What does people have against 13 year olds?

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Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
Although I set my year on 1990,I meant 1991

So your 11, or 12... my brother was born in 1991. :dozey: 6th grade... wow, when I was in 6th grade I didn't give a sh*t about computers, and I have a feeling that the early teens and younger... that chat on forums and junk, are going to hit a brick wall when they leave the house. Only reason my brother turned into a halfway cool and decent kid, is because he has me to show him right from wrong.
Originally posted by bouche
13 year olds should be outside playing with friends.

Tennis, road hockey, MANHUNT, riding bikes, etc...

Not inside making cyber-buddies in online games

Sry for triple post, but I don't thing one long post would get to these three things... yes man, Manhunt! I can't believe it, that game was great. What about playing army soldiers in a field or chilling on the swingset eatting those long icies, in the plastic wrapper.
I was chatting on forum boards back when I was that age, allrpg and stuff, I was more into console games back then.
Us 13 and 12 year olds are really lucky. Back then, when nw909 or Munro was our age, they had nothing but Atari or Doom.
I have nothing against 13 year olds.I use to be 13 so I can't say nothing.
Yeah, we had Atari, but we still went outside and played in real life.

The army soldiers, paired with dinky cars made for some great fun. Sometimes, we'd even build Tree forts and play in those.

Do 12-13 year olds still take swimming lessons and go swimming at a local community pool?

What about playing basketball at the neighbours' Huffy Basketball net?
What has this world become? No one has any respect anymore. No discipline, no honor. Every time I go to Karate class it's like waking up, people act the way they should, decent to eachother.
13 year olds pretty much are engergetic and play lots of sports. Such as basketball, I know I play it. And tennis.
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
I'm in Gifted this year.

Whoa, whoa, everyone stop what you're doing.

This kid is in gifted . Clearly, we have all met our superior.

All sarcasm aside, I had a friend for many years who was in gifted and always thought he was damn great. He is just so completely arrogant it's enough to drive you insane. And he has been that way ever since he was 11/12 years old. Even though I have moved away from him, I still chat with him every once in a while, and he is still the exact same way.

I'm not trying to sound like a dickhead here, but when I read your statement "I'm in gifted this year", it just came off as arrogant to me.
There is an 11 year old at college where my brothers girlfriend goes, he is 11 and really smart but he does not know shit about how to interact with people. /end little rant
Originally posted by Tredoslop
People, I told you! I made one mistake! Why can't a moderator just change it to: What is does people has against 13 year olds?
Title: What do people have against 13 year olds?
Now stop bugging me about the title. SpuD, ur a mod aren't u?

I have no power in this forum yet

I only have power in the news and announcements forum.
Originally posted by FortisVir
Whoa, whoa, everyone stop what you're doing.

This kid is in gifted . Clearly, we have all met our superior.

All sarcasm aside, I had a friend for many years who was in gifted and always thought he was damn great. He is just so completely arrogant it's enough to drive you insane. And he has been that way ever since he was 11/12 years old. Even though I have moved away from him, I still chat with him every once in a while, and he is still the exact same way.

I'm not trying to sound like a dickhead here, but when I read your statement "I'm in gifted this year", it just came off as arrogant to me.

haha so funny. and who wasnt/isnt in "gifted"?
try being a junior in high school with 3 ap classes, one of which is calculus, a year ahead of "normal" people
Well, most thirteen year olds are annoying, arrogant, uneducated homophobes. There is, as always, an exception to the rule. I mean look at me...oh, wait, I'm nearly fifteen. I used to live on a small scottish island and so was isolated from the problems of the world today. i used to play soldiers with my freinds and some plastic guns. Ahhh...those were the days. In my day, we didn't have no computers and a playstation was a very expensive import.
They cry alot, they shit their nappies, they dribble everywhere they............oh you said 13 not 3, oops my bad.:eek:
Whinge whine moan sometimes i cant tell the difference between a 13 year old and u guys :p
i have a 13 year old borther waht ai can say is KEEP THEM AWAY FROM YOUR PCS
you ll never see it again!
^ Hmmm... both posts seem to be incorrectly spelt, with very little regard for Grammar or Punctuation. :p

ah well..
Originally posted by mrBadger
^ Hmmm... both posts seem to be incorrectly spelt, with very little regard for Grammar or Punctuation. :p

ah well..

Ensgilh 101

Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen't mttaer, the olny thnig thta's iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat Ltteer of eevry word is in the crcreot ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed the txet wiohtut dclftfuiiy.:eek:
Originally posted by Siirolon
Christmas gifted?

No,Gifted is a group of kids that are extremely smart and they exceed in regular,and advanced classes.

My strongest subject is Math :eek:
Well just a note...

I'm 18 in December, and the day after I turn 18 I'm moving out into a flat with my Best friend and the person that has helped me through the last couple of years, she is the most amazing person you could ever meet i love her to pieces.

Anywho, what my point is, is that I am almost 18 and I think I'm mature and responsible etc ,and ok I do look down on people around 13, I look down to some extent on people just coming into college this year, but really I know that I'm not mature or responsible or anything...

I know that even though I've spent a large percentage of my life in education and in *MY* world, I know that until I move into that flat and the world hits me in the face I will never realise anything, I've known love, I've known pain, I've known the feeling of knowing that everyone you know and care about is using you to their own ends, I've even lost my sanity before now, but still I know I haven't experienced anything until I step out of that door and I try to support my self...

It only takes that one step to begin that journey into reality, and I'm really not sure if I'm ready, but really the only way you learn is by experience, and no-one is ever really prepared for that leap into the darkness of the world......

I hope you people can understand this, and stop the fighting, and just be prepared because life's what you make of it, and every single action from the killing of a spider to the choice of career effects your life...

every single action, so my words of advice is to choose carefully, because you only have one life in this game...
What do people have against 13 year olds?

In a word...everything :)

I dont have a problem with people that age. What i dont like though, is when you get children brought up poorly, so they lack dicipline and show little respect. The thing is, that doesnt only stay with them until they are 13, it stays with them until they die unless they change their ways. That of course just causes the cycle to start again, you get adults not showing respect, so the children then mimic that and dont show anyone respect.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Ensgilh 101

Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen't mttaer, the olny thnig thta's iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat Ltteer of eevry word is in the crcreot ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed the txet wiohtut dclftfuiiy.:eek:

Thats scarilly true :eek:
Originally posted by Stone

It only takes that one step to begin that journey into reality, and I'm really not sure if I'm ready, but really the only way you learn is by experience, and no-one is ever really prepared for that leap into the darkness of the world......

Sorry to sound like this stone, but the "real" world is no more real than a brick...a brick of fairy dust (im feeling a bit silly, sorry((how sad am i?bracket in a bracket? Woah))). Anyway, we live in such a fake world, at least people in our society do. Everything is just an illusion; you reall think that job means security? Do you really believe life is like Neighbours? (ok so you dont believe that last one, at least all you rational thinking tells you its not true, but it still works it way in to a certain extent) Those two exapmples are a bit poor, because im really tired right now, but really, we live in such a fake world. Everything is built on its face value, with nothing inside it.
if a kid gives u lip,beat em with a sack of oranges.doesnt leave a bruise and shows them whos boss
No, just throw hair at them.
It'll make their eyes itch, meanwhile grass grows.
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
No,Gifted is a group of kids that are extremely smart and they exceed in regular,and advanced classes.

My strongest subject is Math :eek:


Oh, everybody stop it at once. We should move on to 'In my day...kids of today! Bah!' style ranting.

mature=a forum member asking a perfectly resonable question.

imature=forums members flaming another forum member just for what they are.

my 2 cents

(btw i'm 15)
I'm only 16. I'm sure I'm going to be called a stupid brat, idiot, whatever.

I've only read the first 5 pages, but I see you people saying that all teenagers are ignorant, arrogant and disrespectful. The fact is, this is mostly true. Not entirely. If the parents raise a kid to be respectful and responsible, the kid will be!

The problem with most kids today(as covered back in the topic earlier), is that their parents let them get away with too damn much. At 13-14, you are NOT at the top of the world, so shut up and stop acting that way.

I can understand people treating teens who act like idiots as such, but there's people who just refuse to listen to somebody because they're young, or belittle them for something they can't control(being young).

I was playing Counter-Strike, and the best guy on our team was pretty much silent for a while. Everyone liked him, he was funny, smart, a great player. But then about 4 maps later he plugged in his mic and talked. Everyone on the team just starts belittling him, telling him it was past his bedtime(it was 6PM :dozey: ), and then the admin banned him for being a kid.

It made me mad, so I just stopped playing. People can use a kid's age as an arguement if he's acting foolish, but to just start picking on someone because you're older is even more immature than those which you're insulting.
its a fact that pretty much ANY younger kids on this forum found out about this site through the CS community. those kiddies and their counter-strike. im 14, and i got tired of the immature CS community. Even though the DoD community has had an influx of noobs latley from the release of 1.0, it is still much more mature than the CS counterpart.
As I said, MOST 13-year olds are....well, take a look at everybody else's insults. Anyway, three are exceptions, like tredoslop. And mwells, I agree with what your saying, the cs majority makes me sick, as does the general resentment of under-18s. My advice is to find a clan and/or a secure server. I only ever play on my clan server. Hey, mail me and I'kll give you the ip. Come on and have a go, tell 'em poke sent you.
I'm 16, and I don't have anything against 13 year olds (I don't play cs with them though..I don't have cs actually). Sure, I think they can get annoying sometimes, but a lot of people of all ages are annoying.

And about them being spoiled, I don't think that goes for all kids. Not all kids beg for expensive stuff. I never had a gameboy, playstation, etc. and never asked for anything like that. I never asked for cds even when my friends had them in elementary school; I only started getting cds in eighth grade and I didn't even ask for that either--it was a gift from my sister. The first radio I got was also a gift, after I had surgery... I still use it now. I never begged for backpacks or bedsheets with disney designs on them (I don't think most of my friends did either). When I was in 5th grade, all I asked for for Christmas was a dog (which I knew I wasn't getting anyways) and Craisins... I did get the Craisins, that made me happy, hehe. And now all I ask to buy is yarn for knitting and I stopped asking for that since I finished with my knitting project (don't look at me funny =/).

So, anyways, I don't think people should overgeneralize about 13 year olds being immature, spoiled brats because I think a lot of them are actually very nice. And, if kids (including myself) have a skewed perception of the world, I don't see why people would expect anything else, seeing as they haven't had as many experiences as adults, and therefore wouldn't know any better, and that's ok--they are kids after all.
I'm 14, I prefer to keep quiet in games and not sput out stuff like "lol yuo gh3y" constantly like so many others do. I look out for my team and I don't whine when I die. I try to use the best grammar that is possible when posting on forums and communicating in real life.

I play copious amounts of games and spend way too much time on the computer, but I try to keep as best a social life as possible via School. I get good grades at school and respect whoever respects me (In exception of a few teachers that have 0 respect for me for god knows what reason). And I don't talk crap to elders who don't talk crap to me.

I, as myself feel that i'm not one of these "immature kiddies" that you older players describe. Though at times I do act quite childish, but who doesn't.
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