What is your impression towards Chinese?

Edit: One day we'll win. You'll see. Even if it takes the life of every last man woman and child, we'll win. (Assuming China takes the feared route of extending its hegemonic aspirations)

Does South Korea compete in World Idol?
As a whole? The greatest strategical nemesis our nation has ever faced since the death of the USSR. A communist nation bent on global hegemonic domination of all the free world, et cetera ad infinite. Also, thanks to Confucius culture, they pretty much know what etiquette is, I'd imagine.

The hell you talking about Numbers. You should be praising the Chinese government. Thought control, heavy militarization, an impressive government censorship system(which censors their internet which is damn impressive) and government sponsored capitalism. I think at the moment they are more fascist than communist to be honest.

Damn it, you should be studying the Chinese government to learn about censorship/suppression. Unless I have got your ideology completely wrong.

Halflife2.net now banned in China.

They also stall in climate change talks and do not wish to see progress being made in that area. Also if this site gets banned, I apologise to my fellow halflife2.net users in China.
I love your culture and food but i despise your totalitarian government.
It's not as horrible as North Korea's but it's in the same ball park.
Yeah, the Chinese are cool. Well, as cool as anyone else, anyway.

I particularly enjoy the communist fanatics that seem to appear at western univeristies. Laughed my arse off when a Chinese bird stopped a lecture dead for around twenty minutes, repeating over and over again that "Taiwan is not a country" and interupted every time it was even mentioned. So wonderfully out of place in a liberal western country during an international relations lecture.

But yeah, Chinese people are fine. The state of China, not so much.
You guys are alright, you need to stop going around in a massive swarm at university though speaking Chinese, and then complain that none of the whiteys talk to you.

Your government (the Mainland Chinese one) needs to GTFO my planet.

More importantly those Chinese protesters during the Olympics who were protesting western protests of the Chinese government?...yeah wtf was that?....that was not only one of the most illogical things ever (why would a Chinese immigrant feel the need to suck the PRC pole?) it was quite offensive.

Um, cheers for inventing noodles and shit?...that stuff is a student staple.

Thank you for Jackie Chan.

Um...I guess cheers for helping drive Japan into the arms of the West and enabling guys like me to steal their womenfolk?

I guess I like that you guys make all our crap dirt cheap and at your own expense so that us westerners get to live in hedonistic luxury while Most Chinese work for pittance?

Cheers for that.

Nah seriously though, I dunno what to think, when it comes to race/nationality I'm one of those guys who tends to judge folk on an individual basis rather then sign up to the philosophy of "the Chinaman looks all alike therefore must be alike" and making wild judgements on what 'you people' are like.

Vegeta said:
Only when you date one yourself will you experience how the vice grip of utter control and lost hope feels.

You finally met up with that girl ey? Bravo son, bravo.

Fun fact: The reason the Chinese cuisine is so fubar is that they had so many famines they started eating everything around them. Rice is not a reliable staple people.
I dont care.

Chinese food is unbeatable.

Wontons. Dumplings. Noodles.

God I would happily eat it every day.
Chinese people = Great
Chinese government = Sickens me
Does South Korea compete in World Idol?


Chinese people = Great
Chinese government = Sickens me


The Chinese government is the exact reason that I contemplate the summoning of Cthulhu as a viable strategic device for detterence and destruction.
Despite there being a good number of Chinese students in my University, I've never spoken to one. They seem to keep to themselves mostly. Had a great laugh though when the Chinese girl in my Fourier Methods class's phone when off and this was her message tone (except not being done by a girl):
Wa Wa Waaaaa

The fact that she looked so embarrassed only made it more fitting.
The Japanese are great. They were the only technologically backwards culture to come into contact with modern civilization and say, Oh shit, we gotta do what they're doing, only better. Emperor realizes that they are living in the stone age, farming rice, and fighting with swords and tells everybody they have to work hard and modernize.
And why were the still fighting with swords at that point? :dozey:

Um, cheers for inventing noodles and shit?...that stuff is a student staple.
Oh yeah noodles lol. Let's forget about China inventing gunpowder, paper, printing, the compass, fireworks, negative numbers, the pinhole camera, toilet paper, bells etc. Noodles are clearly their most important contribution.

Fun fact: The reason the Chinese cuisine is so fubar is that they had so many famines they started eating everything around them. Rice is not a reliable staple people.

Bullshit. It's their wierd protein sources that are fubar not their rice-based carbs.

Alrite, calm down rice-harvester, I wasn't attacking your sexual preferences, just giving thanks for noodles.

Why do you have to turn some gratitude of a culture and turn it into your own misery?

Light up some Old Toby and chill out, or at least write a grumpy old man letter to your local paper like every other life sapping dead-weight.
Yeah we should all be cooool, laid back and ignorant like you try to come across as.
The Chinese Government does not pretend to be Marxist Lenninists. They admit they have embraced free market capitalism.

I often wonder if their government are really all that bad too. They have a very divided society in terms of wealth. Primitive peasents are the majority of the population (am I right in this)? And the rest live in cities. If they introduced democracy, the peasents interests would win and China wouldn't be able to progress.

It's too divided a society for democracy is how the argument goes, and though I oppose it, it is an interesting idea to think about.
The Chinese government is the exact reason that I contemplate the summoning of Cthulhu as a viable strategic device for detterence and destruction.

Your government, the way you speak about it and the way it's impressed on me seems like it's not a ton better.

Kind of like North Korea lite.
In my field at my university, 40% of the students speak Chinese fluently, about 20% are foreign students from China, and 50% are at least of Chinese descent.

I have a lot of Chinese friends, and they are decent people, just like everyone else.

There are some odd cultural and political issues related to the foreign (as in, they are here on a visa) students, though. For one thing, if you mention anything bad about China or Chinese Communism, they'll get extremely offended. I was once in an English class whose sole purpose was to discuss modern totalitarian governments. The class was easily 60-70 percent Chinese descent, and of those maybe about half were foreign students. Whenever the professor would bring up China and the totalitarian practices of the Chinese government, the foreign students would get extremely worked up. "You shouldn't talk about China like that." "You don't understand Chinese culture," etc. etc. My Chinese friends then later complained about the class being "insensitive" and the professor being "disrespectful" by even hinting that the Chinese government was totalitarian.

I can understand the sentiment, but at the same time, its a little weird that we have these devout Communists studying in an American university, exposed to the full brunt of capitalism and democracy, and they don't seem to be swaying at all.

The Chinese students here also tend to group very tightly with their own. There are Chinese support groups, Chinese-only festivals and clubs, and it is very common to see clusters of students walking around speaking only Chinese.

One other thing that bothers me about some of the foreign students is their insistence upon smoking. Smoking is much more popular in China than it is in the U.S, and before our school banned smoking on campus, there would be huge gatherings of Chinese students standing outside the doors of all the buildings and smoking during passing periods.
The Chinese? I think 'the west' has always felt really ambivalent towards them, as it usually does to any strong cultural / economic power it doesn't already include. I think people always saw them as a kind of 20th Century Diet Communism that would sooner or later get bored of the idea and come join the party. Now that Communism isn't this nasty monster in all our closets, (and now that China isn't really a communist nation), the media seems to hold China up more often as a cautionary tale. For the moment, China is presented as a kind of bogeyman: it's what we would be if our governments 'went bad', and there's always an air of caution about the country's intentions.

Chinese people? I don't think there has been a more consistently visible or important non-European culture in the western viewpoint. But people are just people, and the Chinese are only as stupid as the rest of us.
I can understand the sentiment, but at the same time, its a little weird that we have these devout Communists studying in an American university, exposed to the full brunt of capitalism and democracy, and they don't seem to be swaying at all.
Nationalism != communism.

I have never met an actual Chinese communist.
Nationalism != communism.

I have never met an actual Chinese communist.

Nation != State.

Defending the government regardless of thier actions is not nationalism as state and nation are not one and the same.

That is perhaps the scariest, though perhaps not surprising thing about China - the government has sucessfully subverted nationalism to be the defence of the government, not the nation. It seems people geinuinely believe that the government is the nation, there is no alternative and anyone attacking the government is attacking China as a whole.
The Chinese students here also tend to group very tightly with their own. There are Chinese support groups, Chinese-only festivals and clubs, and it is very common to see clusters of students walking around speaking only Chinese.

I noticed this when I was here for orientation and was a little annoyed by it, but got over it pretty fast. It's gotta be 20 times more difficult for them to converse in English, so I can see why they would group together just out of ease and comfort. I heard there was a Cantonese student in my department once who had a really difficult time since 99+% of the Chinese students here speak Mandarin. But the Chinese students in my lab are all really nice and completely fine with speaking English when there are Americans around.

As for the Chinese government, I've read that major events like the Tiananmen Square massacre are not known by the majority of the population, which makes me sad. (There's one more for censorship of HL2.net in China). I went on a China trip, just with a tour group, through Shanghai, Beijing, Guilin, Hong Kong, etc. The people all seemed nice enough although there is definitely a high level of poverty, which again is sad. Also, I got sick off riverboat food so that sucked :P.
Nation != State.

Defending the government regardless of thier actions is not nationalism as state and nation are not one and the same.

That is perhaps the scariest, though perhaps not surprising thing about China - the government has sucessfully subverted nationalism to be the defence of the government, not the nation. It seems people geinuinely believe that the government is the nation, there is no alternative and anyone attacking the government is attacking China as a whole.
You pretty much hit the nail. That's what all totalitarian regimes are trying to do. They know most peoples have a form of bond to the nation, whether it's expressed in language, culture, religion and/or history. If that bond is translated into a loyalty to the state, they will have created a very submissive population.
Your government, the way you speak about it and the way it's impressed on me seems like it's not a ton better.

Kind of like North Korea lite.


Haven't I always said that North Korea is the shit and we are awesome? What part of awesome do you not get? :/

It's true that we're a lot more conservative, but we're still superbly democratic. Eh, think Texas, and you prolly get the idea.
Haven't you guys heard? According to the Vatican, China's economy will soon be destroyed by robot asteroid mining in space.
So long as it's unmanned robot's it could work. Damned space communists always wanting independence.
It's true that we're a lot more conservative, but we're still superbly democratic. Eh, think Texas, and you prolly get the idea.

Comparing South Korea to Texas doesn't help ;)
Only Texas would kick your ass, ****ing slant-eye.

Just kidding. I still like you numbers.
I would imagine that if Texas (just Texas) and South Korea got locked into a war (not nuclear: that'd just be cheating), Texas would be wiped off the map.
I would imagine that if Texas (just Texas) and South Korea got locked into a war (not nuclear: that'd just be cheating), Texas would be wiped off the map.

Hey, don't underestimate the power of rednecks with rifles ;).

Texas isn't all that bad though. Houston recently elected a lesbian for mayor, and some guy named Kinky apparently gets enough support to keep running for city and state offices all the time.
Haven't I always said that North Korea is the shit

For a moment there, I thought you became a North Korean agent overnight. Because I thought you just said North kore was the shit, meaning awesome. But then I read the rest of your sentence and thought "balance have been restored to the universe'.
I would imagine that if Texas (just Texas) and South Korea got locked into a war (not nuclear: that'd just be cheating), Texas would be wiped off the map.



That would be a geographic impossibility anyway. Neither state has enough money to send troops that far overland and then overseas.
I knew it was a joke; I wasn't commenting on the joke, I was commenting on the implied scenario. Besides, I'm willing to bet that South Korea would have enough money. Maybe not enough to annex Texas, but definitely enough to subdue it (ala America V. Japan, WWII).
GDP (Nominal) Texas: $1,223,511mil (2nd largest in US)
GDP (Nominal) South Korea: $1,009,217mil


Texas Population: 24,782,302 (2nd Largest in US)
S.K. Population: 50,011,113(est, 2010)


Of course, you have to consider the fact that ROK forces get slightly better weapons than the national guard, and that Texas can make no ships, while S.K. accounts for most of the world's heavy ship production. Also, Texas coast guard prolly doesn't have naval Aegis destroyers or pseudo-aircraft carriers. :p However, short of raiding Texas Crude along the way, we would have absolutely no way of supplying our forces with the required oil for our mechanized and armored divisions, leaving only foot infantry to fight in that blasted land that is twice larger than Germany.

On the other hand, Texas would have a hard time getting on the Korean peninsula, what with fortified AA locations on every other building, shores with landmines and electrified fences, and people who don't speak english.

Still, only the combined might of the United States of America has enough money and 'national will' to do a stand-alone invasion overseas, in a country on the other side of the globe. Precisely why I love having the US as an ally. Texas included. :p If we had to fight the US, I'd really go and try to find some deep buried inconceivable evil from the ages before time.
There's one thing SK doesn't have.

Whenever I think of china I think of anger, a want for power and a dislike for every other country.
Whenever I think of Chinese people, I think of similar faces, and that there are many of them. I have a few Asian friends but not too many that are Chinese. I think Chinese people are more serious than us American folks. Also in my town Asian is the 2nd more prominent race after Caucasian.