What did you get for christmas?

I recieved...

- Kodak Easyshare DX4530 Camera (5.0MP and Great Quality - Can't Ask For More)
- Logitech USB Premium Stereo Headset (Nice Headshet)
- Best Buy Gift Card (Not Sure How Much)
- $80
- Duckhead Jeans (Nice pair of jeans)
- Satin Sleeping Pants/Shirt (Wow... that's all I can say. Very compfortable)
- Four Shirts (Forget what kind... from Kohls though)
- Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar Book (This thing is awesome...)
- Band of Brothers DVD Pack (Have yet to watch)
- Coin Tray (From my 10 year old sister... at least she thought about me, I gave her nothing :( )
- Loads Of Candy n' Treats, Including 1LB Bag Of Sunflower Seeds (Yum...)
Nokia 7610.

Which is nice seeing as how my old phone wouldn't let me talk to people for more than 20 seconds before it runs out of battery.
16x DVD burner and some $ for clothes.

Oh, and Raising The Bar :D
300$ and a portable MP3/CD player.

1/3 of a DVD player that I need to share with my brothers too.
I got some parts for my dirtbike, some motocross gear, Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar (awesome book), Mystery science theater on DVD (best show ever), Unreal Tournament 2004, some motocross videos, One of those things that play classic games on the TV, and some other stuff.

EDIT: Wow, I just realised that I have unintentionally advertised two different things. How cool is that? :dozey:
Moto-x_Pat said:
EDIT: Wow, I just realised that I have unintentionally advertised two different things. How cool is that? :dozey:

Not very. I wish I'd gotten Raising the Bar. I think I'll order it from amazon.com next year.
got my own strider, in my back garden playing .. :D
nah got some socks, clothes, money, sweets(candy). and guinness book of records..lol, always get that tbh . good book tho

EDIT: forgot to add im having a fone next month as a late xmas pressie. Im very greatful for everything i got, and that i have a good family to share it with, my thoughts are with those who have no family and live in poor places like africa.:(
Me got:

20gb iPod 4G
Orange SPV C500 Windows Smartphone :D :D
256mb MiniSD card for Smartphone
Plextor DVD-RW that was in Custom PC best dvd burner thing + 25 DVD-r's
nice clothes n stuff for college (gotta wear a suit, ya see)
Books, magazines and software on music producing :D
Sony Clie PDA thing :D

i think i speak for the majority of us, that we got fairly nerdy christmasses

and of course i spent it with family, partied etc.

/me lucky :), but remember those who aren't as :(
`unreal said:
Me got:

20gb iPod 4G
Orange SPV C500 Windows Smartphone :D :D
256mb MiniSD card for Smartphone
Plextor DVD-RW that was in Custom PC best dvd burner thing + 25 DVD-r's
nice clothes n stuff for college (gotta wear a suit, ya see)
Books, magazines and software on music producing :D
Sony Clie PDA thing :D

i think i speak for the majority of us, that we got fairly nerdy christmasses

and of course i spent it with family, partied etc.

/me lucky :), but remember those who aren't as :(
Well I'm not apart of that majority... ;)

Remington electric shaver
couple pairs of shoes
some things to keep me sexy (hairdryer, aftershave, etc...) :p
Cook books (asian, grilling, desserts, and mexican)
Oral B electric toothbrush
well not everyone celebrates christmas, so you probably have some kind of other replacement christmas some other time of the year. if not, then u have my thoughts n wishes.
I got a....

CD travel case
flower-drying kit :p
baking cookbook :eek:
best buy gift card
and Half-Life 2! :D

So the only thing I didn't get that I wanted was a fish. But I did get a "fish flashlight" from my aunt which only vaguely resembles a finless, tail-less fish. Oh well. Off to play some Half-Life 2! I've got half an hour left before crazy people pop out and scream at me to go to sleep.
For christmas I got to go to a Thursday concert (my favorite band) in New Jersey on the 26th. It was the best f*cking show I've ever been to. Bought myself a sweet Thursday t-shirt too.

I'd rather have that then a bunch of computer parts or 40 litres of soda
I recieved Prince of Persia: Warrior Within from myself (yes, I bought myself something for Christmas, nothing wrong with that, right?)
It was disappointing.
Just kidding.
It was worth my ****ing money.
And by worth my ****ing money, I mean it kicked super ass.