What is most important to you in Ep2?

How does making something longer add replay value?
I've played through Route Kanal, Our Benefactors, and Dark Energy a few times, Ravenholm ditto, but in Episode One I've only played through Exit 17 more'n once. More chapters = more possible replays.
what about those Combine who used camo suits and had orange eyes as opposed to yellow or blue? They were in the trailer for EP 1 but made no appearances...will they be in Ep 2?
More enemies. Weather effects. I want to fight gunships in a hurricane, damn it!
I can hardly wait to get ep2 in my hands. Anyway most important things to me:
- The questions: G-man, message taken from the citadel, pods, combine's new plans.
- Battlefield-like enviroments, lots of action in wide area.
- Rebel Co-op action, with better AI this time.
- New and interesting mission types, like that escort in exit 17 :)
- And most of all, new and interesting landscape. Soviet post-apocalyptic countryside with old missile silo, railways, farms, i loved railways in hl2, but i fear this time we wont see razor trains :(
- Art to explore! I loved that free feeling in Water Hazard and highway 17, you could just stop and check that mysterous house or hideout. I hope that these new outdoor levels are something like in Farcry. You know your destination, but how to get in there and which way is up to you.
- I hope too that there is something that encourages players to explore, like minor upgrades to HEV suit, permanently +1 health or maybe something that gives more information about HL universe or something like that. Because if your ammos and healths are full, you don't have any good reason to check out that distant hut.
I wanto to see classic vehicles, like Human APCs, some tanks, other salvaged vehicles, more open spaces like forests and cities (BIGGER cities), I'd like to actually play in the crater where the citdael WAS. Unless that place was totally destroyed, sorry, I have yet to play EP1, so my storyline understanding is a bit off.
Doubt we will see any tanks, but we will see the open spaces of the forests ;)

Wont be any new cities to go in in EP2 though and we certainly wont be going back to City 17 for any reason.
The AI definitely needs an overhaul all over. I always thought that the human NPCs moved too slow, and shuffle like they'd just missed the toilet when they run. Who seriously runs like that?

Definitely looking forward to the self shadowing. New graphics card for the occasion too! I was always frustrated that the flashlight was never realistic enough.

New enemies. New antlion variations that glow in the dark. And those lovely lumbering yet dexterous mini-striders. And I want to see those effing SYNTHS!! Why do they torment me so?? Those crab-synths looked so cool in the Citadel, why don't they just set them loose on Gordon already?

I can't wait to see D0g rip the underside out of that strider.
who cares about the story? and the hl2 gameplay has always been a boring run/gun fest. i'm buying it for portal and tf2
who cares about the story? and the hl2 gameplay has always been a boring run/gun fest. i'm buying it for portal and tf2

And you reason for being member at this forum is? :|
if i didnt know this was a half-life-2-forum i would think u'd be talking of a soap opera.
its absolutely ludicrous what valve has made out of the storyline in half-life 2.. even better people are arguing who might die next hahaha :bonce:
what worse could happen to this, maybe music samples from britney spears in the fighting scenes ?

Then tell me what should be changed? Can you point what exactly IS 'wrong' in the storyline? And tell me just a single PC game which didn't had a...with your words, a 'ludicrous' storyline, and as such has been interesting to the gamers? The HL world has an excellent storyline (they could even make a movie out of it, but that's an othet thread).
who cares about the story? and the hl2 gameplay has always been a boring run/gun fest. i'm buying it for portal and tf2

It is called opinion. And you are in the minority.
It is called opinion. And you are in the minority.
always told you, we've got to kill democracy, democracy is evil, otherwise we wouldn't have intervened Iraq :mad:
who cares about the story? and the hl2 gameplay has always been a boring run/gun fest. i'm buying it for portal and tf2
What my dear friend, are you doing on a website called Halflife2.net?
Well, think about it, HL2 does allow people to play simply run&gun... though why anyone would want to is beyond it. There's plenty of shooters, many are good at regular run&gun gameplay. The upside of HL2 being that it provides more. But well, to each their own...
Quake sucks. Doom sucks. Postal is disgusting- Halo was boring. Long live Half-life. Hail Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington, the Microsoft zillardairs!!!oneone :D
its very useful as a moderator that if u dont like someones opinion you can just cancel it out lolz.
who cares about the story? and the hl2 gameplay has always been a boring run/gun fest. i'm buying it for portal and tf2

Let me tell about this magical thing called a storyline. Imagine Earth without an atmosphere, without water, without us to pollute the water or any other forms of life, Half-life is the Earth. It has a storyline and even its own atmosphere, we pollute it some times with pathetic theories or misunderstandings (I'm not putting any one down, I had some misunderstandings before too), without the atmosphere, storyline, etc, HL2 becomse DOOM where you have every weapon in a room full of enemies and full of ammo. No point, no feeling, just plain shooting. Some people like that, for them, I suggest playing DOOM while they're high, so they do not have the focus to read the story parts. Hal-Life (series) is NOTHING without a story, NOTHING! It's story made it game of the year in 1998, and gave way to several expansions, and a sequel.
Quake sucks. Doom sucks. Postal is disgusting- Halo was boring. Long live Half-life. Hail Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington, the Microsoft zillardairs!!!oneone :D

Everything except the Postal dissing was correct. :E
Oh, and I forgot to mention before: Proper large scale battles, with the vortigaunts as your teammates, and by proper I mean battles which you can't handle alone.

In the original HL2 it was annoying that you got all these teammates - and then got thrust into a situation which you could easily have handled alone. What's the point of them then?

What I want is this: I want at least five striders walking around blasting up dozens of scattered rebels, blowing away their cover, while hunters and soldiers pin them down. I want hunters to be just that; hunters, meaning they run about looking for you, and then bellow for their larger brothers to come and destroy you.

I want what you do to matter, for your choices to change the face of the battlefield. Like in the situation described above: if you take down the striders, your rebel allies rally and push back the soldiers and hunters. Or you could shatter the troops pinning down the rebels, allowing the rebels to then take down the striders with (relative) ease. I want situations like this to be standard for the game.

Simply put, I don't want it to just be a bunch of scripted sequences occuring as you move from place to place. I want the larger map size to matter. Didn't take down a strider some time earlier? Well, look out, that strider's worked its way to where you are now; and oops, it just blew up your house of supplies.

Man... I'm expecting too much from the game, aren't I?
What I want is this: I want at least five striders walking around blasting up dozens of scattered rebels, blowing away their cover, while hunters and soldiers pin them down. I want hunters to be just that; hunters, meaning they run about looking for you, and then bellow for their larger brothers to come and destroy you.

Scanners + Strider = Dead rebels. Having more than one Strider is not needed. Hunters are for rough terrain.
Scanners + Strider = Dead rebels. Having more than one Strider is not needed.
Battle outside the Overwatch nexus? No cover at all for the rebels, and four or five striders taken down.
Important, as in, if they fail in this the game won't be worth playing, would be the new NPC AI. They had me at the graphics/sound/physics/story already, but the new, improved AI appears to be a big change that I'm looking forward to:

Zombies that attack your moving vehicle.
Mini striders that actively seek you out and around buildings
Combine that throw your grenades back at you
Vortigaunts by your side

...and I want to see that strider eat Dog for breakfast.

you mean dog eat the strider :p
Don't forget the sechs! We need more of that.

I wonder how they'll pull off the mines? Looked.. claustraphobic. Naturally claustraphobic.
You know whats sad....

I just had a dream i was playing episode 2. It was the weirdest shit also.
Scanners + Strider = Dead rebels. Having more than one Strider is not needed. Hunters are for rough terrain.

What are you on about? We see around four at one time in the trailers. Anyway, rebels can and do take striders down by themselves. One is not the complete killing machine you think it is. By your logic, the US Army needs just one tank, which will then mow down everybody in its path.
Nah.. graphix doesn't really bother me..
But the story ! And new chars !
Well, the new music. What a shame that I found out that some of the Episode Two audio from trailers is in the HL2 Leak, all the VLVX_ songs. They are actually really nice to listen.