What is the meaning of your forum name?

Qonfused said:
It started off as Q_onfused. It's pronounced "confused" but with a Q and an underscore. I thought it was neat because the "Q_o" part looked like the popular text-face "O_o" meaning, you know, "I'm confused" or "Huh?" So, it was "confused" with the confused face in it. But most people never noticed the face and they mis-pronouced it as "Q-un-fused" thus why I took out the underscore.

I noticed the face and the confused, which I thought was really cool, and I was wondering why you took it out.

The_Someone: Don't really remember, long time ago
EmmDoubleEW: MW are my initials.
Adam Sandler character from "What the Hell Happened?" CD.

I also use Headcrab_Lord in others.
For my name, I just used to think that the Halflife forums were the only ones here, I named myself Dog-- after the character in HL2, the -- is because it said Dog, and Dog- were taken, so just added another -, Then I discovered the lounge forums, So my name is originally for the game.
'the brick' is a weapon in timesplitters 2 (gamecube). I was allways playing multiplayer deathmatch with my brother, and setting all weapons to brick, 'one hit kill' on, is one of the funniest multiplayer games I have ever played :)

At first I took [] Brick [] as my name, but since I couldn't allways put the ['s in my name, I changed it to 'The Brick'.
<3 Timesplitters :D

I challange you, sir, to a BRICK DEATHMATCH!
My name is quite random, I needed a nick for some site and I thought about that great japanish ski-jumper named 'Funaki', unfortunally I misspelled it and..BAM! Fonaki:D Now you you see 'Fonaki' on every kind of forums. I'm in no way an japanese though, if two guys stand in Japan and one of them walk west and the other east, they will meet each other in my garden (If they go with the same speed ofcourse):P.
Sulkdodds said:
<3 Timesplitters :D

I challange you, sir, to a BRICK DEATHMATCH!
HAR HAR slowmo death ON

*hits Sulkdodds in the arm*

Ahahha why do you grab to your nose lol?!

[slowmo deaths are awesome:D]
I love shamrocks/clovers, and Irish is my favorite nationality. I am not one bit Irish. I just am in it for the shamrocks/clovers. ;)
The Brick said:
*hits Sulkdodds in the arm*

Ahahha why do you grab to your nose lol?!

[slowmo deaths are awesome]

I'll get you yet! I've got a Fists of Steel aware, I'll have you know!
My name is puzzlemaker because I like puzzles and consider myself an intelectual of sorts.
Sulkdodds said:
I'll get you yet! I've got a Fists of Steel aware, I'll have you know!
NOoo aargh noes!! sulky, not in the groin!!aagh.... DON'T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT
They don't call 'em fists of steel for nothing. :naughty:
TollBooth Willie said:
Adam Sandler character from "What the Hell Happened?" CD.

I also use Headcrab_Lord in others.

I like your name but what the hell is up with your avatar?
pretty self explanitory..if you've ever read greek mythology..also it was my old dog's name