What do you think about Bush?

he's an idiot....and frankly I find it a little disturbing how he's "in charge" of one of the worlds most powerfull nations.
I think he's brilliant, if it wasn't for him so much great tv would have never existed.
I think the only reason his approval rating is high is because people actually feel sorry for him.

I felt pity on him in the begining, but now he's just an idiot.
could you pick an easier target?? come man, at least try...
Originally posted by mrchimp
Justin Timberlake
hey, at least he can shake his ass! plus he had sex with britney spears.. but then again, who hasn't hahahaha.. oh man, i'm so much better than other people..

edit: you know, mrchimps avatar bears an uncanny resemblance to my commander and chief.
He scares the bejeebuz outtta me. Also, he sets a very bad example for Americans. The mindless masses are very much influenced by what their leader says/how he acts.

What really makes me scared is that he really doesn't seem to realize that he is the cause of much of what we call global terrorism. He seems to have some kind of John Wayne approach to dealing with global politics. That approach may have worked on the silver screen in the 60's, and it may get him sympathy from Cletus the slack-jawed yokel, it is not, however, a valid strategy for the leader of the world's biggest army/economy.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
plus he had sex with britney spears.. but then again, who hasn't hahahaha.. oh man, i'm so much better than other people.

I havn't ;(
I like him. Actually, he has been voted most likely candidate for the chairman seat in F.U.C.K.E.D (Fundamentalistic Union of Crackpots with Kvasifuturistic dreams of Egomaniac Despotism)

Originally posted by dawdler
I like him. Actually, he has been voted most likely candidate for the chairman seat in F.U.C.K.E.D (Fundamentalistic Union of Crackpots with Kvasifuturistic dreams of Egomaniac Despotism)


Did you just make that up or did you get it from somewhere, because that is a classic.
He has barely any idea what's going on, methinks. He's a puppet, at most... though even that's a bit too much. I say that Ashcroft and Rumsfeld (REDRUM!!) are pretty much running the show. Bush is just a figurehead, and thus keeps the heat of the two and on the poor idiot. Do you really think that a guy who did so much coke and booze over the course of his life has a capacity to be truly evil? Maybe wifebeating, but I think that he's above that.
He's an idealist, yes. And even though his ideals mostly suit the elite, I doubt that many people ever take him seriously anymore. People just use the poor dolt. He's like Elmer Fudd without the lisp... I guess.

Did I make any sense at all? o_O

(Edit again)
Lil' Timmy: Forgot about them! Thankoo! My mind's a bit disorganized these days. o_O
Hell, I'd say in order of influence: Cheney, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld. Though you could add in Dubya's father and/or flip-flop the positions of Cheney and Wolfowitz or Ashcroft and Rumsfeld.

Originally posted by Min Rizor
I say that Ashcroft and Rumsfeld (REDRUM!!) are pretty much running the show.

hmm, i'd put cheney and wolfowitz in those positions..
I actually like the guy, a WHOLE lot better then the alternative of Gore. He may or may not know what he's doing, but he has surrounded himself with some of the most knowledgable people in the country. Also, unlike Clinton and many other former presidents, he actually ASKED congress before going to war, which is what a president is SUPPOSED to do. He's ALOT smarter then people give him credit for I think.
"You don't need to be smart to be president"
--Republican Congressman J.C. Watts - said at a February campaign appearance on Bush's behalf. Washington Post, 6/11/00

"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating."
--U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2000

"Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning"
--Florence, SC, Jan. 11, 2000

"Actually, I -- this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. When I'm talking about -- when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."
--Hardball, MSNBC, May 31, 2000

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
--Reuters, May 5, 2000

"I think we agree, the past is over."
--On his meeting with John McCain, Dallas Morning News, May 10, 2000

"Laura and I really don't realize how bright our children is sometime until we get an objective analysis."
--Meet the Press, April 15, 2000

"I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to California. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California."
--Los Angeles Times, April 8, 2000

"We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations; their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure there's not this kind of federal cufflink."
--Fritsche Middle School, Milwaukee, March 30, 2000

"The fact that he relies on facts -- says things that are not factual -- are going to undermine his campaign."
--New York Times, March 4, 2000

"It is not Reaganesque to support a tax plan that is Clinton in nature."
--Los Angeles, Feb. 23, 2000

"I understand small business growth. I was one."
--New York Daily News, Feb. 19, 2000

"How do you know if you don't measure if you have a system that simply suckles kids through?"
--Explaining the need for educational accountability, Beaufort, S.C.,Feb.16, 2000

"The senator has got to understand if he's going to have he can't have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim the low road."
--To reporters in Florence, S.C., Feb. 17, 2000

"If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign."
--Hilton Head, S.C., Feb. 16, 2000

"We ought to make the pie higher."
-South Carolina Republican Debate, Feb. 15, 2000

"I've changed my style somewhat, as you know. I'm less, I pontificate less, although it may be hard to tell it from this show. And I'm more interacting with people."
--Meet The Press, Feb. 13, 2000

"I think we need not only to eliminate the tollbooth to the middle class, I think we should knock down the tollbooth."
--Nashua, N.H., as quoted by Gail Collins, New York Times, Feb. 1, 2000

"The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case."
--Pella, Iowa, as quoted in the San Antonio Express News, Jan. 30, 2000"

"This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve."
--Speaking during Perseverance Month at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, N.H.

"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
--Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."
--At a South Carolina oyster roast; quoted in the Financial Times, Jan.14, 2000

"There needs to be debates, like we're going through. There needs to be townhall meetings. There needs to be travel. This is a huge country."
--Larry King Live, Dec. 16, 1999

"The important question is, How many hands have I shaked?"
--Answering a question about why he hasn't spent more time in New Hampshire; quoted in the New York Times, Oct. 23, 1999

"Keep good relations with the Grecians."
--Quoted in the Economist, June 12, 1999

"When it is all said and done, I will have made more money than I ever dreamed I would make."
--Source & Date unknown (please email us the source if you know)

"I don't remember debates. I don't think we spent a lot of time debating it. Maybe we did, but I don't remember."
--On discussing the Vietnam War as an undergraduate at Yale, in the Washington Post, July 27, 1999

"Put the 'off' button on."
--South Carolina, February 14, 2000

"I did denounce it. I de-I denounced it. I denounced interracial dating. I denounced anti-Catholic bigacy... bigotry."
--Referring to his Bob Jones University visit and the subsequent criticism, Virginia, February 25, 2000

"We believe in opportunity for all Americans: Rich and poor, black and white...."
--From a speech at Bob Jones Univ., in South Carolina, 2/2/00

"We must all hear the universal call to like your neighbor just like you like to be liked yourself."
--George W. Bush puts an interesting twist on Jesus Christ's proverb: "Love thy neighbor." (Quote is from the Financial Times)

"I would have said yes to abortion if only it was right. I mean, yeah it's right. Well no it's not right that's why I said no to it."
--South Carolina, February 14,2000

"My [tax cut] plan is realistic because it avoids meaningless 15-year projections."
--George W. Bush goes to extraordinary lengths to defend his tax cut plan. (Quote is from a Bush speech in Iowa, 12/1/99)

"The fundamental question is: 'Will I be a successful president when it comes to foreign policy?' I will be, but until I'm the president, it's going to be hard for me to verify that I think I'll be more effective."
--New York Times, 7/28/99

"There ought to be limits to freedom"
--at a Press conference at the Texas State House, May 21, 1999, referring to GWBush.com

"We have struggle to not proceed but to preceed to the future of a nation's child."
--Journal Gazette 11/12/00

"My opponent seems to think that Social Security is a federal program. I believe that money is yours and you should be able to invest it yourself."
-The final Presidential debate

"Down in Washington they're playing with Social Security like it's some kind of government program!"
-NBC Nightly News (Date unknown, anyone out there know?)

"The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war, thereby causing no more war!"
--The first Presidential debate

"They said, 'You know, this issue doesn't seem to resignate [sic] with the people.' And I said, you know something? Whether it resignates [sic] or not doesn't matter to me, because I stand for doing what's the right thing, and what the right thing is hearing the voices of people who work.
--Portland, Ore., Oct. 31, 2000

"It's your money. You paid for it."
--LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000

"It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet.
-Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000

"If affirmative action means what I just described, what I'm for, then I'm for it."
--The Presidential Debates. St. Louis, Mo., October 18, 2000

"It's going to require numerous IRA agents."
--On Gore's tax plan, Greensboro, N.C., Oct. 10, 2000

"I don't think we need to be subliminable [sic] about the differences between our views on prescription drugs."
--Orlando, Fla., Sept. 12, 2000. He then repeatedly mispronounced the word after his press conference.

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully"
--Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000

"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?"
--Concord, N.H., Jan. 29, 2000

"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas."
--Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier...just as long as I'm the dictator..."
--Washington, DC, Dec 18, 2000, during his first trip to Washington as President-Elect

"They misunderestimated me."
--Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000

"That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century."
--On the Lewinsky scandal, Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000"

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."
—LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000"

"There's a huge trust. I see it all the time when people come up to me and say, 'I don't want you to let me down again.'"
— Boston, Massachusetts, October 3, 2000

"I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question"
--Reynoldsburg, Ohio, October 4, 2000

"You teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."
--February 21, 2001 - President Bush at Townsend Elementary School, touting his education reform plans.


you want more proof he's an idiot? see my sig.
Originally posted by king John I
you want more proof he's an idiot? see my sig.

You try going on live, national news and talking to the American people. I got $10 that says you'll make a complete and utter idiot out of yourself
haha what? so you think i'd say this:

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
--Reuters, May 5, 2000

dont question my intelligence please. or this:?

"I think we agree, the past is over."
--On his meeting with John McCain, Dallas Morning News, May 10, 2000

come on, he's an idiot, besides thats his job, he's meant to be ****ing good at it for gods sake. or this:?

"This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses."
--At a South Carolina oyster roast; quoted in the Financial Times, Jan.14, 2000

really now, tell me i'm that stupid.
commies..now bush???...i think we need a political forum here
Did I say you were stupid? No.. I never once said you were stupid.

However, slipping up in a speech is no big deal. I'm sure Clinton said alot of stupid stuff, except it wasn't documented because liberals naturally want to bash Bush because, in their eyes, he cheated to win the election. Don't forget, he's a republican, which automatically makes him the devil's advocate, or something. Form an opinion of your own, king John, all you're doing is repeating what everyone else says.

Also, Bush realizes he HAS messed up in alot of his speeches, he's admitted it and even made fun of himself a bit for doing it.
Originally posted by Min Rizor
He has barely any idea what's going on, methinks. He's a puppet, at most... though even that's a bit too much. I say that Ashcroft and Rumsfeld (REDRUM!!) are pretty much running the show. Bush is just a figurehead, and thus keeps the heat of the two and on the poor idiot. Do you really think that a guy who did so much coke and booze over the course of his life has a capacity to be truly evil? Maybe wifebeating, but I think that he's above that.
He's an idealist, yes. And even though his ideals mostly suit the elite, I doubt that many people ever take him seriously anymore. People just use the poor dolt. He's like Elmer Fudd without the lisp... I guess.

Perfect sense. I'm kind of along those lines as well. I believe he really does what he thinks is best for the US (and maybe the world in general)

I don't think he's a complete moron. Of course he's not. But that doesn't mean he's fit to run the US.

Dammit, just resurrect FDR! If had lived during that time, I would have had no doubts about living in, and serving, the US. That is one of the greatest men who ever lived.
Originally posted by Shuzer
Don't forget, he's a republican, which automatically makes him the devil's advocate, or something.

Do you know what "devil's advocate" refers to? (That's a rhetorical question)
the point is that you'd have to either be stupid or have a reading/speaking disorder to say some of those things. i mean, it'd be nice to ave a president that had some level of self-awareness.

shuzer, clinton didn't really ever display such stupidity in his words. it's a simple test to see, b/c there are as many neo-con anne coulture/rush limbaugh/sean hannity fanboi websites out there that'd have had it on the front page if he had ever said anything so rediculous.

also, bush didn't exactly steal the election, b/c we have this bullshit electoral college crap, and according to that anachronistic throw-back, he won. however, he's the first u.s. president to be eleected without the majority of the popular vote, which is pretty hilarious.

anyone who doesn't acknowledge that bush is a moron is a blind fanboi. i mean even conservatives (and i'm somewhat fiscally conservative myself) must be appaled with bush's astonishing corporate wellfare standards and the unprecedentedly swollen government that's looting our country..
Originally posted by MrMethane
Do you know what "devil's advocate" refers to? (That's a rhetorical question)

Yes. I wasn't using it in that sense, though, obviously. Would you like me to rephrase it? Don't nitpick my posts, please. :)
"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas."
--Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000

lmao! That's just so funny. Did him & Quail hang out together?

There's few anectdotes about Clinton's speeches and misstatements because few exist - that man was a walking encyclopedia of domestic & foreign policy, a natural-born speech maker; he had the nickname "Slick Willy" if you remember, this was mostly because of his ability to talk himself right out of any corner at all. His troubles mostly stemmed from below the belt, so to speak.

Bush Jr. is a dolt. It shows on his face. He manipulates sympathy with his scrunched-up eyebrows, the trick of children & actors alike. It is easy to feel sorry for him - many of his grammatical & usage mistakes are due to a form of dysleksia (substituting one word in a sentence with a word similar in meaning but not appropriate for that usage), again this creates a sympathetic feeling in the viewer that is associated with children, or the less mentally advantaged. None of these are traits that a *president of a powerful country* should have. Bring back Clinton any day, at least the rest of the world liked him, he wasn't Mr. Cowboy Pres.
Sing along with me!

Maybe you misunderstandimate me now
Sometimes I speak a little bad...ly
But don't you never go and put the emphasis on the wrong sylable?
When things go wrong, I talk like dad.

I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstand.

I speak espanol but my english no good
Oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstand.....stood?

Bush is not a moron... he is quite the opposite.

Clinton seemed so smart when he spoke because he is a professional speaker. Hell even the biggest idiot in the world that is good at professional speaking sounds smart.

Other countries liked Clinton because he was a talker, not a doer. Whenever a terrorist organization did a bombing etc. he lobbed a couple cruise missiles and that was it.

Bush is hated by many countries, True. But did you ever think about the reason why?

After eight years of Clinton, Bush was elected. When 9/11 happened Bush immediately set out to punish and destroy the organizations that was responsable for this. He did this because Bush has a doer attitude. When that was over he set out to dethrone Saddam in Iraq because he was a horrible and brutal dictator. This is where he gets the most flack.... especially from the U.N

Let me make an example. You are standing in front of a burning building. You hear screams and crys for help inside. Then someone else runs up to the building next to you and says "Arnt you going to help those people in there?". You shrug your shoulders. When that happens the man runs into the burning building, saves the women and children, and runs out seconds before the building collapses. That man just made you look bad and now you hold animosity against him. In this example you are the U.N, the burning building is Iraq, and the man who saved them is Bush. All the U.N ever does is bitch and complain about human rights but will never go beyond just talk. Bush did something about human rights, and made the U.N look bad.

People who oppose Bush can never find any good hard evidence to make him look bad, so they go along with the lie that he is a moron because he is not a professional speaker. Another thing that is comeing up now is that Bush lied. I cant even count how many political chat rooms I've joined and heard the statement, "Bush Lied". 99.9% of the time I hear this I make them look like an idiot just by simply saying, "Oh yeah? about what?". Most cannot awnser this, and the few that do are easily proven wrong. This just further proves my theory that all these mouthy touchy-feely liberals are nothing but sheep that regurgitate the same crap up again and again. Almost anything a Liberal says can be easily disproven with a little research in the subject. Thats where their follower base comes from. Most people are too lazy to take time to research what someone says and unquestionly take their opinion as truth. The Liberals feed off of this lazyness.

The fact is that Bush has done more in his few years in office then Clinton has achived in 8. I think Bush is the best person that can be in office at this time because he is a doer. And I will be there bright and early on election-day to do my part to keep him there another 4 years.
Originally posted by CokeLite
He did this because Bush has a doer attitude. When that was over he set out to dethrone Saddam in Iraq because he was a horrible and brutal dictator. This is where he gets the most flack.... especially from the U.N

AND from me. What don't you Bush fanboys understand about *LYING* to the American public and the people of the world?!?

Bush did not ONCE stand in front of us all and say "I'm going to bomb Iraq because Saddam is a horrible and brutal dictator." NEVER. I repeat: NEVER. His "reasons" for doing so have been well documented, and so far have come up as empty LIES. (I find I must emphasis with bold letters and such so that Bushites can't pretend not to notice - well they still can but whatever.)

There are plenty and I mean *plenty* of evil horrible brutal dictators in the world right now, but I don't see Bush chasing after them - oh wait they're not sitting on top of vast oil reserves! Would he like to do something about Sierra Leone perhaps??? How about the dragging of feet that occured for Liberia - a democratic nation that was founded basically by the US Govt? Ooo we sent a dozen Marines, that helped so much! Thanks Mr. Bush!

It's unique foreign policy for sure - cronyism + selective imperialism + arrogant protectionism = one f'ed up system.

I'll be there next year to cancel out your vote, that is for damned sure. The man is a bonehead, a puppet, a fragment of his father, a C student loser who can barely get a sentence out of his head. What a great leader. With Clinton we had the world laughing with us, now they just laugh at us - when they're not trying to blow us up that is. Finished with my rant, and this thread.
Originally posted by CokeLite
Bush is not a moron... he is quite the opposite.

Clinton seemed so smart when he spoke because he is a professional speaker. Hell even the biggest idiot in the world that is good at professional speaking sounds smart.

Ah yes, so being an able speaker automatically make him suspicious? I mean, there's just no way he could still be more able as president. (Not that I'm such a big fan of Clinton's)

Other countries liked Clinton because he was a talker, not a doer. Whenever a terrorist organization did a bombing etc. he lobbed a couple cruise missiles and that was it.
Yeah, **** all! No bloody liberal measured response! Thats for weenies. Never mind that level-minded people worldwide might actually find these actions so outrageous that they turn on him.
Bush is hated by many countries, True. But did you ever think about the reason why?
Becuse of his actions?
After eight years of Clinton, Bush was elected. When 9/11 happened Bush immediately set out to punish and destroy the organizations that was responsable for this. He did this because Bush has a doer attitude. When that was over he set out to dethrone Saddam in Iraq because he was a horrible and brutal dictator. This is where he gets the most flack.... especially from the U.N
Jeeebuz, what neither Bush nor you or people like you understand is that by going about things as he does, he manages to infuriate, as it now seems, a majority of the world.

Let me give an example. I know this will be hard to comprehend, as you're obviously nicely brain washed, but try.

Many people now (not evil moslems or members of radical islamic military factions) now perceive president Bush as the single biggest threat to world peace. Let's say all those people gathered and voted to let the EU invade the US to liberate them from the this threat to world peace. I'm sure everyone in the US would be really happy about that?

That was a rhethorical question. No, of course they wouldn't. Even the people in the US who were against Bush would rally round him. (In fact this kind of national sentiment is exactly what Bush has used to keep his popularity up. When people perceive an attack on their motherland (9/11 anyone), the the people unite. It's a well proven strategy and its used all the time in third world countries, too bad so few recognize it when its close to home)

Oh yeah, and the goal of the UN is to keep Saddam in power... jeez
Let me make an example. You are standing in front of a burning building. You hear screams and crys for help inside. Then someone else runs up to the building next to you and says "Arnt you going to help those people in there?". You shrug your shoulders. When that happens the man runs into the burning building, saves the women and children, and runs out seconds before the building collapses. That man just made you look bad and now you hold animosity against him. In this example you are the U.N, the burning building is Iraq, and the man who saved them is Bush. All the U.N ever does is bitch and complain about human rights but will never go beyond just talk. Bush did something about human rights, and made the U.N look bad.
You have to be ****ing kidding me! Of course many people in Iraq are happy to be rid of Saddam, but not at any price. Especially not at the price of US soldiers shooting innocents every day. These people have relatives, just as the US soldiers KIA in Iraq have relatives and loved ones.
People who oppose Bush can never find any good hard evidence to make him look bad

Oh, if you seriously can't find anything wrong with his actions, you're just completely and utterly brainwashed and beyond any rescue. Of course, if you turn a blind eye to all evidence to the contrary, nothing will stick.

Take a look around you boy, the evidence is there. Of course it's up to you how to interpret it, after all, most of the people here are residents of a democracy.

MrMethane out.
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
With Clinton we had the world laughing with us

I didn't laugh laugh (that hard) at Clinton. he was obviously slimebag and not a person I would let anywhere near a prospective girlfriend, but as a world leader he was doing a completely ok job.
If you guys can't think of anything better to entertain me with than the tired old pro/anti Bush debate, then the least you could do is come up with more clever retorts than "bonehead", "C student loser", and old reliable "you are brainwashed because you think differently than me, HAR!".

I enjoy watching gamers waste their time in daft and uninformed political debates as much as the next guy, but this one is rather boring.

Just spice it up a little, k? Thnx.
Originally posted by CokeLite
Let me make an example. You are standing in front of a burning building. You hear screams and crys for help inside. Then someone else runs up to the building next to you and says "Arnt you going to help those people in there?". You shrug your shoulders. When that happens the man runs into the burning building, saves the women and children, and runs out seconds before the building collapses. That man just made you look bad and now you hold animosity against him. In this example you are the U.N, the burning building is Iraq, and the man who saved them is Bush. All the U.N ever does is bitch and complain about human rights but will never go beyond just talk. Bush did something about human rights, and made the U.N look bad.

No, it would go a little more like this:

Burning house, people crying for help etc. Bush runs in like a hero. He comes out the door with the person's jewelry drawer as the house burns down, killing everyone inside.

Originally posted by Pseudonym_
If you guys can't think of anything better to entertain me with than the tired old pro/anti Bush debate, then the least you could do is come up with more clever retorts than "bonehead", "C student loser", and old reliable "you are brainwashed because you think differently than me, HAR!".

I enjoy watching gamers waste their time in daft and uninformed political debates as much as the next guy, but this one is rather boring.

Just spice it up a little, k? Thnx.

Yes, I agree the debate is largely daft and informed. In fact, I would never start a debate like this on this forum.

However, let me just point out that the reason I think he's brainwashed has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that him and I disagree; but is a comment that he completely fails to acknowledge the evidence that president Bush is an international disater. As I said, anyone may interpret the evidence differntly than I.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm not trying to spice anything up. Personally, I'd be happy see an autoban on anyone who starts threads like this here. I do believe, however, that I'm entitled to respond if should so choose. (Most of the time I don't, even though I may disagree)

I don't view threads like this as an opportunity to show off my political prowess, simply because I don't really have one. It would be nice ,though, if people with even less insight would refrain from commenting on threads like these.
I think Bush is okay--hell, with gore, the whole 9/11 would'nt be handled until someone else came into office.

Clinton bad? I hate how he mocked the surgeon general when she thought some of the best abstinence from sex besides a condom, is "mastapterbation" (cant say the full word, not sure if its allowed on the forums), then he went on to go "fck".

I personally now, want to become a world leader. :afro: