What game holds graphical supremacy?

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Which game holds graphical supremacy?

  • HL2

    Votes: 113 44.0%
  • Doom3

    Votes: 78 30.4%
  • Far Cry

    Votes: 12 4.7%
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    Votes: 46 17.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 3.1%

  • Total voters


Everyone knows that graphics are an integral part of a game (please don't shoot me) . Even when playing awesome games like Deus Ex and System Shock 2, their graphics are always nagging at me in the back of my mind, tarnishing the experience. Developers today are looking to change this (we just have to hope graphics isnt the only thing developers concentrate on). Every game coming out in a month or two will probably feature "next gen" graphics.

Can Half-life 2 be bested? if so, which game coming out holds the best visuals?

Also, if you feel like proving your game has the best visuals, include some particularily good screenshots to back up your claims.
i voted s.t.a.l.k.e.r. because i was/am so damned impressed with that... day/night whatever video that i saw. IMO doom3 and hl2 are very close behind. doom3 because of all the cool lighting stuff... hl2 because i love how gritty it is looking.
Doom 3, obviously. It's another one of John Carmacks engines, and he's been on top of the field from the beginning. He's done so much with dynamic lighting, and all the Doom 3 pics look unbelievably realistic.

Half-Life 2 may have better gameplay, interaction and physics, but for graphics only I'd take Doom any day.
I think a sleeper called Far Cry is going to end up on top. They have some really cool sounding ideas that will make the game look awesome and run terrific. And doom does look really cool almost photo-realistic. Its too bad that they took out coop. I remember my brothers and I saving up for our own computers and making an cable to link us together.
For me it is a toss up between HL2 and D3. HL2 has this real life gritty feel to it while D3 makes it seem like I am inside a movie I think both graphics support their respective games very well.
How well a game looks depends on how well it immerses you. Half-Life did not have revolutionary graphics but its tense gameplay made its graphics look better than it really was.

If I had to choose one right now, I would choose Doom3 for one reason. Supposedly the windows in Doom3 use the physics engine to fracture on the fly when you break them. Now that is cool.
Can't vote till I get a chance to see it on my screen uncompressed and antialiased/etc. Since final builds of *none* of the games are available, I guess I'll just have to wait until they're out.
There is no real way to tell, until they are released of course, and we havent even seen a render from a final of these games... however, Medal Of Honour: Pacific Assault, is looking the best in my books. If the movies of the people they have been showing off are real time (which the Marketing Manager of EA: NZ assures me they are) then that is going to be a stunning looking game.
:bounce: :farmer:
Well, I'd rather give my final opinion after I've got the games and played them... but HL2 seems to have the best graphics so far. Everything in the screenshots seems very realistic.

I personally think that D3's graphics look as though every object has been sprayed with ten coats of high-gloss varnish (and a lot of the textures seem to be a bit dodgy to me). Not to mention the rather blocky models.

Farcry looks good, but the models look a little... wrong. Strange.

Stalker I think looks cool, but it still loses out to HL2.
Wow it actually took longer for this thread to become a D3 vs HL² thread than I expected... Anyways I think its a feeling what u like when it comes to HL² vs D3 gfx... My money is on HL² though :)
Doom III jsut so much technical leverage iver all these other engines.... Carmack is a graphics god.
Guys. Watch the f**king Source video again. That's about the graphics the game has, but more detailed. Look at the f**king thing! Reflections , light effects and stuff that you could only dream about before!!!
Has anybody else watched the Pacific Assault vid's.
If not I say not to waste any more time. The GI looks lk FF-the movie.It's just unbeliavable that it's on real-time, I am going to upgrade my PC to play it!!!
I mean...just take a look.
I did sprafa, you r 60% right. Doom3 is better than HL2, and HL2 is = to Stalker, while Stalker is way advanced than Farcry and FarCry is way Better than MOH2(PA) :)

They all linked in relationship. ;)
Technical and graphical supremacy are two totally different things. I think no one will argue with the fact Doom 3 is the technical superior one. But graphics is also a matter of taste, and I don't like the cold metal/plastic look of Doom 3, I don't like its style.
To me the contest is between STALKER and HL2, and I think STALKER will win. It looks a tiny bit better than HL2, but HL2 is very close behind.

Everyone seems to forget about Sabotage 1943, a very impressive looking title if you ask me. Has a very cool lighting system. But it won't even come out this year :)
my vote goes to HL2, but not only because it has great visuals... it simply is my style.
Doom 3 looks brilliant, but the theme (sci fi horror) looks silly to me (give me undying anyday :D)
Far cry is another game IM looking forward to (tons) its got realistic weapons and setting, but its "overly" bright.. the tropical setting rocks, and I love the expansive levels... but its still nowhere as "gritty" as Hl2

I dont know, stalker has ... I wouldnt say bad models... err just sub par. and in contrast to the lush detailed surroundings, its glaringly abbhorent.

Im buying all three... but everything aside my vote (as always) is on Hl2
PvtRyan said:
Everyone seems to forget about Sabotage 1943, a very impressive looking title if you ask me. Has a very cool lighting system. But it won't even come out this year :)

the what? never heard of it

however if you ask me
is going to be the game I fall in love with... thats really my bag baby ;D
played the Doom3 alpha

voted for doom 3.

nuff said.
waht doom 3 better graphics than Hafl-Life 2?! Dont think so.. Take a look at the BINK hl2 source video again my friends, its pure reality!! compare to all those Doom 3 screenshots. You cant compare Doom 3 with Half-Life 2 in my opinion!
I'm not voting until I see some Doom 3 BINK videos to compare to Half Life 2. OpenGL games look awesome when they are in motion. Sometimes screenshots don't do a game justice. And who can really say HL2 is the best? None of those games are out yet for us to play or test. Voting on screenshots of ALpha/Beta versions of games is just not a fair indicator.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video's are really impressive.

Seen the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trailer where they blurr reality and in-game? I'll tell ya first time I saw the trailer I didn't know where reality ended and in-game began.
Netherscourge said:
I'm not voting until I see some Doom 3 BINK videos to compare to Half Life 2. OpenGL games look awesome when they are in motion. Sometimes screenshots don't do a game justice.
There's a Doom3 video available on doom3.com. It's short and not in BINK format, but you'll get a pretty good idea of what the game looks like in motion.

I voted for Doom3, btw. Mainly because I have faith in Carmack's coding skillz and a guy who used to work on Shreck is doing the monster animations. It definitly shows.
I would have to say that Graphics don't neccessarly make a game its all about GAMEPLAY. The original Half Life provided hours of gameplay plus all the mods. Till this day I Still play half life with all the mods.
mortiz said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video's are really impressive.

Seen the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trailer where they blurr reality and in-game? I'll tell ya first time I saw the trailer I didn't know where reality ended and in-game began.

where can i see those videos?
Isn't Carmac also helping to build a rocket engine to send someone to the moon or Mars? I forget where I read that, but it was a few months ago and really impressed me.
Netherscourge said:
Isn't Carmac also helping to build a rocket engine to send someone to the moon or Mars? I forget where I read that, but it was a few months ago and really impressed me.

Is someone here taking drugs??
Carmack making a rocket engine???
Bitchslapper said:
waht doom 3 better graphics than Hafl-Life 2?! Dont think so.. Take a look at the BINK hl2 source video again my friends, its pure reality!! compare to all those Doom 3 screenshots. You cant compare Doom 3 with Half-Life 2 in my opinion!

You are comparing moitenless shots to a Bink video.

Im comparing playing the game to a blink video.

my verdict Doom3 gfx better than Hl2's.

and that was the alpha doom3, so no doubt theyve optimized by now and cleaned up the few gfx bugs i witnessed.
Carmack's also making a Time Machine to go back in time 20 years, release DooM 3 as DooM 1 and corner the market.
I voted for HL2 because i like the graphics in it as a whole... Not like doom3 wich i think has ok lightning, or farcry with its super bumb maps... For me HL2 has the perfect graphics... they include the new graphics but they have an even amount of bump mapping and lightning. Also i like the way they have HDR and the stuff in source, looks awsome.
i'm going for doom3, not nessecarily because i think there better but i prefer the sci fi empty space base look. its as close to another system shock feel i can get.
Whoever said Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is right on the money. The facial tech in PA beats HL2 hands down. (btw, I'm an avid HL2 fanboy, and up to this point, I've HATED the MOH series). Overall graphics wise, HL and PA are totally different games (one is urbanish, one is jungle), so it's hard to do a direct comparison. But PA's overgrowth and vegetation i think looks better than far cry. And PA's water is better than all. It's totally physically simulated, so when you shoot the water, it is actually displaced. Doom3 and HL2 don't have that.
Hard to tell for sure without the finished products obviously, but by going on videos and screenshots, I think on pure graphics it will be Doom 3. But I personally like HL2's look better though and it has enough "bells and whistles" to make me happy.

In the end, it won't be graphics which pull me in anyway though.
Please people look at the vid's from MOH-PA.
It's just revolutions material!
Only if someone gets a direct *working* link....

Every time I try and get those videos it fecks up....
CreedoG said:
Whoever said Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is right on the money. The facial tech in PA beats HL2 hands down. (btw, I'm an avid HL2 fanboy, and up to this point, I've HATED the MOH series). Overall graphics wise, HL and PA are totally different games (one is urbanish, one is jungle), so it's hard to do a direct comparison. But PA's overgrowth and vegetation i think looks better than far cry. And PA's water is better than all. It's totally physically simulated, so when you shoot the water, it is actually displaced. Doom3 and HL2 don't have that.

Can't agree with you on the facial thing. It's great they have 50 muscles in their face, but the results don't really show that. It's a lot harder to see the emotion they're expressing than in HL2. More bones doesn't necessarily make the facials better.
instead o this being a "my game's dick is bigger than your game's dick" contest... it's a "my game's dick looks better than your game's dick" the apocolyps is near :)