Carolina... lived in japan for 5 years... spent a few weeks in south korea, hong kong.. and I must say that I can respect their lifestyles, but I can respect american lifestyles too, and I must say the lifestyle of americans is in a much better way then hong kong.. you think we have poor health care.. Had to drink bottled water to prevent contracting worms and parasites from the tapwater, on the way their I saw about 15 filthy people on the sides of roads, crawling around, clothed in rags but mostly naked and grimy and begging and emanciated... people eating dogs and things in little chop shops on the side of the road, where you hear the dogs yapping in the background and then yips here and their. I must say I like america more, =). Also what is it people don't understand 'bout the america's, they just make up crap about us attacking people and forcing our beliefs on them.. what kind of crap is this? Who have we attacked? Germany? Oh yea it would be much better if we hadn't "forced" our ideals on them, while we deny almost any monetary compensation from them for our dead and great ole europe and pals fines the mess out of the already suffering economy and forces much of the population into a depression and starvation, yea their beliefs are GREAT!!!! Oh and lets see we forced our ideals on Iraq? I'm sorry but if someone murders another the way I view it is they forfeit their life, I value human life personally and think that if you take anothers then yours is meaningless, and personally I mean thats exactly wth saddam was doing, you people don't understand communism or totalitarian rule as well as half of americans apparantly because you seem to think that they were having a grand ole' time of it. Also not to mention saddam's killing all those people, but you don't care about them statistics are and its not in favor of your opinions so you just discount them? As he didn't deserve to be removed from his rule at the price of what maybe less then maybe 200 americans? I mean jesus none of your people even died quit your bitching?.. and you may say oh but you did that to take control of their oil, and that is why our oil prices are still rising? I mean it's not going to last despite who takes control of it, just like civilization isn't?..

And then someone mocks our concepts of freedom whilst germans on this very board have to get a censored video game? The people who rule germany are dooschbags more than bush is.

edit- Pardon my rant, just meant to type out where I'm at, Incase you couldn't figure out by cognates Estados Unidos = United states (spanish), Carolina de Norte = North carolina... yea..
Originally posted by Morbo
All that inter-country bashing is getting boring. From both sides. Anyone stating that US is a perfect country and always right is wrong, and anyone stating that US is evil are also wrong. People, everything isn't black or white. And arguing (if you can call that arguing) about it on this forum is just pointless. Nobody's gonna say "You're right we Americans are fat lazy violent baby killers" or "Yeah USA is the greatest country in the world and everyone here is rich and happy, any other country is crap". So I for one will stop posting about it since it's useless and unpleasant.

And Dimitri, there is assholes everywhere in the world, in USA too. During the war in Iraq, some truck drivers in Canada had to put an american flag on their truck or they would get their trucks vandalized. And I saw the most incredible country-bashing towards France in USA. Bashing other countries in an universal thing ;).

Well, just my opinion, let's try to keep this forum pleasant :D.

I agree with you for certain. I know my country doesnt always do perfectly right. But I also know that my country has relatively good intentions. People are people all over , the people who lead your country (whoever or whatever you or it is) are in the most basic the same as those who rule mine. I also know there are assholes in the US for sure , never denied it. And the country bashing towards France was very mild compared to this childish sht. Anyway yeah. The Americans have presented more formed opinions. I have never based another country that wasnt in defense of mine , and even then rarely will i resort to that. America is most often bashed first. Aside from friendly joking. (Canada , I cant think of one person that really hates Canada lol)
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Its a bad thing to have a country of people gathered from all over the world and apprently no national Identity. We have plenty of national identity and its a great thing that we have people gathered from all over the world. It may be discuised racism , but racism none-the-less.

BTW- Socialist sound so much better in an argument.

Thanks dimitri for saying all that. Typical european views on the U.S its, not surprising. I rarely see someone from Japan slamming the US or someone from South America.

Bush is a great president, he has his messups, but people tend to forget how great of job he did holding the nation together during and after 9/11.

If Gore was Command n' Chief nothing would have gotten accomplished.

russia. also, to quote lhauert, "And I'm absolutly not anti-americans !

I'm just again this fascist and quarrelsome gov you got. But it tends that Europe is turning shitty as well (France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, to name a few) The thing is that we don't invade other countries to force them our believes, our way of life, etc. "

and I would just like to say europeans invading and forcing beliefs on people is how america came about.
Bush is a great president, he has his messups, but people tend to forget how great of job he did holding the nation together during and after 9/11.

I hate to drag this topic even further OT..

I beg to differ on your assessment of our 43rd president. It was not Bush who "held the nation together" during the crisis of 9/11, it was Rudolph Guiliani, the mayor of New York. Bush was busy cowaring in Air Force One, randomly flying from secret base to secret base. Our Vice President Dick Cheney flew to a undisclosed location and remained there for what, 3 weeks?

Guiliani was there giving updates to a shocked nation, motivating the population into action. When Bush spoke, he sounded like a robot trying to read english from a paper for the first time. It was not motivating, it was not convincing, I actually sighed after he was finished with his first one. He comes across in nearly all his speaches as incredibly insincere. A good speaker has the power to change the attitude of an entire country, luckily we had Guiliani, and Bush pretty much stayed out the way.

Everything Bush has touched in this country has imploded. His tax cuts that promised to create millions of jobs, have so far lost 3 million jobs. We have a deficit that is the highest that it has ever been in the history of our country, nearing half a trillion. His enviromental policy (or lack thereof) consists of great quotes like "We need to thin Americas forrests". Wow..

We have a perpetual state of war that has been created around the globe. We have set the international precident for pre-emptive military strikes, which sets the way for China to do the same to Taiwan if it ever saw fit. We have lost all international respect, Bush flaunts Americas power like a child who found his fathers gun.

And to top it off, Bush gleefully threw away all the international support we had for the war on terrorism by attacking Iraq. Cheney mentioned just hours after the 9/11 attacks that Iraq might need to be attacked. What kind of joke is this administration.

Dont be mistaken, I love my country and would die defending it, but this man has been nothing but a complete and utter disaster for the States, as well as the world. I support my country, but not what this administration is doing to it.

I will be glad to see it gone in 2004.
Originally posted by Shocky
I hate to drag this topic even further OT..

Omfg thats the friggin plan. I cant believe you are serious. This is the same plan that would be used if there was a Nuclear Attack. Terrorism is the same animal , you dont know the target. You are a certified friggin moron. He was as brave as any American , maybe youve never seen the video of him on that day. And of course he shouldnt feel emotion!!! goddamnit, I have only scratched the surface of your stupidity. Hell be back for 2004 , there are I think 11 democratic candidates lol.

BTW- Hes not the perfect president by any means , but he gets the job done damn well. We are finally taking a stand , fighting back. Im voting to reelect. Some of the problems economically are not of his doing , some are.

PPS- Yes Guilianai pwned.
Nothing has improved in our country since the man took office. Period.

I notice rather then refuting the majority of information given, you simply call me a "certified friggin moron". Very impressive.

He wont be back in 2004. His numbers continue to slide, the economy continues to skid along, more Americans continue to die daily in Iraq.

Do you want 4 more years of this?
Originally posted by Shocky
Nothing has improved in our country since the man took office. Period.

I notice rather then refuting the majority of information given, you simply call me a "certified friggin moron". Very impressive.

He wont be back in 2004. His numbers continue to slide, the economy continues to skid along, more Americans continue to die daily in Iraq.

Do you want 4 more years of this?

You sir are an idiot, so when Clinton went to bomb Iraq it was okay for Americans to die in Iraq? Bush > Clinton
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
You sir are an idiot, so when Clinton went to bomb Iraq it was okay for Americans to die in Iraq? Bush > Clinton

Whoever mentioned Clinton? Are you as naive to assume that just because I do not care for Bush, I automatically like Clinton?
Originally posted by Shocky
Nothing has improved in our country since the man took office. Period.

I notice rather then refuting the majority of information given, you simply call me a "certified friggin moron". Very impressive.

He wont be back in 2004. His numbers continue to slide, the economy continues to skid along, more Americans continue to die daily in Iraq.

Do you want 4 more years of this?

You would not be swayed by reasoning. No amount of reasoning could combat your lack of common sense. Bush and Cheney both underwent what is called the "Dooms Day" plan which is intended to keep them alive. Hes not a cowboy at high noon on main street. The responsibility is to keep the government operating. Please tell me what he did wrong by following the plan. He spoke well , he spoke strong. He was as shocked as anyone. Unless youre a heartless bastard you felt the same as he did. I do like your second paragraph though lol , I did laugh heartily. If you dont vote for him , vote for General Wesley Clark. Hes antiwar , and a good candidate I believe.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
You would not be swayed by reasoning. No amount of reasoning could combat your lack of common sense. Bush and Cheney both underwent what is called the "Dooms Day" plan which is intended to keep them alive. Hes not a cowboy at high noon on main street. The responsibility is to keep the government operating. Please tell me what he did wrong by following the plan. He spoke well , he spoke strong. He was as shocked as anyone. Unless youre a heartless bastard you felt the same as he did. I do like your second paragraph though lol , I did laugh heartily. If you dont vote for him , vote for General Wesley Clark. Hes antiwar , and a good candidate I believe.
I didn't feel the same as him.So I guess that makes me a heartless bastard.
Originally posted by Tr0n
I didn't feel the same as him.So I guess that makes me a heartless bastard.

If you felt shock,sympathy,sorrow , and rage you felt the same as him , you hopeless moron.

lol ;)
i own my own private island in the pacific, im protected by the United States Armed Forces as well as my own private army. i have my own desk at the UN.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Im proud that I dont have to be a racist like you. Im proud that my country made something of itself. Im proud that Im free , Im proud that we are diverse. Im proud of my country. Sweden is not that exciting. Socialism and assholes haha.

Racist? what the **** are u on?..my best friend is from Iran so **** you. Free? dont get it..do u think european countries live like in Iraq or something. we are as free as u ffs. u get me wrong, i like america as a country..but its ur goverment i dont like. And then u say im a racist for that?

i just asked what you are proud of..dont get mad.

And about sweden not being exciting, true in some ways..of course its more to see in a giant country like yours. Yeah and socialism sucks in some ways..but atleast we dont got: dopeheads,psychos,bums,drugdealers,pimps,hockers,gun fights,ghettos etc everywhere. Thats one of the good things about it, the bad thing is that people can be lazy and dont work and live on welfare.
Originally posted by h00dlum
Racist? what the **** are u on?..my best friend is from Iran so **** you. Free? dont get it..do u think european countries live like in Iraq or something. we are as free as u ffs. u get me wrong, i like america as a country..but its ur goverment i dont like. And then u say im a racist for that?

You cant own guns in england, well not anything worth having a gun for. Also you have to register your televisions wth is with that?
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
You cant own guns in england, well not anything worth having a gun for. Also you have to register your televisions wth is with that?

i think its a good thing that anyone can own a gun..
register tvs?
we can smoke pot i holland no problem now thats free