What does HL2.net want for Christmas?

Jun 30, 2007
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I just want some help with books in the next semester, and if I dream really hard, I want an xbox 360.
I think we already sort of have this thread.
I just sold my 360 to a friend a couple of days ago, so happy to get rid of it. I'm really sorry PC, you really are infinitely better and I won't forget next time.
All I want for christmas is a new clutch master cylinder.
What I want, I can't currently have. But I will. Oh yes.
Razer Deathadder
Razer Lycosa
Razer eXactmat
Creative Fatal1ty headset

^^^I really need new of all that kind of stuff.^^^

Other stuff:
World at War
Left 4 Dead
16 GB iPod touch
Shinedown CD
Simple Plan CD

I suspect i am getting a Wii as well.
I ask for nothing, I'll probably get something I really need. Socks, boxers, possibly a tool set from the grand parents, and hopefully a little cash.

Crazy assholes and your expensive presents.

All I want for christmas is a new clutch master cylinder.

Might as well as for a Slave as well. If the Master cylinder goes, good guess is the slave cylinder will follow suit sooner or later! D:

Razer Deathadder
Razer Lycosa
Razer eXactmat
Creative Fatal1ty headset

^^^I really need new of all that kind of stuff.^^^

Other stuff:
World at War
Left 4 Dead
16 GB iPod touch
Shinedown CD
Simple Plan CD

I suspect i am getting a Wii as well.
Crazy assholes and your expensive presents.
Quoted for truth, what the ****.
I just want my damn Valve Store order! Specifically my cube. I want my little companion cube!
Wow I'm pleased be part of the elite.

4 PS3 games
Wirless dongle for 360
Diamond back mountain bike
Loads of clothes
Loads of money
Fingers crossed.....loads of sex.

Merry Christmas

And for you little boy, your very own prostitute.

Im getting plates.
I am beginning to question whether I am actually going to get L4D. I'll be so pissed if I don't...
Some Hydra Head vinyls that I can frame and stick on my wall (cheap Aaron Turner art <3), some shirts and a few books/comics/collected artists works.

Hopefully a few new sketchpads and black inks, too.
Pitzy - the slave was done when the clutch was uprated - they left the master as standard though and the seals have started leaking, so I lose clutch pressure if I use it for more than 2 secs... I can live with it though, i've learned how to drive all over again. lol. Neutral is my friend!
Pitzy - the slave was done when the clutch was uprated - they left the master as standard though and the seals have started leaking, so I lose clutch pressure if I use it for more than 2 secs... I can live with it though, i've learned how to drive all over again. lol. Neutral is my friend!

That sounds a whole shit ton like when my clutch went! At least your slave is OK, because when my Master went out, they fixed it and slave went next few drives....had to get charged WAY too much extra labor :(
Some books, Blade Runner DVD, black turtleneck and some collectibles from Valve Store.
i found this on newegg.


what should the power supply be for a card like that? I only have a 230 watt or something.
Quoted for truth, what the ****.

Excuse me? If i read the thread title correctly it asks what do we want for Christmas? Oh, and look what a little reading comprehension gets you, my post is what I would like to get for Christmas. Does that mean i will get it for Christmas? No. In fact i will probably get none of it. Guess it is a crime nowadays to want something...
At this point I'm getting, like, some drum sticks and Dead Space. Probably get a bit of money too, so I'll be getting myself the Watchmen comic and a few DVDs on special, and maybe some new clothes (which I kind of need). S'about it.

Guess it is a crime nowadays to want something...
Greed is a sin. You are now on Santa's naughty list. Enjoy your coal.

Oh, and look what a little reading comprehension gets you, my post is what I would like to get for Christmas. Does that mean i will get it for Christmas?

That is the implication I got from this statement:

I suspect i am getting a Wii as well.

As opposed to something like "I would like a Wii as well"
I'm having:

iPod Touch
Left 4 Dead for the Xbox 360
Gavin and Stacey: From Barry To Billericay
Last Christmas I got bathroom towels and bathroom floor mats.

My dad's new wife apparently wanted our bathroom decorated in a way she preferred... just like the rest of the house she's changed around since she moved in.

I swear this place has become an old person's home, where kids can't come and play or do anything out of fear of breaking shit.