What does your desktop look like?

Originally posted by ankalar
NSPIRE, that desktop you showed in your first post, I modelled and skinned that MP5K! Finally it's coming into use!

Here's my desktop:

Haha, awesome! That's my favorite Counter-Strike model ever made. Great work on the skin by the way. I got bored one day and decided to work on a Half-Life 2 wallpaper out of it... :)
I just changed my desktop to a new theme. YAY! :D

The wallpaper is a picture (it was just a picture of a guy with a gasmask) that I modified from some other site without permission, but I'm not taking credit now am I posting it for use anywhere. Just my own personal use, so I don't get in trouble.
Nice change ;)
I used to have my start bar at the top and I thought it was very functional and worked/looked great at the same time as being different than the standard at the bottom.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
mine's full of work related stuff cause im untidy, so can't do a screengrab, but this is the current background
omg who is THAT?! she's so hot......
She's called Katharine Isabelle, she was Ginger in Ginger Snaps.. one of my favorite movies (and I just bought it this afternoon on DVD heh)

and yes she is VERY cute.. The film is worth watching ;)

better pic


ok i give up trying to get it to display as a pic lol
well i have to see the movie now.. cause she is hot.... what nationality is it?? like.. american or british??
Originally posted by Yodareturn
well i have to see the movie now.. cause she is hot.... what nationality is it?? like.. american or british??

She's Canadian, Ginger Snaps was filmed there too, though it looks like a small town up north from here (UK) heh
reed, make it a jpg :) Otherwise, it shows up blank
Lol, yep. Doesn't work quite right, man. Make it a .JPG or a .GIF.
Katie Isabelle? Maybe he's saying no one has had her as their BG yet.. but, I know someone here did (and I refuse to go back a page or two and check :))
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Katie from katiesworld. :D

No that is one hot chick.

the .com redirects to a porn site, and .net looks like one too so if we're discussing best looking porn stars I'd have to say Kristina Black cause she's the exact spitting image of an ex (still debating if it is her, haven't seen each other/spoken in many years.. so err hope its not lol) and Gauge cause well, she's just really cute of course :)

or am I missing something, nobody quotes anybody anymore and I don't know who people are talking to

its confusing and scary lol
She's the most f*ckin' gorgeous girl in the world, dude. I have like 10 webcam clips of her, lol. Wait... make that around 20 O_o
nspire..... there are some good ones of her in the, um, shower and the, um bathtub.... ;)

very hot.
Nice and empty, huh Wester? Everything on your hidden taskbar? :)

Anyhow, I really hope the Gordon model that keeps getting shown (like the one on Wester's desktop) is what the ingame HL2 Gordon model will look like.

Seeing as the Alyx model looks almost identical ingame, I see no reason why the Gordon model can't, or won't look like that, but I really do hope he looks that good
No all my desktop shortcuts are hidden in the folder on my desktop called "my shortcuts" and all the other little shortcuts are in my quick launch taskbar. ;)
Am I the only linux user? :dozey:



There's no point posting my windows desktop it's still set to the default tellytubby theme.
Originally posted by mrchimp
Am I the only linux user? :dozey:



There's no point posting my windows desktop it's still set to the default tellytubby theme.

i like the first pic, very nice, where's that from? concept / finished art in a game?
lol why would that look like longhorn?
He has his taskbar on the left, a nice background with a few icons here and there. Could have used a theme or program to change startbar skin.
You can move the taskbar you know...
Originally posted by reed87
Heres mine

it shows up as an .exe file for me. probably a virus (self coded?) my virus scanner doesn't find anything though.

Originally posted by Shuzer
reed, make it a jpg :) Otherwise, it shows up blank

i hate IE. let me guess, it executed the file right without asking you?
No, I was looking at SS's of Longhorn, and it looks a lot like the Blue Plex theme that I saw...