What has happened to these forums?

Well, of course we want to blow off steam in front of faceless people across the net. We don't want to blow it out in front of ppl we know in RL....Or do we?

I vote both :sniper: everyone
I think I just don't post in most "serious" threads because I simply don't care about the issue. Sometimes I do but don't post, other times I post just for the fun of an amusing reply.
This is a "LAWL" topic... Your eyes have decieved you! Obviously this forum hasn't been the same since, say, I joined up. There is a reason for that: I joined up. While many of you might be thinking "hey I have never even seen this guy before", that is the whole point. I have been moving behind the shadows, pointing troll and fanboys into a general direction: this forum. Under my direction "HL2.net Wars: The Flame Wars" occured, with Stern and Solaris as the leaders of the Seperatist. GG NO-RE!
This thread depresses me, because it started out serious and then just sort of imploded.
I always check this place out because theres always atleast something new, and seriously I'm so drunk right now.

But that's my true reason, it's familiar and I got used to peoples attitudes who post on here, and it's fun to read, especially when RJMC posts lol <3