What did you get for christmas?


Aug 14, 2004
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What did you get for christmas? So, got what you wanted? I didn't wish for much. I got a multi-function external dvd-burner from Iomega. Some socks, candy, a couple of books and other stuff.
Its 2pm chrismas eve... i got a lil while till i find out.
Bah! I didnt get what I wished for.

This is the last christmas I wish for a M109 Paladin howitzer ;(
Yeah, we open our presents and eat our food on the 24th.
9:10am on the 25th here.

Athlon 3000 xp barton
misc $100 motherboard
2 shirts, boxers, socks and a cap.
Medieval: Total War (I have shogun and rome)
40 litres of soft drink (mostly coke)
qckbeam said:
I agree. If you're going to be drinking 40 liters of anything, it'd better be Dr.Pepper.

I have Raspberry, lemon, cola , La Ice and Coke.

Ikerous said:
Wtf...? Why..

I like softdrink. A lot.
Doesn't 40 litres of softdrink cost much? Something like 70 euros. After all, maybe that isn't too much for a xmas present.
qckbeam said:
I agree. If you're going to be drinking 40 liters of anything, it'd better be Dr.Pepper.

cherry coke is better!!

coke with jack daniels!
40 litres of soft drink costs $20. $2 a bottle, in some cases ie LA Ice $1 a bottle. I'm going to try and make it last for awhile.

I'm holding a mini lan with 2 other mates aswell, but they're bringing their own beverages so I should be allright there.
neptuneuk said:
cherry coke is better!!

coke with jack daniels!

I....I'm shocked...:O....

I've heard of people like you...but I always thought it was a myth spread by the evil behind Coca-Cola. This is just mind shattering on so many levels.

Coke with Jack Daniels sounds good though, so that makes up for your previous act of treason :thumbs:
What's with people doing everything early?

You open your presents on Xmas eve!? WTF!?!?! Then what do you do on christmas day!?

It's only 10:45 PM on the 24th here... I got about 10 hours to wait.

Kyo I feel the soft drinks thing! I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper and Coke (that is, coca-cola)...
Haven't gotten it yet but I'm getting: A DVD burner, one of those new PC gaming keyboards from Seitec or whatever they're called, a new mouse, another stick of RAM, money, and probably a mini Ipod and LOTR:ROTK extended edition.

Wow, now that I look at it, I'm a big nerd this year.
/me got HL2 :D w00t!
Installing it now :) then ill quickly register it with steam and be playing it for several hours ;)
Finnish and everyone in scandinavia opens their presents on the 24th of december.

I got a lot of stuff, here are the highlights:

Peak Performance fleece, red

Petz Tikka Plus headlight


2 Dan brown books and one Michael Crichton.
1.Matrix Box
2.empty Dvds
3.2 Sweatshirts
4.Linkin Park DVD
5.Keychain with my Name on it [Niklas]
6.Alarm Clock
7.new Headphones fot my Sony MD Player
8.80 euro
9.in a few days my 6800OC should be here thats from my dad
10. a box from my Grandma should be here soon with Clothes and Money
Ain't opened proper presents yet, just my stocking:

2 Addias Deodrant spray things
Les Miserables book
Book on the Englightenment
Some funky stones
A glass, metal and neon plastic puzzle (teh fun tbh)
A bat-ball-string game :p :)
A model glider (also fun)
2 silk ties

I teh big kid :)
hmmm let me see....

Radeon X800 XT PE
Umm some lynx shower pack....WTF?
Couple of puzzles
$185 for my trip over seas
hmmm few vouchers for stores, clothes shoes etc....
NEWAY best part was seeing my distant family merry christmas!
A new very nice italian suit :)
New Speaker set up
New jeans.jumpers ect
some books
And a crazy japanese game I have been wanting for awhile called Gitaroo man hehe
I'm Alan Partridge Series 1 (got series 2 last year)
A small bottle of Jack Daniels + Mini hipflask
A magnetic travel game
A wall projection clock (which is proper cool, tells the room temp too )
'The Timewaster Letters' by Robin Cooper
'The World's Greatest Book of Usless Information' which is awesome!
Some Issey Miyake toilet water (beautiful stuff)
And a well formatted 'voucher' off my mum for some clothes

We got our dog a ball with a massive tongue on the end, so when he has it in his mouth he looks stupid!
I'm about to find out in a half hour :D

- Badger how big is your stocking? :O
Some people got a lot of presents. I was happy last night, staying up and eating my 0,5 kg pack of liquorice. That was good. Do you guys in the UK and US know what liquorice is?
Atomi said:
Some people got a lot of presents. I was happy last night, staying up and eating my 0,5 kg pack of liquorice. That was good. Do you guys in the UK and US know what liquorice is?

a black candy, flavored with the dried root of the licorice plant
Yeah, the ingredients may vary but it sure is good ;)