What Is Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink

Jul 1, 2003
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I'm interested to hear everyone's opinions on this subject. I don't have a favorite as of right now..but I'd like to find one.
I dun drink teh alchohol.

but bawls is one of my favourite drinks.
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
I'm interested to hear everyone's opinions on this subject. I don't have a favorite as of right now..but I'd like to find one.

u realize that most of the users of this forum are more than likely under-age? :LOL:

nonetheless, my fav alcoholic drink is brokendowngolfcart

i love that stuff.. had like 7 in a row once, was a little buzzed but nothing overly.. :cheers:
1) Guiness
2) Jameson on the rocks
3) Bombay & tonic, 90% Bombay

Ever had a 'Happy Monday'? Not sure whats in it, but it's the smoothest tasting cocktail you'll ever have.
On what...embarasing yourself ? :LOL:

Yeah I know...I WILL drink some seomday
Remember that a lot of poeple on this forum are too young to drink!
fav beer: Baltika (Russian, from St. Petersburg)
fav vodka: Crystall (Russian of course; Moscow)

mixed drinks, depending upon my mood: Irish coffee; Harvey Wallbanger; White Russian; whiskey & water; perfect Margarita shaken & strained never blended (perfect Margarita is: Cointreau/Grand Marnier/lime juice/1800 or better Tequila + some margarita mix; salt on the rim).

Yeah I like my drinks! I could go on and on, but that is the main fair, what I have available at all times.
I like Mead. It's an old drink. The Vikings used to drink that.

My tastes a exotic.

1) Mead
2) Diesel (Lager, Cider and Blackcurrant)
3) Ginger Wine
4) Cherry Liquer stuff
and finally 5) Plain old Vodka.


2-3 domestic american beers......

sam adams is good

and beer from just about anywhere else, american beer sucks.


various mixed drinks.
I'm a sucker for chocolate drinks. :)
So I like Orgasm and and my own home made O'boy drinks. wonderful. :E
I know... I'm a wuss.

Then ofcourse Tequila, Samboca (sp?), and whats that lickerish liqueur called?
But I often start off with some Ciders.
Don't drink beer though.
And no wine either.
Originally posted by Idolon
I'm a sucker for chocolate drinks. :)
So I like Orgasm and and my own home made O'boy drinks. wonderful. :E
I know... I'm a wuss.

Then ofcourse Tequila, Samboca (sp?), and whats that lickerish liqueur called?
But I often start off with some Ciders.
Don't drink beer though.
And no wine either.

haha o´boy drinks.....O´boy rockz!!
my current favourit drink is "Filur"(may be called something else in other countries)

1/5 Vodka
3/5 Orange juice
1/5 raspberry soda

pretty simple but it tastes goood!
Idolon there are many liquorice/anis drinks but the most famous one is the french Ricard obviously since they created this beverage. There's Ricard or Pastis, and then there's Absynth the most powerful alcoholic beverage on this planet: it's been banned in France since 1915!!! It can go up to 78%, I have a 70% bottle I brought back from CZ that's sitting in my fridge I don't even want to taste it lol : )
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Idolon there are many liquorice/anis drinks but the most famous one is the french Ricard obviously since they created this beverage. There's Ricard or Pastis, and then there's Absynth the most powerful alcoholic beverage on this planet: it's been banned in France since 1915!!! It can go up to 78%, I have a 70% bottle I brought back from CZ that's sitting in my fridge I don't even want to taste it lol : )

You can buy Absinthe that's 85%.

Yeah I got a friend who sometimes drinks absinthe...
It's powerful stuff.
And expensive.
I don't go near it. :)

I have totaly forgot the name of the one I was refering to though... damn.
Re: Re: What Is Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink

Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
u realize that most of the users of this forum are more than likely under-age? :LOL:
Pfft. In the US, maybe. 21!? No offense but you lose. Big time. Anyway, best drinks:
Red Wine
Beer - Stella Artois, Becks, Sol/Corona (both with a slice of lime), Pilsner Urquell, a bunch of other Czech and Belgian beers I can't remember the names of. Bud is awful.
Tequila... Occasionally. Golden Jose Cuervo. Salt and lemon OR the wonderful golden sugar & orange combo.
Gin... Nice but reminds me of my mum
Cider... on its own or: + beer= Snakebite! Feath referred to it as Diesel... Interesting.
Bailey's... Girls' drink!? Pffft.
Malibu... <As above> With coke is nice...
The ever-wonderful Long-Island Iced Tea

There's this one I had in Holland that this beautiful barmaid gave me and my friends for free (she was so nice I was trying desperately hard not to propose) but I've fogottern what it was called and what was in it. <Sighs>

I want to like Whiskey (I'm all kinds of Celtic, ya see) but I just don't... Source of woe:(
Vodka. Is. Evil.
Vodka's good with anything. I love it.

Favorite drink though is probably a "B2 Bomber" Im not sure whats in it though. Oh ya I am under age but that hasn't stopped me. :cheers:
Have you ever ordered a Cider and a Samboca from the bartender, and then watched the bartender pour the Samboca into the cider.
I was very baffled when that happened to me.
I must have stared at the bartender with my mouth open for a minute.
Then the bartender realized that a probably didn't want it like that. :)
Is that a drink or something?
I don't se how you can mix the two...
I like a nice bit of pure ethanol, keeps me toasty ;)

Whatever is going will usually be enough for me :)
Holy shit Ouzo! That's a licorice drink as well, I remember back in High School I had a half greek half canadian friend, there was this party at his "mansion" (filthy rich father) and there were greeks everywhere: when they started dancing they were all drunk and started breaking plates on the ground, just smashing them, one guy kept breaking them on his skull! lol that's the traditional greek way :D
uhm i dont know if you guys know this one but here goes:

Passoa, its this kind of alchole thats tastes abit like watermelon, its 20%

you mix 2/3 orange juice and 1/3 passoa, then when your drunk you mix 0/3 orange juice and 3/3 passoa :p
Ethanol :)

Originally posted by derby
Remember that a lot of poeple on this forum are too young to drink!

That all depends on where you live. In my country you can drink at any age, but you cant buy it until you reach 18.

Thats probably the case for most of Europe.

Drinking American beer is like drinking shandy :p

:flame: :flame: :flame: burn burn burn :flame: :flame: :flame:
American beer is like having sex in a canoe.

It's f---ing close to water.
Stella or Murphy's both are refreshing

however... theres nothing like a pint of Oranjeboom to cool you down at lunchtime in school :)
The worst was I was playing a drinking game (I can't be bothered to explain) with a bunch of friends and one of them got very over-lord evil with dealing out "Trickshots" for the losers. These were bizarre concoctions and the fact was that she didn't know exactly what was what. So you might get a shot of Malibu and coke, or wine, or you might get something far more evil. Which I got.
I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was basically Baileys (an Irish cream whiskey - lovely) plus some other spirit and apple tango. Which had caused the Baileys to congeal. It floated on the top like cottage cheese and I just stared at it in horror. To make things "easier" she got a cocktail swizzle and mixed it up. The closest equivalent I think of to what it looked like I won't divulge because... Well it was bad. But to my credit I still drank it (go me!) with a beer chaser, but felt like shit for the next day and a half.
One really nice thing to do (Baileys again :p) :
Half a shot of Creme de menthe
Fill the rest of the shot by pouring Baileys slowly over a spoon into the glass so that it doesn't mix, but floats on top
Knock it back, tastes beautifully like mint chocolate, but in a really nice way