What does the Catholic Church and Paris Hilton have in common?

Yes, but you're ignoring a plethora of evidence to the contrary. The idea of it being less than 20,000 years old is based on... what?

Ok, you're trolling right? Trolling infraction please. Alternatively infraction for "too dumb to live".

If I see a thread attacking my religion, I'm gonna see what it's about. Listen, Nobody knows how old the earth is, it could be 15,000 or 15 million, we don't know. And the scientific methods that they use to "date" the earth are often inaccurate. I'm not gong to argue this anymore, I've done this on other forums to no avail, and I'd just be wasting my time.
And the scientific methods that they use to "date" the earth are often inaccurate.


I'm leaving now, sorry, before I hurt myself more
Why must you people ruin these threads before they even get started? If you don't like religious threads then just ****ing ignore them and go elsewhere.

The same goes to you, JDM. Don't run away with your tail between your legs every time you make a claim and refuse to support it. Act like an adult and explain the reasoning behind your beliefs. If it makes you irritable to have your faith questioned then piss off, otherwise let's hear it.

I don't think the Bible ever said the earth was flat, but I do believe that God created the universe about 12-15,000 years ago. God never promised us perfection on this earth, but in the next.

Yes, the bible did say the earth was flat. You can google it yourself. The bible also said gold rusts.

And you think the universe is 12-15,000 years old? Wow. Are you aware of something called the speed of light? it's one of the most established principles in physics. It proves that the universe must atleast be a few billion years old. Just because you have no understanding of this doesn't mean its not true, it simply means you don't understand it and if you wanted to educate yourself on it you could. As someone pointed out even the catholic church (your own religion) doesn't agree with you. So you can take the word of all the different scientists out there that do physics for a living or you can go take some physics classes and learn it yourself, but either way the universe is a few billion years old (11 billion from my memory). And so is the earth (4.7 billion from what I recall). The amazing thing is they found out the the age of the earth and the age of the universe totally independent of each other, so a different experiment for each and they both were in the billions of years, not thousands.

Finally, you didn't explain any of my other questions. Why does God allow all the evil in this world to happen? Why even have this world? Why would God deliver a message that would affect you for eternity through a few guys a couple thousand years ago that wrote a book decades after Jesus died? A book filled with contradictions and outright falsehoods. Why not just show up in your room and explain everything to you? God is all powerful, right?
Listen, Nobody knows how old the earth is, it could be 15,000 or 15 million, we don't know.


Finally, you didn't explain any of my other questions. Why does God allow all the evil in this world to happen? Why even have this world? Why would God deliver a message that would affect you for eternity through a few guys a couple thousand years ago that wrote a book decades after Jesus died? A book filled with contradictions and outright falsehoods. Why not just show up in your room and explain everything to you? God is all powerful, right?

These types of questions do more harm then good considering they are entirely open for theological inference, which always ends up badly. The evidence that we have from applying physics and mathematics is the best way to debate a creationist, assuming they believe in such witchcraft.

Although, my one theological question would be whether or not god has feet.
people like THAT


To be quite honest, JDM, you just made a major fool of yourself and supported all of their ideas of stereotypical religious. I wasn't going to post here, but I will say that 90% of Catholics aren't like you. Next time you try to defend Catholicism, you better come with your guns loaded and have multiple sources ready to go.

Blah blah, Pope and normal Catholics =! perverted bishops and priests.

Of course the Pope wants to keep it quiet, Clinton would have kept Monica Lewinski quiet if he could have, but stuff like this just gets out.
I'm terrible at writing. I couldn't possibly hope to debate with these people because I have in my head what I want to say, but I just can't write it. If we were talking one on one, it would be different. I'm a good Catholic, I'm just a terrible writer. And even if I was great at writing, gave multiple sources to support my argument, do you think they would listen? No. I'm sorry you think I'm a bad person because I can't write well.
I think you'd get a more receptive ear, but I do believe the end result would still be mockery.
It doesn't matter how well you write. If you think the earth is only a few thousand years old and that scientific methods of dating could be off by such a huge margin then nothing you write will make you look like a rational person.
I'm terrible at writing. I couldn't possibly hope to debate with these people because I have in my head what I want to say, but I just can't write it. If we were talking one on one, it would be different. I'm a good Catholic, I'm just a terrible writer. And even if I was great at writing, gave multiple sources to support my argument, do you think they would listen? No. I'm sorry you think I'm a bad person because I can't write well.

Whether you write well or not is irrelevant and shouldn't prevent you from at least TRYING to support your claim. Nobody (eh, probably some) will fault you for your rhetoric, it just gets very annoying when somebody enters a thread and makes a ridiculous claim which isn't accompanied by support or evidence.
Unless he forgot a few zeroes?

Either way, JDM, I was made a statement in one of these kinds of threads and got horribly bashed. I still believe it though, even if your alone with your beliefs, don't let anyone tell you different. Just avoid these kinds of threads (I do anyways)
These types of questions do more harm then good considering they are entirely open for theological inference, which always ends up badly. The evidence that we have from applying physics and mathematics is the best way to debate a creationist, assuming they believe in such witchcraft.

Although, my one theological question would be whether or not god has feet.

In my opinion trying to answer those questions might make you realize how retarded you sound, especially after you just said how logical it all is.
Unless he forgot a few zeroes?

Either way, JDM, I was made a statement in one of these kinds of threads and got horribly bashed. I still believe it though, even if your alone with your beliefs, don't let anyone tell you different. Just avoid these kinds of threads (I do anyways)

What baffles me about the majority of this forum's members is that they still haven't realized that religious people (especially extremists) are thinking outside of the scientific paradigm. What some physicists discovered is irrelevant to them, because their belief in God isn't based on empirical evidence.
Unless he forgot a few zeroes?

Either way, JDM, I was made a statement in one of these kinds of threads and got horribly bashed. I still believe it though, even if your alone with your beliefs, don't let anyone tell you different. Just avoid these kinds of threads (I do anyways)

Why would you hide from these questions? These people base their entire lives on all of this (though usually they skip over whats too inconvenient). The least you could do is ask these questions. I mean shit, just the fact it might free up your Sunday would be well worth it.
What baffles me about the majority of this forum's members is that they still haven't realized that religious people (especially extremists) are thinking outside of the scientific paradigm. What some physicists discovered is irrelevant to them, because their belief in God isn't based on empirical evidence.

Which is a nice way of saying that religious people are retarded.
In my opinion trying to answer those questions might make you realize how retarded you sound, especially after you just said how logical it all is.

I know what you mean, it's just that more often than not those questions tend to divert the discussion and inevitably derail the thread...but in an ideal forum this would not be the case.
Which is a nice way of saying that religious people are retarded.
Not everything of value in the world is the realm of the natural sciences, my friend. But that's another story. The point I was making is that it's fruitless to attempt to persuade religious people that they're wrong by pointing at scientific discoveries. Most of them feel that they have a personal relationship with God, and that's impossible for someone else to disprove.
The point I was making is that it's fruitless to attempt to persuade religious people that they're wrong by pointing at scientific discoveries.

Worked for me and many other people.

Either way, JDM, I was made a statement in one of these kinds of threads and got horribly bashed. I still believe it though, even if your alone with your beliefs, don't let anyone tell you different. Just avoid these kinds of threads (I do anyways)

This is good advice. You should hide from things that question your thinking in case they are right.
Worked for me and many other people.
Then you probably weren't firm in your religion. Did you ever during your religious period reason with yourself on your beliefs, and reached the conclusion to continue to belive? I think once a person has done this, and is (as they usually are at this stage) aware of the contradiction between scientific empirical evidence and a literal interpretation of religious texts, no further empirical based discussion will change their mind.
Worked for me and many other people.

This is good advice. You should hide from things that question your thinking in case they are right.

Not necessarily hide from the question, but voicing your own opinion where people will react in a way similar to a few members here (IE - Bashing,flaming, mocking) is not really too great. Those who have provided logic, sources and well thought-out/written responses are the people who should help answer the question and debate a topic.
I would think about taking up "religion" if someone could explain to me how we can be made in Gods image, by an all powerful God, who because he is all powerful needs to put us on a planet for ~80 years to see if we're nice people. If he was all powerful why doesn't he just make perfect people and if he doesn't want to then everyone probably gets into heaven.
If someone can answer me that without resorting to stupid semantics I'm in.
Not necessarily hide from the question, but voicing your own opinion where people will react in a way similar to a few members here (IE - Bashing,flaming, mocking) is not really too great. Those who have provided logic, sources and well thought-out/written responses are the people who should help answer the question and debate a topic.

Well, there's an old saying: extraordinarily stupid claims require extraordinary flames.

Or maybe that's not exactly how that saying went, I forgot.
Not everything of value in the world is the realm of the natural sciences, my friend. But that's another story. The point I was making is that it's fruitless to attempt to persuade religious people that they're wrong by pointing at scientific discoveries. Most of them feel that they have a personal relationship with God, and that's impossible for someone else to disprove.

This would actually hold true except the church readily accepts the concept of physics and mathematics to some extent, only they prefer to abandon them when scripture tells a different story. If religion was at least consistent then I could feasibly understand the willful ignorance, but apparently the rules can change at any point.

For example, the church's stance on limbo

Does it make anyone else sick that a large number of high ranking catholics believe that a child who dies before baptism can't get into heaven?
Then you probably weren't firm in your religion. Did you ever during your religious period reason with yourself on your beliefs, and reached the conclusion to continue to belive? I think once a person has done this, and is (as they usually are at this stage) aware of the contradiction between scientific empirical evidence and a literal interpretation of religious texts, no further empirical based discussion will change their mind.

Most every religious person has done this. Why? Because it's out of fear; a person often will journey far enough to ask questions but stop at a convenient answer that makes him or her comfortable.
I see this in older people like my father especially. Relatively intelligent people who set up a mental barrier to abide by and contradict all of their reasoning in other subjects so that they can continue to believe in things that make them feel good.

Not necessarily hide from the question, but voicing your own opinion where people will react in a way similar to a few members here (IE - Bashing,flaming, mocking) is not really too great. Those who have provided logic, sources and well thought-out/written responses are the people who should help answer the question and debate a topic.

Whenever a person points out why or how a line of reasoning is silly or completely illogical is when a religious person finds it "mocking" or "offensive".

"Oh shit, that makes too much sense but doesn't go with my theory. You're all ****ing mean."
The Catholic group has over 9000 penises and they're all raping children.
Not necessarily hide from the question, but voicing your own opinion where people will react in a way similar to a few members here (IE - Bashing,flaming, mocking) is not really too great. Those who have provided logic, sources and well thought-out/written responses are the people who should help answer the question and debate a topic.

You don't debate these questions that have very serious implications in your life because people are too mean? Who cares if they are mean? If you prove them wrong you can make them look dumb.
Not everything of value in the world is the realm of the natural sciences, my friend. But that's another story.

I'll bet you money that it is, I just hope I live long enough for us to find out. Or that the human race doesn't destroy itself before figuring it all out.

But in the end we already know enough about the universe to make some conclusions. We know that the earth and the universe can't possibly be just a few thousand years old. Anyone that wants to learn why can, believing in the bible isn't an excuse.
I'll bet you money that it is, I just hope I live long enough for us to find out. Or that the human race doesn't destroy itself before figuring it all out.

Don't hold your breath. As long as people wish death upon you based solely on religious differences the human race doesn't have a chance. One hundred thousand years of progression and we still feel the need to kill each other. But what can you expect when you divide people and convince them god is on their side?

I feel like going off on a huge rant but I'll bite my tongue and hope JDM comes back.
You don't debate these questions that have very serious implications in your life because people are too mean? Who cares if they are mean? If you prove them wrong you can make them look dumb.

Except evidence that seems logical to other people doesn't hold water with people that are aggressively atheist. I've tried to have a reasonable discussion, but about 70% of the people I was talking to were too busy flinging shit to notice.
Except evidence that seems logical to other people doesn't hold water with people that are aggressively atheist. I've tried to have a reasonable discussion, but about 70% of the people I was talking to were too busy flinging shit to notice.

What evidance? I'm all ears?

While you bring up that evidance do you believe the universe is a few billion years old?
What evidance? I'm all ears?

While you bring up that evidence do you believe the universe is a few billion years old?

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Bashing someone because of their views on a(n almost) completely unrelated subject. What does someone's personal views on another subject have to do with the presentation of evidence?

As for the evidence that I'm talking about. Obviously, while debating with someone that has a different background than you have, then you must pull evidence from that small shared background. Between two Christians, you are expected to argue with the Bible, two Catholics and the CCC opens up. But between an atheist and a Catholic, there exists little else but philosophy. I haven't taken enough theory to be able to prove the existence of God to an atheist without making assumptions based on the complexity of life and the odds of the creation of life out of random chance.