What is your favorite HL2 video and why?


Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Traptown? Coastline? G Man? Some tec video? Post here your comments about your favorite video. I tried to post a poll, but seems like I'm a total forum noob ... Would someone post one?

My favorite one is Barricade. It has Barney in it, talking about Black Mesa. It has an amizing urban combat like aciton, it shows the amazingly realistic HL2 physics, lighting, modeling and texturing. It just makes me feel inside a sci-fi action movie sequel, or something like that... Love the DX9(high-dynamic range rendering) trailer as well.
Gotta be the strider one. STRIDER!!!! Simply awesome atmospheric music at the beginning and some cool action scenes
G-Man for me. There's no action but he is JUST SO COOL. :P
Probably Tunnels, it hs incredible atmosphere and a cool soundtrack.
Second would be either Bugbait, Barricade or Strider (damn hard to choose)
I like the E3 video where they attach a camera to something and you can see what the camera sees on many screens put together, like a giant TV.
Letters said:
Traptown by a lot.
I agree, best demonstration of physics and creativity. (The swinging metal beam, the propeller blade thingy)

But if we were to get another one I would want a Strider Vid.
Originally traptown, but I lean towards tunnels. I havn't seen that one as much, and i like the flame shot gun. and the combine wears those funny pants with the poof on the side.
Gman also. er hell i give up. i dunna
traptown, with tunnels coming in a close second. although the strider video is incredibly impressive, and coastline has its moments too. who am i kidding, i love them all and watch them all the time.
Cant choose. With any luck we will be able to experience them all very soon.
Definatly the strider, its actually spooky how it moves. STRIDEEERRR!!!

I moarn for the poor guy who got impaled my the strider, then got flung like he meant nothing.


Driving a sand buggy, hitting combines and jumping over a wreaked bridge while being chased by an alien gunship = NICE.
I like psyche, stryydarr! and Traptown :)
Traptown definitely. I dunno but it has a kinda creepy atmosphere that I love.
The.Spiral said:

Driving a sand buggy, hitting combines and jumping over a wreaked bridge while being chased by an alien gunship = NICE.
Indeed, a very action packed scene. And I wonder what would happen if I didn't kill it and let it keep chasing me down that road? So many possibilities!! I wondow how many times I will be redoing scenes like this? And the game will have PLENTY of them, one right after another, I can't wait!!
I like the technical demonstration video, especially in the part where they are in the swimming pool room. I loved all of the physics demonstrations there.
blahblahblah said:
I like the technical demonstration video, especially in the part where they are in the swimming pool room. I loved all of the physics demonstrations there.
Heh, swimming pool? With wooden structure pooltoys? Cool, splinters! :P

That was a good vid, especially part 2 with the camera. That room looks fun to play in. :)
It is definately Coastline and Barricade, because ones got a buggy and the other Barney (You can't beat his humour)
I like traptown a lot... It shows like the coolest parts of the game, although the buggy thing is pretty cool. That reminds me, does anyone knwo if there will be a 3rd person view optional for the vehciles? or will it be strictly 1st?
I think G Man comes in second, I don't know about you, but the first time I checked the graphics diference between HL and HL 2 was with the G Man video (You guys had e3 first, right?) in the demo cd that comes with CS:CZ. I couldn't believe my eyes, now I spend more time at this forum than playing CZ...
dat_monkey said:
I like traptown a lot... It shows like the coolest parts of the game, although the buggy thing is pretty cool. That reminds me, does anyone knwo if there will be a 3rd person view optional for the vehciles? or will it be strictly 1st?

It's possible through console commands to switch on and off (I'm fairly sure) but it won't be implimented for normal gameplay.
PainLord said:
Cant choose. With any luck we will be able to experience them all very soon.

Agreed. (10 char limit...)
i have to say mine is between barricade and tunnels, i loved barricade but then tunnels came out and my opinion split, i love the closed in suspensfull feel but i also love that massive outdoor combat
Mines proabably Barricade, but its very close between it, hdr, tunnels and striders.

But dont forget Dr. Kleiners lab, alex is da bomb, the facial expression system is incredible. I also love the water bubbling in the tanks in the background, the refraction effect is cool. Also when gordon knocks over the monitor and dr. kleiner tells him to be carefull :) my god I can't wait to play this game.
The E3 presentation wouldn't be complete without every segment that was included but the Traptown segment is what truly blew my mind! The display of A.I., physics, and the variety of ways to progress have me so excited about HL2. I've got my ticket! :)
Mikey Canuck said:
The E3 presentation wouldn't be complete without every segment that was included but the Traptown segment is what truly blew my mind! The display of A.I., physics, and the variety of ways to progress have me so excited about HL2. I've got my ticket! :)
Wow yeah I totally forgot about the awesome AI in that video. Also the different ways to advance, what if I went down the ramp instead of in the building? :) Man this game... so good....
:sniper: :angry: am the sniper and the guys is a combine in city 17,

so I like the city 17 and coastline
can't wait to make combine "fly" thx to my buggy! :cheese:
Traptown- gobsmacked when I saw 'Gordon' moving the table to block the doorway and even more gobsmacked seeing the AI try a few times to get in then finally kick the door in sending the table flying. Also the zombie chopping :D
But then we must question the credibility of everything in the videos.
seeing as the gaming magazines were able to play those levels for an hour and a half and apparently enjoyed it, id say that everything we saw is very real by this point.
I'm not quite buying everything as real in the phystown demo.