What has happened to these forums?

Things come and go. It's not surprising that the forums get dull after a while. I remember all the fun about 2 years ago when I first joined...maybe 2 1/2 years ago.

Anyway. If it picks up, it'll pick up. If it doesn't, then it doesn't.

The best part was the excitement leading up to HL2. There would be rumors and speculation. Anything remotely linked to HL2 would spark a huge conversation. That was awesome. Unfortunatly because HL2 has been around for a long time, things get boring and the forums start to calm down.

I hope it picks up when EP2/Portal/TF2 is almost out. It was great fun here in the past. I hope it keeps that way.
Community projects sound good on paper, but as you said who is going to put the effort into organizing one? I would love to see one happen, but previous attempts have been failures D:

I doubt i'll ever leave again, well unless exams etc. become too much for me. I shall be here till this place dies!

It will be shit around here until the new Valve games are released because pretty much evey aspect of the previous games have now been fully explored. At the moment, i see pointless thread after pointless thread, and yet i still come here.
If you think these forums have turned to sh*t, you should see the Concerned forums. Now THERE is a screaming pile of crap. Sad, because it used to be alright. Now it only three types of things get posted in there: spambot ads, gay little forum games, and members half assed home-made crappy G-mod comics that no-one really cares about. It's like a forum for pre-schoolers.

I don't visit the Concerned forums any longer, mostly for the reasons you stated. I came back a few weeks ago but instantly discovered why I left in the first place. Meh.

These forums aren't that bad but not perfect either, like usually it was better before. Great memories before the launch of Half-Life 2, E3 2003 are still one of my favourite E3's ever.
Community projects sound good on paper, but as you said who is going to put the effort into organizing one? I would love to see one happen, but previous attempts have been failures D:
Like Forumland - a pixel art game.

I'd help on a simple 3D game for something like Blitz3D or something. Someone would have to write out a whole design document though. A really basic-of-basics HL2 RTS could be fun.
I really don't post much anymore - the politics forum is one of the most boring things to read - the music forum never really discusses my kind of music - I've just got really bored of the place..

I'll post every once in a while, and moderate obvs, but still.
Like Forumland - a pixel art game.
That was too ambitious, and I dont think it was intended to be a "community project" in the first place. Or at least not in the sense that I'm intending. I'm saying everyone contributes to it... Any talent that any of us posess will go towards the making. I for example can animate in flash, as well as some other people I know with the same talent, so we can be the "animators". Then there can be groups for music, sounds, voice talent, tons of different things for art that we can incorperate into the flash, dialogue writing, plot writing, what-have-you.

They key to survival is to make something that won't die when left in storage for a while. Most projects require constant working any this is simply unfeasable due to this many people working on it with their own personal lives to think of, so we just need something that sits there and people can go toss a bit of work they've done on to it whenever they want.
this forum is what you make it ..dont like the content people post? ignore it and post your own, make your own content, the right people will eventually post in your thread ..and there's just as much spam from the veterans as there is from the newbs ..maybe even more so
Not surprising. Veterans can often get the feeling like we own the place so the rules don't apply.
hey guys... i'm still here ?
Well, not really.

No one remembers me though so it doesn't matters.

/me looks at the politics forum
/me spreads the awesome somewhere else
Pssst Erestheux may or may not return to hl2.net to work on this project as a flash animator pssst


Haha who doesn't remember you Sprafa?
It's a great place, I love you all.

I think we should make a thread or something promising to be nice to each other and not flame. Like, 'The Sensible and Friendly Posting Pact'
Hetairia is not really a secret.

Yeah, but that Illuminati link sure is news to me...

I still post here from time to time, I just don't live here like I used to. Politics forum is still a steaming pile of pointless crap, but I can't comment on the other subforums because I don't browse them half as much as I used to- and so I haven't the foggiest idea how they've changed over the years.
hey guys... i'm still here ?
Well, not really.

No one remembers me though so it doesn't matters.
Pff, sifn't. I've tried the whole modesty thing too, but if you hang around long enough, you'll be remembered whether you like it or not. ;)

Also, I have noticed the forums have slowed down alot in recent times. Generally I try to ignore this type of thread as they never really help matters, but it's hard to deny there's some truth to it now. Still, slow suits me in a way, so I'll probably stick with the forums until they start dying off completely - whenever that is.

Stern's right though, the boards are what you make of them. There've been a few threads in recent times that have improved the quality of things and got some of the more reclusive vets posting - they seem to come in waves. We just need that kind of thing in greater quantity, with more people contributing (not that I'm claiming to be any great help :3), but at the moment there doesn't seem to be any great cause or catalyst to do so.

What many seem to want is a full-blown revival of the "good old days", but I don't really see that that's on the cards. The main lifeblood of the forums was everybody's love (or in some cases hate) for HL2, whether it was directly discussing it or not. It brought people together and formed a pretty tight-knit community, but slowly thereafter it's been all but drained and many have left for brighter pastures (oh, the fond memories of dozens upon dozens of leaving threads clogging up OT just come flowing back ^_^).

As I see it, those of us left just have to make the best of it rather than getting hung up on nostalgia and yearning to have everything the way it was. Sorry if this seems like a flame, but whining about something repeatedly won't change things to the way you want them. Especially if - as seems to be the case with many who create these threads - you barely ever post anymore. That said, I do see the point trying to be made, and I guess this is better than if it were just left unsaid and idly accepted.

Anyway, I have no real suggestions, I just thought I'd throw in my 2 bucks since I don't think I've ever spoken up about this at all. I've always been more of a background member anyway, I still consider myself a lurker more than anything :P. Whatever happens here, I'll just go with the flow, as long as there's still a place for me.

I miss Glirk djient and rakuri tangerine.
When I take over the world, I'll make sure that everyone here survives WW3 and WW4, and the subsequent cullings of... infected people.

Gah, what am I talking about?

HL2.net is one of the bigger reasons that I use the Internet/Computer, actually.
I'm surprised it wasnt visiting the "Citizen WatchGroup in Support Of Totalitarianism: or how to rat out your neighbours dot com"
That too. :E

Oh, and of course, theres also the "Save the Korean Fatherland Front dot org" (true story)

But nothing can beat HL2.net :p
Huh, possibly Raziaar is right. But I don't know; I'm not really here, am I?

There was a period where I had a lot of work and just stopped posting here and most other places. Thing is, I never really started again - for a number of reasons I'm not really sure about. Whether this is indicative of the quality of the site or not I can't tell, because personally I'm going through a stage of almost total internet-apathy. And I hate it, because I always felt such a strong bond to various people from all sorts of corners of the world, such a strong sense of community - and now I don't seem to be able to make myself feel any of that. P'raps it's partly because I don't have MSN anymore and can't really just talk to people all the time like I used to (long story). On that note, sorry to people I used to chat to regularly.

From here it looks like hl2.net is a lot crappier nowadays, but nostaliga/grass-is-greener syndrome can be a bitch and how should I know? I rarely post here and even when I do I feel like I'm doing it from behind several layers of glass and concrete. Partly the failure of hl2.net (and to a lesser extent the internet in general) to engage me is down to a lack of any effort on my own part to engage it. I look at how many bleeding posts I've got, and at my 'staff member' title, and it seems that in some sense I have an obligation to this place - one that, if it exists, I ain't fulfilling.

Ah well. Maybe soon I'll post something nice.
Why don't you have msn anymore?
Have you tried downloading it again if you've lost it?
Too unsafe. I had some virus troubles related to it and I've not yet been able to find the time or motivation to do a major backup/reformat operation.

Amidst all this melancholy and post-apocalyptic vibe I pleased to find people still respond really quickly to threads. :D
No, no one ever replies to threads here. You're a deluded man, Sulk!
One man's modern-age angst and the failure of his dreams is another man's happily short response time!

Edcrab said:
No, no one ever replies to threads here. You're a deluded man, Sulk!
But...who...? Oh god, this is like that time I hallucinated renaming the Labour party 'New Labour' and winning three successive general elections, isn't it?
I think a new Hetairia conspiracy should take place.

Hetairia is the secret society that has been called into existance the moment Farrowlesparrow was born to protect the horrible, horrible secret that dwelled within him.

And no, it's not flatulency.
Yeah, but that Illuminati link sure is news to me...

Heh ok maybe I exaggerated a bit but the idea is the same. A group of people broke off from the main group to form an elitist club.

Anyways that's in the past and I don't really think that is the problem today, but the attitude that spawned it remains.
It's not an elitist club. That would suggest we're like all those other elitist clubs. We're not at all. We're much better than any of those.