What has been the happiest day of your life?

hmmmmm :scratch head:

Happiest day of my life:
The day i started looking after my body. which would have been about this time of year 2003.
The happiest day of my life is sometime in the 83rd Century.
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Not had one recently...been pretty mellow past few days with a damn cold so not been in best of spirits to think about happiest day of my life

The last 2 weeks in School were the best days in my life.
Me and my friends hanging with my art teacher for the last 4 weeks had been pretty cool, but best time EVER...maybe when me and my friends (like 6 of us) all smoked pot for the first time, we layed in my rich friends basement listening to Dark Side of the Moon for an hour, then played PGR3 all night
When I was 10, and I got a brand new top of the line computer in 2001, I was so god damn happy, now this damn thing pisses me off, and I would like to smash it to peices.
When I got my first good PC. The one before that had 4MB RAM!
Happiest day of my life:
The day i started looking after my body. which would have been about this time of year 2003.

Terminator: Alright. Let's get in there and kick some ass! You take point... I've got your back.

Body: What?

Terminator: You go in first. I got your back.

Body: That doesn't make any sense. I *AM* your back!

First time I got laid, probably. But then again, only being 20, I'm about 1/4 through my lifespan, so it's not got much to compare against yet.

-Angry Lawyer
Hahah, well thats easy. Whenever I take ecstasy. That doesnt really count though so other than that, when I first hooked up with a girl I had liked for quite a while.
Hahah, well thats easy. Whenever I take ecstasy. That doesnt really count though so other than that, when I first hooked up with a girl I had liked for quite a while.

One of my friends ODed on Ecstacy. That was unpleasant.

-Angry Lawyer
Being informed, that I was accepted into the Eighth General Public High School of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan. One of the best and by far most elite school in Poznan. I <3 Ósemka :D
Wont be for about another 2 weeks, but when my fiance has our first baby. Thats going to be the best day of my life. I know this because apart from her being in my life, the rest of them were shit!

I have been forced to type the last bit, as she is sat behind me. Now put the knife down love....