What is your job?


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score

I`m unemployed but awaiting a reply from a potential employer.
Shelf stacker at Sainsbury's (Supermarket)

Shelf stacker at Sainsbury's (Supermarket)


Work at Maceys (grocery store) in the dairy.

.....helps me sleep at night knowing that I help customers choose from a variety of Yoplait yogurts.

Kids are always funny too.
"Mommy! There's a man behind the milk!"
I work at a LAN center called Gamefrog.

I don't really have a title or position but we like to call ourselves peons.
I help my mom with her job for 45 bucks an hour.

Yeah, I kinda win tbh.
I used to work extra at a local supermarket but I musta done something wrong cause they don't want me back no more...
Virgin Mobile Returns.

Some of the things I've seen of these returned phones will scar you for life. :|
Buss boy at Two Dollar Bill's Kinfolks Catfish Restaurant.

Yes, that's really the name.

Until yesterday I was a recruitment consultant. From Wednesday I'll be a sales executive, either selling Yahoo search keyword advertising or conference seats for a top media company. Not sure yet.
The good thing about working in sales recruitment is that I can just take my pick and jump into a new job... :D
Pi, when you die, can I take over your life?
I'm a marketing coordinator / graphic designer / e-commerce site admin / tech support / delivery driver / plumber / electrician / hardware repair guy / pretty much every other job title you can think of, thrown in to one.

And I don't get paid anywhere near what I deserve. The joy is, I can't get fired ... so i'm always late, always argue with the boss and I never give two shits about the work I do. Stress free easy life, but not enough money.
Network field engineer

I work for

In school, training to be a computer animator.
FIND ME A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 :(

I keep applying but cant find a ****ing part time job in this shit hole. It's not like I don't have qualifications either.....


I'll get a god damned degree then come back and ****ing kick the employers asses, wanktards.
Technician-ish stuff (rigging computers, networks, long-distance communications) at sport events during the summer. Otherwise I'm working on my bachelor's degree in game dev while looking for work at the same time.
In that case I am a professional rockstar!!


I got payed for my last gig with the band

Student / Doing air quality research over the summer.