What Is The Most Messed Up Thing You Have Ever Seen?

Don't look at much dirty stuff, but the picture of Necrosis on the wikipedia article is pretty disturbing, although at the same time quite compelling.
In real life or on the internet?

In real life, someone killing a kitten. It was a mercy killing, but still.

On the net, probably a picture I saw on a certain board I really shouldn't have been on (**** you, curiosity). Actually I should have put this in the weird pornos thread but it's only just popped into my head. Basically it was an extreme fetish manga involving a girl with some kind of rapid flesh eating virus and a guy who was all too happy to... ugh... take advantage.

Yeah. Didn't fap for weeks after that.

I believe you just cured my crippling addiction to fapping.

The worst thing I've seen? Japanese culture.

In real life, I'm not sure. Someone having his head stamped on I think. It didn't crack open or anything gruesome, but witnessing that sort of violence in person is horrific.
chopcock and general gore especially involving heads or genitalia

Also that. Anything to do with genitals being mutilated makes me feel uncomfortable to the point of wanting to squirm. It's like when someone talks about breathing and you just become very aware of it. They mention tightness. A restriction on your chest. Your windpipe feeling shrunken. Are your lungs still working or are you living off the oxygen you just breathed in? Each breath feels more shallow than the last.


I'm trying to cut down on the amount of gore and other such depravity that I see. I like being disgusted. I like that it bothers me still, although only if I begin to empathise with the person I'm seeing.
We saw the entire process of a woman giving birth in sex ed class when I was 12. That wasn't if not messed up, then the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
I watched the decapitation video of Ken Bigley (kidnapped in Iraq) and I still regret it. I don't think the sword was sharp enough.

In real life I havn't seen anything really bad. I think I saw a dead guy being put into an ambulance, blanket over the head and everything. As I couldn't see a face/injuries it wasn't really shocking.
Internet? BME Pain Olympics.

Real Life? Back in Driver's ED Class they showed us all manner of sick shit.
Drunk drivers in the process of speeding into a tree... with the camera following their corpse out the windshield and all.
Pictures of before and after pictures.(before the accident, usually a general photo of the person, and then a picture of their mangled corpses in crazy positions in the vehicle... or out of it.)
They basically scared us into being incredibly careful drivers.

Not that it really worked, managed to scar my brain though.
Car crashes are some of the most horrific shit i've seen, human brutality aside. Makes you sit back and think why. And to what end.
It's like when someone talks about breathing and you just become very aware of it. They mention tightness. A restriction on your chest. Your windpipe feeling shrunken. Are your lungs still working or are you living off the oxygen you just breathed in? Each breath feels more shallow than the last.

About half way through your paragraph I noticed I was holding my breath.

We saw the entire process of a woman giving birth in sex ed class when I was 12. That wasn't if not messed up, then the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

Heh, had to see that AGAIN a few months ago, of course I had to make aircraft noises with my freind, so somone with great hearing might have heard:

"This is flight672, requesting permission to land."
"Negative 762, the runway is not clear, go around"
I saw a fairly brutal bar fight at my old work which involved about 15 people.
Strange timing, but I saw a girl nearly drown today.
it's too pixelated to be too shocking. I mean, it's decapitation, so yes, it's disturbing. I just had to see it, and I was like D: for a while, but honestly I don't really remember it, so it hasn't bothered me at all.

I mean, it's really nothing. I never understood why human death bothers us so much, but not insects, or even animals in some cases. I mean people kill and gut fish and deer and other wildlife, and even eat the shit. You may have seen deer and other animal guts splattered across a highway, but it's not really the same as if it was a human is it.

Can anyone tell me why do you think that is?

We relate to it. Also notice the more something has human quality, the more we feel for it (usually) IE: if a dog, cat, or a monkey is being tourchered we are usually more ;( Than say if an ant is being squished.
bah, if the picture i found of the supposed messed up portal thing, then im dissapointed. I advise you all to look up a Guro imageboard, what has been seen cant be unseen.

The most ****t up thing ive ever seen is probably the BME Pain olympics where the guy cuts of his balls.
bah, if the picture i found of the supposed messed up portal thing, then im dissapointed. I advise you all to look up a Guro imageboard, what has been seen cant be unseen.

The most ****t up thing ive ever seen is probably the BME Pain olympics where the guy cuts of his balls.

To go into more detail...

He uses a STEAK KNIFE to cut up his dick head and he punctures his ball sack spilling the juices and revealing his testes.
All while rubber bands are wrapped around his dick and sack.
One word, paramedic. It's not what I have seen now, it's what I haven't.
I think I inadvertently saw a guy shoot himself in the head on a fuzzy security camera video. It was on some video site and the description was completely deceptive. Made me pretty upset.

I have also briefly seen Tupac Shakur's supposed autopsy photo from a documentary about him. I turned away and shut my computer off incorrectly because I didn't want to look for the X to close Firefox, especially because, if you have tabs open, it asks if you're sure right in the middle of the screen. Anyway, that gave me that horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. Like you just got called on in class, but weren't paying attention. Like you just bumped into somebody you know and weren't at all prepared for it. Then I got sick and forced myself to unsee what I had just seen. It's amazing how it only takes literally a split second for the human mind to take a detailed picture of something, because I still see it.

Most disturbing thing I've seen in real life? It was at about 11:00PM on the freeway. There was a bunch of debris in the freeway that wasn't noticeable until it was too late. You either hit it or violently swerved away from it. On the side of the freeway there was a big ditch and there was no guardrail. There was a sofa on the freeway right in front of the guy to our left. He reacted by slamming on his brakes and turning hard toward the left. He went right into that ditch and I'm almost certain he died. I was like 11 or 12. My mom and dad had to help me out with that one a little.

Why do some of you seek this kind of stuff out? It's awful.
I found a video of a harlequin baby here on hl2.net once. You can watch it if you really, really want to.

[User was banned for these links]

And there's the page that encyclopediadramatica kindly directs you to when you click "Offended?"

[User was banned for these links]

I only looked at the first few pics, but there's a whole cestpit of depravity in there.
I found a video of a harlequin baby here on hl2.net once. You can watch it if you really, really want to.

And there's the page that encyclopediadramatica kindly directs you to when you click "Offended?"

I only looked at the first few pics, but there's a whole cestpit of depravity in there.

Im about five seconds from throwing up
cyberpitz desktop when we put 2 nekkid black doods on it...


that was messed up
You know, it's your decision people to watch these video/pics unless somebody deceives you with a bad link. Well worst thing I saw was my first and last time I went to mgy0t forums. I was interested in what the site looks like and I saw a dead body at Katrina. Worst thing in life would have to be a year ago though. I was driving up route 3 North to Manchester, NH with my mom to college. We were going fairly at a fast, normal pace at 70 MPH but we had enough time to fully soak up the scene and my mom and I were just like D: Rednecks don't care about animal life so I don't what they say or if they think we are "Massholes". Well some truck had to create enough force to smash a dear. There was just a wide streak of brown, bright red blood. It looked like a massive homicide scene. The only thing that was untouched and looked normal was the head. It was a normal head with surprised eyes, normal neck, but under the necks was guts. The entire body was just exploded with various bones sticking out. Oh and there was legs with "venison" sticking out of it, some legs scattered around the body. My best description would be "The Thing" dog scene in RL. The second to last month going to college I heard on the radio on anther road I wasn't driving a bear cub was demolished. So when you see a very large brown streak on the highway in NH, you know what happened. Oh and lol at my Chell image that I posted, that I was funny. Chell created a portal in front of her, bent over and licked herself out from a portal behind her. :laugh:
Yeah there was like legs sticking out of it (more like meaty flesh pile with hair and skin) with the hooves and all. Just like the ball joint with ligaments all over it. Gahh I'll never forget that one. :x
Saw a guy beat the shit out of his girlfriend once at a party.

Saw my good friend laying face down dead whilst on LSD (yes, it was a hallucination). That was pretty frightening.

Saw my cousin reach back with her fishing pole overcast style, hook her little 4 year old brother in the neck with the hook, and WHIP the pole forward with as much force as possible. God, that was a terrible scream.

Saw a woman run over a duckling at a McDonalds drive through. Poor thing, she was driving fairy slowly, so it screamed and screamed as the tire progressed tediously over its body, and you could see its innards pressing up against the walls of its body, as if one were to sit on a balloon and watch the air deform the walls of the balloon, until it just straight up exploded in this HUGE wet red mess. God, that was horrible...

I had to stab a chicken to death once, that was pretty god awful too. We shot it with a pellet gun because it was trying to escape from my friends pen for the nth time, and my friend wanted to not only stop the damned thing from running away ever again, but also make an example of it for the other chickens to see what'd happen if they tried to ran. Put 3 shots into it and it didn't go down, so we chased it down, kicked it to the ground, and just kept putting more and more and more lead into it. Thing wouldn't die, so I had to take a knife and stab it god knows how many times in the head and body. Finally went down after what had to have been 10+ stabs.
Saw a guy get shot dead in front of me in a club (and a couple other guys shot)

random beating etc etc
Yeah there was like legs sticking out of it (more like meaty flesh pile with hair and skin) with the hooves and all. Just like the ball joint with ligaments all over it. Gahh I'll never forget that one. :x
**** you I'm eating! Were the guts all meshed up to look like they have a bunch of deformed mouths and faces in them?
The offended article... you all are going to hate me, but I almost chuckled at the picture of the decapitated head with the finger in its nose. Then I realized what the **** I was doing.
Chechen rebel beheadings
Child abuse videos
Animal cruelty
And there's the page that encyclopediadramatica kindly directs you to when you click "Offended?"


I only looked at the first few pics, but there's a whole cestpit of depravity in there.

F*cking curiousity. God, a sliced open dick?! D:
Holy shit that is the worst stuff ive ever seen.

I am never ever clicking a link again.
The worst thing I've ever seen was a video of a guy finishing peeling the skin off his dick, then masturbating to orgasm.

That's right. He was jacking off a skinless dick. Believe me when I say that it damaged me.
This thead is starting to make me uncomfortable. I think it touched me in my nono place.
To go into more detail...

He uses a STEAK KNIFE to cut up his dick head and he punctures his ball sack spilling the juices and revealing his testes.
All while rubber bands are wrapped around his dick and sack.

That is the most ****ing disgusting thing I have ever heard in my life, no joke.
I found a video of a harlequin baby here on hl2.net once. You can watch it if you really, really want to.

And there's the page that encyclopediadramatica kindly directs you to when you click "Offended?"

I only looked at the first few pics, but there's a whole cestpit of depravity in there.

Is there a cure for Harlequins? D: and D: at the offended
The worst thing I've ever seen was a video of a guy finishing peeling the skin off his dick, then masturbating to orgasm.

That's right. He was jacking off a skinless dick. Believe me when I say that it damaged me.

NONONONONONONONONO. You are not telling the truth. THAT IS A JOKE. D: D: D: D: D: D: