What is the meaning of your forum name?

Sparta said:
Sparta was the name i used back in 2002 for DoD and CS. It was also the name of a band i liked back then. Still dont mind them now.

It's also the name of a semi-famous city state, you may have heard of the country.. "Greece".
Mine doesn't really mean anything. When I was registering I couldn't think of any really cool/creative names like Angry Lawyer, Q_onfused, ComradeBadger, etc, so I decided to just hit the keyboard. I did, bvasgm came up and I went with that.
When I went to create my first hotmail account years ago, I tried duffers at hotmail dot com but it was already in use. Btw my last name is Duffield and alot of people call me duffers for a nickname. Well i tried duffers1, 2 etc until about 6 when i decided to go for 20 just to see if it was free, and it wasn't taken so i decided to use it and I have been duffers20 ever since :P
Teh City State with red capes and an awesome army.

Mine's Sloth cause i was lazy and Evil cause i need more than 5char.
Icarus - as mentioned before he was a character in Greek mythology who flew too close to the Sun and his wax wings melted and he fell into the Ocean and died

I liked the name Icarus and one day I was sitting around and somehow Icarusintel popped into my head and sounded cool, I've been using it ever since
Pandaran Brewmaster name from Warcraft III.
Samon liked my story so...

When I was younger, I went with my dad to his Karate club he used to run.

One of the guys there pointed at me and said "He'll be a Shodan one day" (in martial arts, after black belt, you get 'dan' Shodan, Sandan, Nidan etc, Shodan means 'first degree')
I still don't know exactly what he meant, but the name kinda stuck.

So when System Shock 2 came out, the scary AI was an added bonus.
evil^milk said:
evil^milk = sounded funny when i first saw it on a random dude while playing tfc. i decided to adopt *cough*steal*cough* it and i've used it since.
Heh, there's a guy on another message board I'm on called A Happy Carton of Milk. You're natural enemies
My name is Glenn, that explains that bit.

The 'Hectic' comes from the name people gave me at college once, making me sound and look 'ghetto' like as rude boys use the term to call something 'good'. Due to me being the opposite of that it stuck as i ridiculed the term. Thats it really, does sound quite odd, and i'm the only one :) Originality is important.

(although my first account never got a confirmation email - so this was actually my 2nd attempt account username to sign up with, how different things could have been!)
No meaning, just a name I made up

(・ω・) ъ
What a suitable thread for my.....


My name is out of the box, its spacey and relects looking on things from a different perspective.

W00t me, happy postday to me!
CptStern = Captain Lincoln F. Sternn from the movie Heavy Metal

he's a thieving, conniving rogue responsible for amongst other things: "Running a Pre-Schooler's Prostitute ring, selling dope dressed as a nun, twelve counts of murder in the first degree, fourteen counts of armed theft of Federation property, twenty-two counts of piracy in high space, eighteen counts of fraud, thirty-seven counts of rape, and one moving violation."
Solaris said:
My name is out of the box, its spacey and relects looking on things from a different perspective.

Its out of the box?!? Perfectdark begs to differ. (and so do about 1500 other people with that name)

When i made a site on free webs it asked for a name, so like you do, you dont put your real name in, and i just mashed the keys. Turned out it was the name of the site, which ended up as w4e. Then i used it for my email address with 813 on the end.
I normally use the name "spunge813" or "SyntH" except on this forum, when i registered back in the day.

And thats the story of me.
Well, my name is Beerend and dude being dude, so combined it would form Beerdude. On trying to make a Hotmail account, Beerdude was already used and I could choose from other random bad nicknames. And there it was :


Really liked the sound of it, and it's original (no one else is named this way.)
If you see a 'Beerdude26' on what game whatsoever, you know it's me ;)
My guess is he's either Dutch or Belgian, mostly it's spelled as "Berend". It's a cool name, my real name (Jacco) really sucks
RoyaleWithCheese said:
My guess is he's either Dutch or Belgian, mostly it's spelled as "Berend". It's a cool name, my real name (Jacco) really sucks
He's Belgian, I think.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
My guess is he's either Dutch or Belgian, mostly it's spelled as "Berend". It's a cool name, my real name (Jacco) really sucks
Lol, if it was spelled as "Berend", why would I write it as "Beerend"? "Beerend" is the correct spelling. :p

Oh and yes I'm Belgian :p
My nickname was a creature @ UFO Enemy Unknown from 1994. It's still one of my all-time favourite games. The Chryssalid ( notice that I dropped one 's' when I started using this nick years ago ) was a nasty son of a bitch with an exoskeleton, sneaking around and stabbing people with its sharp claws. The victim turns into a zombie and eventually a new Chryssalid is born :P

And still, I haven't used any other nicks.
Beerdude26 said:
Lol, if it was spelled as "Berend", why would I write it as "Beerend"? "Beerend" is the correct spelling. :p

Oh and yes I'm Belgian :p
You're lucky your not Japanese and called 'Berend' ;)
Beerdude26 said:
Lol, if it was spelled as "Berend", why would I write it as "Beerend"? "Beerend" is the correct spelling. :p

Oh and yes I'm Belgian :p

Really? Never saw it spelled like that, I thought it was a type-o :P

Beerdude26 said:
Omg dilemma

Ok, just tell me what it means :p

You fell for it, it means the same :smoking:
Long story short, I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger. And suffixing it with "Angry" gives it a superhero vibe.

-Angry Lawyer
Erm, nothing, generally. The first person to say "Salmon" or "fish" will be perma banned.
Its a (Greek mythology) any of three winged sister monsters and the mortal Medusa who had live snakes for hair; a glance at Medusa turned the beholder to stone

Samon said:
Erm, nothing, generally. The first person to say "Salmon" or "fish" will be perma banned.

Lol you are a Fi... :)
"Salmon" or "fish"

An evil son of Zeus, also the name of the bad guy in the book I'm writing.
ríomhaire(ree-ver-ah) means computer in Irish(which isn't called Gaelic)
RoyaleWithCheese said:
My guess is he's either Dutch or Belgian, mostly it's spelled as "Berend". It's a cool name, my real name (Jacco) really sucks

I thought your name was from the movie PULP FICTION
Sulkdodds said:
"Salmon" or "fish"


Now you've done it. You are going to be banned! FOREVA! :| :cheese: